The encounter with the devil himself!

Lisa finally faced her fears and took the bull by horn by confessing her feelings for Frederick to her Dad.

Her dad's facial expression when he found out even his wife already knew about the relationship was so priceless. He accepted cause he knew she was no longer a child and Frederick had been a friend of the family but he still gave him a stern warning not to ever hurt Lisa's feelings and Frederick obliged by making a promise to him.

"It's officially official now that dad has given his consent" Lisa said smiling to Frederick.

"Yes my dear Lisa, I'm the happiest person on earth right now" he responds as he expresses his joy by flying his hands in the air.

"Silly boy" Lisa said jokingly as they both sit on under the apple tree at Frederick's garden like two love birds in a romantic scene.

Mrs Courtney watched them from the balcony as she begins to reminisce her youthful days in England with her first love before her parents moved to Malibu.

"Oh those days under the dancing trees in his garden" she whispers to herself as memories came through her mind.

Betty's new lover "Romeo" is a charming young man tho he's older than her with some couple of years but he doesn't fail to correct her wrong doings each time she shows her illicit behavior.

He's the kind of guy she needs that would cut off her excesses but also love her genuinely.

"Babe! Come on you don't have to make me stop taking alcohol?" She complains as he takes the bottle of whisky from her.

"Your life is my utmost concern, you need to change from this habits cause it's not good for you" he beckons

"Oh here we go again with all the preaching as she tries to walk out on him.

He grabs her by the hand and pulls her back to his arms.

"I only want the best for you can't you see? He said patiently as he relieves her a little from his grip.

Betty's past relationship with Henry had really influenced her in a lot of bad ways that she cares little about the manner at which she lives her life and her parents are even making matters worse.

They failed to give her a good upbringing and its seriously telling on her but Romeo is definitely going to impact her life positively.

She complains to Lisa every single day about him but each time she brings up the discussion Lisa encourages her to let the guy have his way at least it's for her own good.

"Girl! Romeo is freaking annoying. Gush!! She jolted

"You're lucky to have him as a partner cause who else would correct your wrongs or tell you the bitter truth except him...huh?"

"He loves you and I'm sure he wants you both to end up together" Lisa said as she switches on the microwave to heat the chicken soup for Betty.

"You both at the same...always criticizing me all the time jeez!" She replies adamantly.

"Look he doesn't allow me do my usual things like drink, attend late night parties and even spend lavishly like I used to....I miss doing what only Betty knows how to do best..its so frustrating girl" she continues to lament.

"Let me ask you. Do you even love him at all?" She asked


"Just answer the question and don't you dad lie to me"

"Okay fine I do but he wants to change who I already am and it's killing me" she responds in a sad tone.

"Then girl allow him change you to someone Better. You're lucky to have someone like him who wants to make you better, guys like this are so hard to find so girl don't stop him. I promise you this you'd love the woman he will make you to be...just let him girl...please!" Lisa beckons as she turns off the microwave to remove the warmed soup.

After a brief silence Betty sighs and immediately hugs Lisa.

"Thanks for always being a good friend....what would I have done without you....."

"No....thing my darling" Lisa said hilariously as she serves her the hot chicken soup.

Later that evening Frederick asked Lisa out for a date with her father's consent as he had no issue with both of them hanging out since they were now lovers.

"Make sure you bring her back by 9pm okay?" Mr Greg said curtly as he closes the door behind them.

"Bye dad! Love you" Lisa said happily as she waves at him.

Her parents watched them leave together like a romantic couple and whispered for a while as the vehicle moved far.

"They both look so good together" They conversed as they watched them leave.

They arrived at the cinemas to watch a movie together as Frederick behaved like a perfect gentleman as he opened the door for his beautiful princess and they held hands into the cinema hall.

After a little deliberation they settled to watch a romantic movie in order to make the date more romantic as it were.

They had dinner at a classy restaurant with some nice concerto played for the romantic night as they ate and had some memorable moments.

Frederick treated her like a princess and they both loved every moment together.

"I love you baby! Lisa said softly as they both had a deep kiss inside the can as they were about going back home.

A black tinted jeep had been following them since they left the house but they never noticed.

It seemed someone was stalking them without their knowledge but Frederick noticed and decided to speed up fast l.

"What's the matter?" Lisa asked nervously

"Someone is trailing us" he replies as he speeds up even more.

"Trailing us? you're scaring me baby"

"Who might that be? I have no enemies!" She said in fear.

The jeep finally caught up with them and immediately pulled over at the front of theirs.

Frederick halts as he quickly lock all the doors and calms Lisa down.

The jeep doors open and two heavy bodies men on black suits wearing dark shades walks out and walked towards them.

Frederick puts his hands on Lisa's mouth so she wouldn't shout but she screamed loudly at the fright of the two men.

One of them used an object to break the glass and yelled at Lisa to come out of the car.

Lisa quickly opens the door and trembled in fear as she walked towards the jeep.