
This New Year's Eve is Snow Cecy's happiest day in the past six years.

She got Terrence Edmin's promise and saw Mike's sincere smile.

When she slept in the second half of the night, she still had an uncontrollable smile on her lips.

However, when she woke up, Terrence Edmin had gone.

"Sir said, let me not wake you and the young master, so I didn't call you!" The aunt said slowly with a little apology.

Seeing the look of her aunt, Snow Cecy smiled: "It's all right. He told me in advance that this time I will deal with some important things when I go back to France. I'm sure I won't have any opinions."

"That's good."

With a sigh of relief, the aunt went to bring the breakfast prepared for Snow Cecy.

When Mike got up, he found that Terrence Edmin was missing, and his little face immediately wrinkled together.

Seeing Mike's expression, Snow Cecy comforted him: "Don't you have that expression. You have so many things to do, can you just stay with you at home?"