
Hearing these words, Mrs.Blake smiled reluctantly. She really didn't know how to explain it.

Today is really a mess, so she doesn't know what to solve first.

"His second uncle, don't haggle over with juios. Vicdor is in a bad mood recently. He didn't mean to be against you." Mrs.Blake patiently explained.

"Hehe, it's hard to say. After all, he has the final say in the Blake family , so he can do what he want to be done!" Uncle Blake said.

Mrs.Blake smiled awkwardly and didn't know how to answer.

After all, the second master had a problem with them because he was forced to move out, but now he has caught hold of it. He can't stop making trouble. It's good to profit from it!

Leyi was sent to the next room by the security guard and lay down to rest. She smiled pale and said, "I'm fine."

"Sister in law, now you should tell me, what's the matter?" Hoho asked anxiously.

"What else is going on? It must be Vicdor who bullied people!" Second master Blake said in a strange voice .