Chapter 8

I searched the tent and took the documents, made my way out and went off to general Massou's tent.

I heard scream and moans coming from his tent, I looked around me and I saw no one around, the captain was right when he said no one was guarding this tent.

I went in quietly and I saw he was fucking a young lady on his bed in a doggy style, her big b**bs were flapping around her chest and she was moaning in high ecstasy, seems to me she was enjoying herself while the fat general was ramming into her pu**y at a fast pace.

I crept behind him, held his mouth and slit his throat.

The lady was about to scream, but I punched her by the side of her neck and knocked her unconscious.

Well, that takes care of the captain and the General, all I need now is to assassinate the Prince which I knew was going to be as tough as swimming the Mediterranean sea.

I left general Massou's tent and went off to the Prince's tent, I moved fast because I knew it won't be long before someone figures out what's going on.

There were at two dozen Persian soldiers guarding the Prince's tent, this mission just went from Mission Impossible to Mission freakin Suicide.

How the heck I'm I supposed to sneak in through that.

I could see the Prince's shadow as he was speaking to someone, then I got an idea, it was a crazy idea but hey! It's still an idea.

I went into an empty tent beside me, I had spotted a long bow and arrow in there earlier. I took it out, drew the bow, this was a one shot, if I missed then everything was for nothing, but if I managed to kill the Prince, I'll return to Rome a hero.

I exhaled, cleared my mind, focused and kept my gaze as well as my mind as steady as a sturdy rock, then, I let loose the arrow, freeing it from my grasp and watched it fly to my intended target, I closed my eyes and prayed silently.


Right between the throat.

I couldn't this was such an easy feat, but I had no time to ponder on that as I knew I had to escape as soon as possible.

After killing the Persian prince, I immediately made a run back the way I came. I kept hearing shouts and a lot of soldiers were clamoring, with no one suspecting me as I made my way to back instead of towards the Prince's tent, I just couldn't help but think, WHAT AN EASY FEAT.

It was almost dawn when I got back to my ranks, I took charge and led my men towards the enemy's camp, time to end this in one fell swoop.

With a thunderous roar we charged into the Persian camp, with swords drawn and arrows flying the battle began. I took the lead and slashed down the Persian soldiers, I don't know why but I suddenly became a sword expert, left slash, block, fence, thrust, kick, it felt like I've been doing this a long time. Our 2000 man army was no match for the 50,000 Persian soldiers but we had the advantage as there was neither a commander nor a leader to coordinate their attacks, the Persian soldiers were like sheep set to be slaughtered and I was more than happy to be the executioner. Soon general Amphitryon and the Caesar arrived with the 100,000 infantry division, blocking off the bridge and putting the Persians in the middle, they had no choice but to give up and scatter like sheep with a shepherd.

"Today we earn our rights to be called Romans, today we shall tell tales of how we subdued the Persians and looted their camps, today our wives and children shall call us heroes, now who shall give chase with me against the Persians!" I called out to my men

"AHUU AHUU AHUU!!!" And with that we gave another thunderous roar and chased the fleeing Persians, cutting them down as we go. From the plains of Pagus Ianiculensis to the borders of Agun Algistian, it was a slaughter, we dyed the grass and sand with the blood of the Persians. I stopped my men from going any further and we went back to the camp to meet with the Caesar, I took out the heads of Prince Ahmed, General Massou and the Persian captain.

I had to present the heads to Father.