Lisa was scared to death as she moved closer to the dark tinted jeep.
"Stand here! My boss wants to have a word with you" one of the body guard yelled loudly as he holds Lisa.
The glass of the jeep doors whines down and a bald looking man with white beards, dark shades and a very revealing scar on his right cheek like someone whose skin nearly survived serious burn.
The fierce looking man lighted a cigarette and turned to remove his glasses but didn't hesitate to.
Lisa's legs were quivering in fear as she couldn't bear the sight of what her eyes saw.
"Don't you dare lay a finger on her!" Frederick screamed loudly as he struggles to open the car door which was already blocked by the second bodyguard.
"Shut the hell up or I'll shut it up for you!" The second bodyguard said angrily.
"Lisaaaaaaaaaa" he shouted loudly as watched her being held strongly by the other bodyguard.
The mafia boss didn't hesitate to let his message known to Lisa which would be passed to her father.
He seemed like a Man with few words but his silence was quite deadly.
He smoked his cigarette and blew out the smoke on Lisa's face as she coughs terribly due to the smoke.
"What do you want from me?" She asked as she gasps for air and becomes weak from the grip of the bodyguard. Never has she been held in such manner before.
The mafia boss disregarded her question and only enjoyed his cigarette as he watches her sigh in excruciating pain.
His face couldn't easily be seen cause of the dark shades and the night scene but Lisa was convinced he was a really mean man.
She could perceive the smell of whisky and a mix of heroine in the air around him but she had become too weak to actually figure out what was happening around her.
The bodyguard held her by the hair and raised her head facing directly at the stern looking boss as he signaled him with his hand.
"Ouch!! Who the hell are you?" Lisa sneered in fear as she felt a terrible ache from the guard's pull of her hair.
The mafia finally decides to speak after few minutes of watching the poor girl groan in pain.
"Tell your father that he's worst nightmare is back to haunt him" He said in a commanding voice which almost made Lisa faint.
Lisa was so grieved on fear that she couldn't mutter a single word as she falls down to the ground when the guard relieved her.
The two heavy bodied men immediately walked and entered into the black tinted jeep and fled in full speed.
Frederick quickly pulled the door open through the broken glad and ran speedily to where Lisa was.
"Lisa!....Lisa!....please look at me. Say something please"
She manages to open her eyes slowly and says a few words but was too weak to speak.
"I'm taking you to the hospital okay...just hang I there my love" he said nervously as he carries her and lies her gently on the back seat while he quickly gets into the driver's seat and speeds up towards a nearby hospital.
He reaches out to the nurses immediately and they rushed her in to one of the wards.
The doctor goes in to the ward she was taken and he checks her.
Frederick immediately calls for her parents who had already been worried about them since they had passed the time they were supposed to have returned.
In a couple of minutes Mr and Mrs Wellington were already at the hospital.
"Frederick what happened to Lisa?" Mrs Gina asked furiously as though he had done something bad to her.
"Ma.....we...we...." he fumbled on his words
"You.....we....say something young man!" Mr Greg yelled at him.
The doctor walked in to meet them at the reception.
"Are you the going lady's parents? The doctor asked with curiosity.
"Yessss! Please how is she? What happened to our daughter?" Mrs Gina asked in dismay.
"Well she suffered from shock due to maybe something she experienced or saw....but she's okay now and no internal injuries" he replies curtly.
"Thank you doctor....please can we see her?"
"Yes but for a few minutes cause she needs to get some rest" the doctor cautioned as they all went on to see her.
They entered the ward where Lisa lied like a sleeping beauty waiting for her prince charming.
"Even in her sleep her beauty shines" Frederick soliloquies for a second.
Mrs Gina demanded for Frederick to explain what had happened.
"What really happened to both of you? She asked politely this time seeing that Lisa was okay.
Just as he was about to speak, Lisa opened her eyes and called out for Frederick.
"My princess thank God you're safe" Her dad responds.
She quickly remembers the message from the devil in form of the mafia boss as she rubs her temples gently.
"Dad! he said I should tell you that your worst nightmare is back to haunt you" she said with pains as the words fumbles out of her mouth.
"My nightmare?" Mr Greg said in confusion as he tries to get a hold of everything she said.
"Sir, those men were very mean and they didn't seem to have any Human sympathy" Frederick said nervously as he sat close to Lisa's bed.
"My old nemesis has come back to haunt me?" He mutters to himself.
He remained silent for a while but be couldn't help but feel pity for his daughter.
Mrs Gina didn't fail to notice her husband's sudden silence after the utterance made by Lisa.
"Honey do you have any connection with those devils that attacked our daughter?" she asked curiously with her eyes fixed on him.
He still didn't say any word cause he was lost in his own thoughts.
"I'm so anxious to hear what you have to say" she continues as she tries to force words out of his mouth.
Frederick had already called his parents to let them know what had happened.