Chapter 10

I put on my chest crossbelt, my sheathed sword and then wore the purple robe gifted to me by the Caesar.

As soon as I entered the hall, all eyes were on me.

"Son, come in and take a seat." the Caesar gestured to the chair beside him.

I went to the chair, sat down and looked at him inquisitively

"You requested for me Father."

He looked at my face then his smile vanished

"Are you troubled with anything?" he then patted my shoulder

"Never let anyone trample on your dignity nor on your happiness."

"Yes Father."

He then looked at general Amphitryon

"How are the preparations coming."

The general smiled

"The blacksmiths have all completed their tasks, 2000 black metal armor, and the Prince's sword has been forged from a rock sent down by Apollo, and the swordmaster from Argos will be here in another 3 days."

I was confused

"What's going on Father, are we under attack?"

The Caesar turned to me and patted my shoulder, smiling.

"We learnt from the men who went with you of your exceptional leadership and military tactics, we feel it's best for you to lead a small platoon. Your armor has already been forged, it's a black metallic armor, unlike our normal armor, it can withstand the attacks of the arrows and thrust of the spear, what name shall you give this platoon of us."

I thought about it for a bit, black armor, metallic capable of withstanding attacks like the dragon scales

"Black Dragon Squad." I blurted out.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Then in 3 days, the sword master will be here, you and your men will receive sword lessons from the best swordmaster in all of Italy.

**6 months later**

After training for 6 months non-stop in the plains of Pagus Ianiculensis, I finally return to the Capital.

Clad in metal armor with iron helmet, revealing no flaw whatever for any weapon to penetrate, like those England knights, our horses were adorned with metal armor, and so that's how the Roman Black Dragon Squadron was born.

I was immediately called over to the meeting hall. The moment I was inside the hall I knew something was wrong.

"Son, take a seat, I'm sorry for not giving you a great welcome."

I took a seat beside the Caesar, then commander Quintus brought out a map.

"The Saxons have made a move, Naumachia Vaticana has been utterly destroyed and there are no survivors."

I didn't know who or what the Saxons were so I voiced out

"Please, who are the Saxons?"

Everyone stared at me like I was a total stranger, hmmm, they're kinda right though, but I'm not telling them that.

"My lord, the Saxons are Germania's barbaric troop, they attack a city, kill the men both young and old, burn the children, rape the women, brutally forcing the pregnant to give birth, then they'll burn the city to the ground with the villagers as well."

General Amphitryon said through gritted teeth

"Father, I know I just returned, but why don't you let the Black Dragon Squadron handle this trifle matter."

Quintus frowned when he heard my suggestion and so he interjected

"My Lord, Lord Commodus and I were planning on meeting with the Saxons and settle things in a more civilized manner, perhaps negotiating..."

"Quintus, what are you blabbering about? We can't negotiate with the Saxons." General Amphitryon angrily blurted out, and before they could get into a heated argument, the Caesar raised his hand and they both fell silent

"My son said he will take care of it, the least you can do is give your support."

The Caesar's tone was firm which ruled out all argument.

"Then it's settled, Lord Maximus and his Black Dragon Squadron will head towards Naumachia Vaticana." As the Caesar this, everyone took the hint and stood up.

I went straight to my room only to find Princess Lucilla sprawled on the bed, she looks so beautiful when she sleeps, I didn't bother to wake her so I simply went to the bathing tub, bathe, and requested for food, then she woke up.

"Greetings Maximus, I've been waiting for you to come but you didn't." she pouted like a child.