
She looked at Leyi's worried appearance and felt more ironic in her heart.

When the kidnappers saw that the two women had different opinions, he had some doubts in the bottom of his eyes. He frowned at Snow Cecy and said, "If he really doesn't care about you, why hasn't he agreed to divorce? How are you going to explain this?"

"That's right! Snow Cecy, don't take your luck for granted. As far as I know, Vicdor now puts you on the cusp of his heart!" Leyi said in a sinister way.

Seeing her face, Snow Cecy really didn't know what to say for a while.

She still has a wound on her forehead, and she has a mind to laugh at her here.

Snow Cecy smiled helplessly: "If he really put me on the cusp of his heart, he should have the most basic trust in me, but you know how he treats me now!"

Looking at the smile on Snow Cecy's face, the kidnappers' eyes were filled with suspicion.

He was not sure who the two women were telling the truth.

"All right!"