14. Chapter 14

AN: More apologies and some fluff in this chapter. I hope you all enjoy!

If apologizing to Julieta and her family had been difficult, apologizing to Pepa and her children was downright excruciating. It had been almost a full day since Mirabel had woken up, and Alma was making her way through her grandchildren and Pepa. Everyone, except for Bruno, Agustín, and Julieta, were there, having been given specific instructions to rest. Pepa was charged with overseeing it and and ensuring that the children didn't try to slip of to see Mirabel, where Julieta and Bruno would just turn them away regardless.

She started with Camilo, who looked at her aghast as she started her apology. "I'm not the one you should be apologizing to." Camilo told her. "Mirabel, Tío Bruno, Luisa… but not me. You've treated them far worse than anyone else in the family."

"I have apologized to them." Alma admitted.


"We are working on it." She promised him.

"Well come back once you fix it." Camilo stated, before leaving her standing there alone.

She took a deep breath. She knew that not everyone would forgive her. She had known that before she started this, but she hadn't anticipated Camilo's complete dismissal.

She wasn't done there. Pepa hugged her when she apologized, but told her that she was going to have to prove she was changing with her actions, not just her words. This helped harden Alma's resolve - she was going to really have to work hard to prove that she was trying to change to her family.

"You will always be my Mama." She said. "But you were wrong in how you've treated my children, and my sobrinas."

"I know. I realize that now."

"So that means no more arguing about giving them breaks and allowing them time with each other."

"I know." Alma really wasn't sure why she had had a problem with that in the first place.

"Good. Then prove it."

Antonio was quick to forgive. At five, and only having briefly had his gift, he hadn't been subjected to as much as the older children. He was five, and so easy-going that this wasn't even a surprise to Alma, who realized now that her whole family was angry with her.

And then there was Dolores. She didn't look up at Alma's approach, but spoke anyway.

"I don't want to talk to you." She said quietly.

"I'm here to apologize." Alma responded gently.

"I don't care." Dolores said flatly. "I don't want an apology from you. I don't want to talk to you."

"Dolores, I know I have made mistakes-"

"No you don't."

"Yes, I do, I-"

"No you don't!" Dolores whirled around to face her Abuela, her words louder than anyone had ever heard from her. "You don't know! You don't know the damage you've caused, especially to Mirabel. I don't want an apology from you."

"I've apologized to Mirabel-"

"An apology doesn't change the fact that if I hadn't stepped in, Mirabel would have left just like Tío Bruno!"

There were gasps from around the room, and Dolores closed her eyes. She hadn't realized how much attention they had attracted from the family.

"Mirabel… was going to leave?" Isabela asked, tears filling her eyes.

"Why didn't you say anything sooner?" Luisa looked terrified.

"I- I handled it." Dolores murmured. "She didn't want anyone to know she had been thinking about it." Dolores opened her eyes to find the whole family had crowded around her. Mirabel was going to hate her, she specifically didn't want the family to know, and she had blurted it out in anger in front of everybody. "I'm sorry, I didn't meant to say that. Mirabel is fine now." She insisted.

She refused to answer anymore questions, and she wouldn't even look at Abuela. Dolores approached Pepa.

"Mama, I know what you said, but can I go speak to Mirabel?"


"Mama, I know, but she's going to hear what I just accidentally blurted out to the whole family, and I would prefer to be the one to tell her."

Pepa's eyes softened as she looked at her mija.

"Sí." Pepa sighed. "Come."

"You're going with me?" She asked, incredulous. "Mama, I can walk across the street by myself."

"Julieta is under strict instructions not to let anyone in." Pepa reminded her. "You won't get in the door, let alone to speak to Mirabel privately.

Once outside, Pepa stopped Dolores and faced her.

"Mirabel was really talking about leaving?"

"Mirabel practically had her bags packed." Dolores whispered.

Pepa closed her eyes briefly. "I'm sorry you were carrying all of that alone, mija."

"I wasn't completely alone." Dolores offered. "Tío Bruno know. We told him."

