Chapter 19

Lecy Sherry also saw Snow.

She secretly cursed that enemies were bound to meet in a narrow alley.

She walked up to Vicdor Blake and said, "I think this dress suits me well..."

"Go and have a try." Vicdor Blake nodded and looked at the shop assistant with obvious oppression in his eyes.

The shop assistant knew him. After all, he had been in the limelight in the past few years. The financial magazine almost hit the headlines every few months.

In addition, the shop assistants would remember all the rich people in the city in case of losing important clients due to poor care.

The shop assistant subconsciously turned to Lecy Sherry and took the clothes to her.

"Hey, you..."

Alice was pissed off.

The shop assistant was really snobbish!

She took a step forward and wanted to say something more. Snow pulled her sleeve and shook her head slowly, indicating her not to say that.

She sighed and looked at Vicdor Blake.