Xue Ying and Lu Shen

Lu Shen was slow to open up but the moment he did, Xue Ying found out that they clicked. They loved the same food, enjoyed the same wine, and had the same aspirations. They hoped there would forever be peace and they could continue to live a carefree life. They made promises to travel the world to see the sights and taste the delicacies. Xue Ying found a good friend and confidant in Lu Shen.

For a few years, they trained together and went on adventures. Xue Ying taught him skills that most disciples wouldn't get to learn. They shared almost everything under the sky. But these happy moments were short-lived.

One day, when Xue Ying's father, Xue Lang Tian, returned from one of his visits to their allies, he brought news that an inevitable war would soon unfold.

Yuan Wei, Master of the Blood Eagle Sect, had murdered the three martial arts sects overnight - Green Swords Sect, Lian Mountains Sect, and Red Valley. Although these were minor sects that were rather unheard of, Yuan Wei made a statement that he was out to conquer the Jianghu.

Soon, every martial arts sect began to gear up. It wasn't long before they received news that the Master of the Crimson Manor was slain. Yuan Wei had marched into his manor, demanding him for the Crimson Blade Manual, the secret martial art skills that were only meant for Crimson Manor's disciples. When he refused, Yuan Wei killed him and raided the manor. He killed every disciple who tried to take revenge and eventually found what he was looking for. He announced to the world:

"Succumb to your fate or face death."

He sent word that as long as everyone was willing to obey him and hand over the secret skills of their sect, he would let them live.

When Xue Lang Tian heard of what happened, he was fuming.


A lowly figure like Yuan Wei from a mediocre sect had the guts to demand the respectable masters to listen to him. Snow Mountain Sect would not yield. They were forming an alliance to eradicate Yuan Wei. Someone needed to teach him the rules of Jianghu.

Six sects joined the alliance and pledge to defeat Yuan Wei and the Blood Eagle Sect. They devised a plan to lure him to Yan City where they will take him by surprise and capture him.

By now, Xue Ying was a grown man. He was ready to do his part to withhold justice but his father felt he was too young. He put him in charge of guarding the Snow Mountain Sect while the alliance executed their plan. Lu Shen, however, was selected as one of the disciples to go to Yan City. His martial arts skills had advanced thanks to Xue Ying's teachings and they needed able disciples to ensure a flawless plan.

The day arrived when Xue Ying watched them descend the steps of the Snow Mountain sect. He obeyed his father's orders to watch over the sect but he very much wanted to go with them. He remembered dark clouds were looming when they departed. Hopefully, this storm would be over soon.

Three weeks later.

"Young Master! Come to the great hall now!"

Xue Ying was doing some reading in the study when one of the elders barged in and shouted for him. The elder informed him that two disciples had returned from Yan City and demanded to see him immediately.

He thought the good news he had been hoping for had arrived and rushed to the great hall.

However, his smile faded when he saw that the two disciples were covered in blood and scars. The paleness of their face made him shudder. Did they suffer a defeat? Did something happen to his father? Or Lu Shen?

But he did not know how to react when he heard these words, "Run, Young Master. The alliance is coming after us!"

Everyone in the great hall was puzzled.

"Betrayed, we were betrayed! There's a spy among us. He revealed our plan to Yuan Wei and he used it to ambush us instead. Yuan Wei even claimed that we were his ally and thanked us for helping him teach the other sects in the alliance a lesson. Our reputation is tarnished…"

Xue Ying figured out what had happened before he completed narrating the events. Someone was out to set them up right from the very start. And this person was probably in cahoots with Yuan Wei. He thought hard but couldn't think of who would do such a thing.

"How about my father and the rest of the disciples?"

"They were being chased by those who survived the ambush. And they're gathering other sects to join them in taking us down. Master told us to find a way to tell you the news, and tell you to…flee."

Xue Ying was shocked. This didn't sound like his father. No matter what they encountered, he never once said to "flee". There must be something more to this than meets the eye.

"Young Master, you should gather the manuals and go into hiding now. Once the news gets out, it'll be chaos." the elders persuaded him.

Go into hiding? And leave everyone else behind? No, that was not something Xue Ying would do. There was no point in escaping with the manuals if it meant sacrificing the lives of others.

"You're our last hope. If something happens to you as well, there would be no more Snow Mountain Sect." the elders talked as if his father would never return.

Xue Ying made up his mind. Like his father, he would not yield. He would stay behind to protect the sect till his very last breath. The elders were unsure if this was the right decision.

He called for a meeting and gathered everyone at the great hall. Every disciple in the sect had the right to know what was happening.

"These are the circumstances we are facing. The impending attack could mean death. I'll not force you to stay. Anyone who chooses to leave will not be punished."

If it was just any other sect that challenged them, he would not ask the disciples to leave. But when all the sects in the martial arts world had decided to take revenge on them, he had no guarantee that they could hold out. The disciples were innocent and had not reason to sacrifice their lives for something like this.

The air was filled with uncertainty. Some disciples felt that their Master would be able to put resolve the situation. They were such a reputable name, surely someone must know this was Yuan Wei's trick? Another group of disciples, however, were fearing for their lives. If they leave now, they had a chance to survive.

That night, some disciples bid their goodbyes and left the mountains. Xue Ying respected their decision.

The next morning, another batch of disciples descend the mountains. Those who remained were wavering. It didn't help that his father wasn't returning.

A few days later, the news he dreaded reached his ears. His father and disciples' hiding location were exposed. They were outnumbered and killed by sect members from the alliance. Xue Ying tried to control his emotions in front of the others but his heart was in turmoil. The man he had looked up to as a young boy was forever gone in this world and he couldn't even be by his side. Should he had listen to him and fled? If that was the last thing his father wanted him to do, maybe he should have done that. And Lu Shen was gone too. They would never be able to realize the promises they made.

Amid the chaos, the elders named him the new Master of the Snow Mountain Sect. On the same day that he received the title, many disciples left. Those who praised and respected him knew that no matter how talented he was, they had little chance fighting against the entire Jianghu.

All but 359 of them remained, unknown that they will soon be facing the last battle of their lives.

No one believed that they were wronged. Or maybe, everyone wanted to see them dead. One less sect from Jianghu meant one opponent down. They could seize their grounds and take everything that they wanted, including the secret manuals in the library. So Jianghu was a place ruled by greed. Their allies and the people they have helped were non-existent when they needed assistance.

It didn't take long for the pugilists seeking revenge to reach the foot of the mountain. Xue Ying and his remaining disciples were prepared. They would stand guard till they shed every drop of blood they had.