Chapter 20

"Mr. Blake, do you have a bad eyesight? I'm hitting a mistress. Now that the mistress dares to be arrogant i, as Snow’s friend, I must back her up."

Alice said with a deliberately sarcastic smile. She squinted at Vicdor Blake and said, "of course, Mr. Blake may not be able to see it at all. After all, he has protected his mistress as his legal wife!"

"Miss Alice, you know what happened between us. So what's the point of saying so much here?" Vicdor Blake didn't get angry at all. He just stared coldly at Snow who came out of the dressing room.

Snow wore a long light blue dress. Her skin was very white. In addition, she was not in good health recently, so her skin was almost transparent. Her whole body was as transparent as white jade.

Moreover, the low cut design of the dress was very sexy.

"It's so beautiful!"

As soon as Alice saw Snow, she walked to her in amazement, held her hand and praised her.