
"The child is yours, we have only one man in this family, whose else will it be if it is not yours?you can slander me, but don't slander our child,."

Vicdor stared at Leyi's acting expressionlessly, and then sneered,"Mom,you really sure she is pregnant?"

"What do you mean."Mrs.Blake was stunned after hearing this and looked at Vicdor Blake.

"Just literally meant. she is good at acting, I don't know if she is acting now."

Leyi's heart skipped a beat, she suddenly felt a deep crisis and felt that she was exposed.

"hello, nobody here?Sister in law, are you at home? I came to visit you."

Hoho's voice came from outside the door.

The few people on the upstairs heard the voice, and were distracted at the moment, especially Mrs. Blake,she came to her senses and shouted to the downstairs,

We're here."

After saying that, she whispered to Vicdor Mrs.Blake, "no matter what, Leyi is your aunt's niece. No matter how you dislike her, you should save her face."