"And he encouraged Mirabel to stay?"

"He did." Dolores nodded.

Pepa searched her face, then put her arm around her daughter's shoulders, leading her inside.

Mirabel would likely be able to come join them at the church the next day, having been recovering miraculously since she had awoken.

"Pepa?" Julieta asked, confused. "What…?" She trailed off, seeing Dolores and Pepa.

"Can Dolores speak to Mirabel for a moment, hermana?" Pepa asked. Julieta and Pepa seemed to have a conversation with just their eyes, while they all watched. Agustín was confused, just watching the sisters, while Bruno seemed to be at least somewhat following.

Julieta finally nodded, and the adults filed out of the room, leaving Dolores and Mirabel alone.

"Dolores? What's wrong?" Mirabel asked, her voice anxious.

"I'm sorry." Dolores blurted out, and then squeaked, her eyes filling with tears.

Mirabel sat up fast. "What for? Dolores, don't cry." She begged.

"I - I - I - Alma was apologizing, and she made me so mad, saying that she knew how she had affected everybody and I just go so mad and I blurted out- I blurted out that she didn't know because her actions almost made you run away and everybody heard it and I'm so sorry because I shouldn't have said that and-" Dolores broke herself off with a sob.

"Oh, prima," Mirabel murmured, holding her hand out for her cousin and pulling her into a hug. "Don't cry, please. I'm not angry."

"You should be."

"I'm not." Mirabel shrugged. "They were bound to find out eventually. Am I thrilled that the whole family knows? No. But at least I didn't have to tell them."

"I'm so sorry, Mira!"

"Dolores, I know that." Mirabel smiled softly at her. "Please stop crying. I'm not angry. How could I be angry with you? All you've done is protect me. I know you didn't mean to, and I know you didn't do it out of anger towards me. And it makes me feel good that you were defending me."

"You're really not angry?" Dolores wiped the tears off of her cheeks, incredulous.

"I'm not angry." Mirabel confirmed.

Dolores couldn't believe it. Mirabel had to be literally the kindest person she had ever met.

"Plus… I love my Mama and Papa and Tío Bruno… but I was getting pretty bored." Mirabel said conspiratorially with a wink and a grin. "Maybe we can convince them to let you stay with me tonight.

Dolores grinned. "We can try." She smirked back.

A few minutes later, the adults filed back into the room, but there was no budging. All of them agreed that Dolores needed to go back to the church and sleep.

The two pouted and pleaded, but didn't get anywhere. The adults were adamant that the only one staying with Mirabel tonight was Julieta because Mirabel needed rest if she was going to be released the next day.

Begrudgingly, Dolores gave in, knowing that they were just looking out for Mirabel. She squeezed Mirabel's hand, standing up. "Just remember, tomorrow… you're out of here."

Mirabel beamed at her. "I know. I can't wait."

Dolores hesitated. "We're okay?"

"We're great." Mirabel insisted, giving her a pointed look. "Now, you have to go get some sleep too!"

"Alright, Mira." Dolores consented, and Dolores allowed her mother to steer her out the door.

"Feel better, mija?" Pepa asked her gently.

"Yes Mama. Thank you."

"Did Mirabel forgive you?" She asked, her voice teasing.

"Of course she did." Dolores rolled her eyes. "She's too forgiving sometimes. But since that forgiveness was just aimed at me, I probably shouldn't complain.

Pepa laughed lightly. "You're right, you probably shouldn't."

At the church, most of the others were a sleep, and Dolores slipped over to her own bed.

She had hoped to actually sleep, but she was so excited for Mirabel to be able to join them that she laid there for a while, tossing and turning, alone with her thoughts.

She was startled when Antonio appeared before her and crawled into bed with her.

"Tonio? What's wrong?"

"Bad dream." He mumbled, snuggling into Dolores. "Mirabel always lets me snuggle with her when I have a bad dream. But I can't go to her." Antonio looked up at her with wide eyes. "Can I sleep here?"

"Of course, hermanito." Dolores tugged him closer, and after that, it didn't take long for either one to fall asleep.