Chapter 9

"MAXIMUS MAXIMUS MAXIMUS!!!" My men chanted as I went to see the Caesar and soon even the 100,000 Infantry joined in as soon as the saw the heads I presented to the Caesar, I knelt on one knee as soon as I reached the Caesar's horse.

"Father, the enemies of Rome have been subdued."

The Caesar merely nodded beaming with smiles.

"Today we feast and celebrate for Zeus and the Olympian gods have finally given me a son worthy of the throne."

"MAXIMUS MAXIMUS MAXIMUS!!!" the men resumed their chant as a soldier brought my black horse and I mounted on it. It felt so good and I couldn't wait to begin a war campaign.

I rode with Father back to Rome.

"Maximus Son, Argos is in need of a governor, will you consider taking up the role?" Father asked but kept his eyes straight.

"Surely not Father, I mean no disrespect but I believe I'll serve Rome best on the battlefield." I said this with a reason, I had heard of how Caesar Aurelius quarreled with his son Commodus over the issue of politics, and when Father asked me to take over Argos, I knew he was baiting me...A bait I won't foolishly grab.

News about how I single handedly defeated the Persian army spread like wildfire and even the Syrians shrank back, I returned Rome a hero on my black horse which I had named Midnight. I was at the stable checking on the horse when Princess Lucilla came in.

"I heard you single handedly defeated an entire army."

I smiled

"The people praise me too much, I merely snuck in and took out all their commanding officers."

She came over to me and held my hand

"And yet you're here, not many can achieve such a feat." she began playing with my fingers while she looked straight into my eyes.

"Maximus, I haven't told father, but I fell in love with you from the day you saved me from those who tried to defile me, and yet I haven't said a Thank you."

Huh! I might be a kid in a teenager's body but I know well that it's the male that's supposed to confess and besides, I can't go into a relationship with Lucilla, she's my sister, well, I'm the adopted brother.

"I overheard the palace maids discussing about your handsome features and how you're every maiden's dream, if mere palace maids could think this, then what about Aristocratic ladies across Italy and Greece." she then cupped my face in her delicate hands

"You must promise Maximus, that you must choose me as I have chosen you."

Okay, this was unexpected, I gently took her hands off my face.

"Darling Lucilla, I make no such promise, and as for the Aristocratic ladies and palace maids, they can only dream on, keeping Rome safe is my purpose." I didn't give her a chance to reply, I walked out of the stable, WHAT THE HELL WAS SHE THINKING?!

I made my way towards my room, just then, I spotted Commodus with one of the Senators, I got curious, I've heard Commodus delighted in Politics despite the Caesar's warning, I decided to edge closer and hear what they were talking about.

"I wish to unite Greece and Rome, I just can't believe Ahmed failed in the task I assigned him." he then faced the senator

"Cassius, we have to come up with another angle."

The senator had an expressionless look on his face

"Your reason for failure is attributed to the strange boy your father took in."

"Maximus? So the rumours are true then, he really did defeat the Persians single handedly." Commodus had a look of surprise on his face while the senator looked like nothing in this world can faze him

"Quintus confirmed it, for you to succeed, you must remove him."

Commodus frowned

"You're right Cassius, if it wasn't for that swine, the plan with the Cyclops would have succeeded."

I left so as not to be noticed by the duo, well, now I know whom to to avoid in this little expedition.

I was in my room when a knock came on the door

"My Lord Maximus, Caesar requests your presence at the meeting hall." the maid said as soon she came in, I had no clothes on except the kilt on my waist, she kept ogling at my body

"You may leave now." I said a little irritated

"Yes my lord." as soon as she closed the door, I laid on the bed, I haven't been here for even half a year and I'm already the target of the Prince and his acolytes, well if they think they can push me around, then they're mistaken.