Thank You, History Teacher!

They cast every spell and skill but nothing happened.

MilkTeaLover: Maybe there's a hidden door somewhere?

The quiet healer finally sent a message. They tapped the walls, and searched for switches but still…there was nothing.

"Should we go out and try the Victory path instead?" Snowman suggested. It was better than staying here.

"No, Friendship was the right path. The boss was betrayed by his loyal friend who chose to pursue his own victory. He wouldn't be kind to anyone who chooses that path. I told you history lessons were important." Ash was sure they should not turn back. Did he miss out something when analyzing the Dungeon? He read all the guides the game designers had put up, he was confident about defeating the boss but first, he needed to find him.

Then, something struck him. It was believed that the Heavens who took pity on the dead had created this mountain to bury them. For this Dungeon, they were supposed to defeat the master of the Snow Mountain Sect. But he died long ago and is probably lying underground.

He did not know if his deductions made sense yet but it was worth a try. His teammates started throwing suggestions.

"So, this means we need to drill the ground?"

"They don't sell drills in the shop, do they…"

"Explosives! Use explosives!"

The eager PandaHero who thought he outsmarted everyone gladly set off a bunch of explosives.

A loud boom later, nothing happened.

"Sorry guys, take it as an entertainment program. This thing has been sitting in my inventory for so long and I've been wanting to get rid of it."

But thanks to the sparks of the explosives, Ash Knight spotted something on the grounds. There seem to be some faint wordings and some of the tiles looked like they could be pressed into.

"Mystic, cast your light spell."

The area was illuminated. Ash Knight signaled them to take a look at the ground.

MilkTeaLover: They look like traditional characters which resemble numbers.

The characters do indeed look like numbers. One clue closer to reaching the boss. They need a set of numbers to get out of this dead end.

"History teacher, I know you have the answer," MysticSlayer asked.

"359. Try 359." Ash replied, confidently.

"You sure? We don't know what'll happen if we press the wrong numbers."

"I think most players are stuck here. We got nothing to lose." Snowman pressed the numbers carefully. He took a deep breath upon pressing "9".

For a while, nothing happened. Then, the ground they were standing on shook and started to descend. They had triggered the elevator! His team members were very keen to know how he got the answer.

"You guys really need to read up. When the Snow Mountain Sect was being attacked, most of the disciples fled. Only 359 loyal disciples stayed behind to protect their sect."

PandaHero has sent you a flower.

"Hahaha, now that means he has sent flowers to girls, me, and you." it was Janson's turn to finally tease Lucas.

"Actually, he's sent us many flowers before. I'm sorry you only received one from him today after so long…"

Janson has never succeeded in teasing him, he shouldn't have tried.

They did not know if anyone else has managed to solve the mystery. For them, only one thing remained now - defeating the master of the Snow Mountain Sect.