
When Snow Cecy woke up again, she found herself in a dilapidated warehouse.

The warehouse is very dark, and there is a lot of cold water on the ground, which makes Snow Cecy feel very cold. Her body can't help shivering, and she wants to find a place with a warm source.

However, after a long search, she could not move.

She dosen’t want to waste any energy and wanted to see where she is.

She is also recalling the process of being kidnapped.

Snow Cecy trembled all over when she thought of the van.

It seems that these two vans have followed her for a long time. When she arrived at the door of the Blake family, they directly tied her up.

She wondered whether these people were sent by Vicdor Blake!

"Bastard..." Although her mouth was blocked, she still scolded with a little sob.

After she uttered her voice, there was a little movement around her.

She trembled with fear and quickly looked over.

Vaguely, she only saw a raised figure, and could not see anything else clearly.