Chapter 16

I went towards Father, with a slight bow, I greeted him.

"Father, the war between Rome and Germania is now over just as I promised."

He came down from his horse, walked over to me and gave me a hug, then he kissed my cheek.

"I knew the gods has blessed us the day you battled the cyclops, you have liberated Rome again and again."

I smiled.

"Father, Rome gave me a home and for that I'm eternally grateful." I then held his hand.

"Let's go home Father, you reek of dust and smoke." I said jokingly.

He laughed out loud and looked towards the nobles now striding towards us.

"The young Caesar thinks I am too old to take care of myself." he said and laughed again and so did the nobles.

I gaped at him in surprise. Did he just say "Young Caesar", does he plan on making me his successor? What will happen to Commodus then?. I didn't like where this was going and I decided to make him know it.

"Father, what young Caesar, I am not even of royal birth, besides, you have Commodus." I said but he only smiled.

"Walk with me son. We need to talk." he said and I then held his hand.

We walked through the ranks of the Roman soldiers and onto the path leading to the outskirt of the battlefield.

"All of Rome have chosen you as their leader, this is not of my doing alone. Every man and woman of Rome believes you are better than Commodus your brother." he said.

"But Commodus is the eldest and more importantly, he's of royal birth and a Roman citizen. I am merely an outsider who was favored by the Caesar." I tried to reason with him but he simply ignored me.

"Commodus is a politician who is consumed by power, he will bring Rome to its knees. But you my son, you'll be the pillar of Rome.

Just then, a soldier ran down to us.

"My lords, lord Commodus has arrived." he said panting.

"HERE!!!?" Father and I both asked. Just then, Commodus rode up to us atop his horse, he came down and ran down to meet us. He hugged Father and kissed his cheek, he didn't even spare a glance at me as if I wasn't even there.

"I heard news about your victory Father, I came as fast as I could." he said beaming with smiles. But Father merely frowned.

"It wasn't my victory, it was your brother's, he brought down the Germania's army with his sword." Father said as he gestured to me. Commodus didn't look too pleased but he put up a fake smile which I saw through immediately.

"Then I must congratulate you brother, all of Rome is indebted to you. When I am Caesar, I will see that you are well taken care off as a hero." His words were full of pride.

"Maximus, be a good son and lead me to my tent, your old man wishes to rest his tired bones." Father said, totally ignoring Commodus presence.

"As you wish Father." I helped him to his horse, got mine and we rode straight to the camp. Father invited me in and I followed.

"Sit beside your old man, my son." he patted on the sofa he was sitting, which I then sat.

"My time is almost near, I have things I wish to tell you." he then stared directly into my eyes.

"It was prophesied in the scroll of Hermes that a stranger will come and set Rome free from destruction. The signs were that this stranger will do what we think is impossible. My great-grandfather waited for this stranger from the gods till he died, and so did my grandfather and my father, but the gods has taken a liking to me and made me see this stranger from the gods." he then placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Lead Rome well, Judge well and please do not fight with your brother no matter how foolish his deeds may be, I know he is a good man." he said with a gloomy face.

"I promise you Father, I'll do my best." I said not bothering to refute what he said. I now knew why he adopted me.

"I shall leave you to rest Father, I'll be at my tent." I said, kissed his cheek and left his tent. And then I saw Commodus, right outside the tent and I knew he heard everything but I didn't think anything of it and I left.

An hour later, Namor rushed into my tent panting and crying.

"My lord, General Maximus." he kept calling to me. I came out from the inner part of my tent.

"What seems to trouble you dear friend." I asked him, a bit worried.

"The Caesar is dead, he died in his sleep. lord Commodus makes a claim to the throne. He requests for your presence in his tent." he spat it all in one breath.

Anger burned in my heart, I knew inside of me that Commodus has murdered Father. Its time to for me to take Commodus's head, he has bitten more than he can chew.

(Theme song for the next chapter should be: "Darkside" by Alan Walker)