Chapter 17

I stormed into Commodus's tent and I saw Quintus with two senators discussing about the throne with Commodus. I rushed to Commodus and grabbed him by his collar.

"How could you do it? Are you so evil that you'll kill your own Father?" I raised my voice as I couldn't suppress the anger.

Commodus was so calm even when he was hanging about a feet above ground.

"You dare to lay your hands on your Caesar?" Quintus said and drew his sword. I thought they've come to their senses but I got a shocker when I saw that Quintus was actually pointing his sword at me.

"Dear brother. I can forgive your insolence if you bow, apologize and pledge your undying allegiance to me." he was literally smirking.

I tossed him aside and glared at him.

"You won't get away with this. You murdered your father and Caesar just to take his place. I'll let all of Rome know of this."

I then stared at Quintus and the two senators in anger.

"And you three are his accomplices".

I stormed out of the tent in anger.

"Namor, prepare my horse, I'll ride off to the capital at once." I said to Namor as soon as I came into my tent. Just as I was dressing up, Quintus and about a dozen soldiers came into my tent.

"General Maximus, by order of the Caesar, you are hereby stripped of your military rank and no longer a part of the royal family. These men are here to escort you outside the city. Be calm and do not be an enemy of the roman empire." Quintus said. I felt thunderstruck, stared at Quintus for a long time before regaining my composure.

"That's impossible, you can't do this to me, you're simply trying to cover up your crimes." I said quivering with anger.

Quintus merely smirked.

"So what if we are? If you try anything here, it will be assumed you killed the Caesar and tried to kill his son so as to take the throne for yourself." He said grinning.

I knew Commodus would definitely do anything to throw my name in the mud, so I decided to play along with them and gave up any resistance.

"What about Lucilla, Habiba and her son Ashram, I have to say goodbye." I pleaded. I knew I didn't belong here and this wasn't my home, so I accepted to leave but I'll sneak back in and take Commodus's head.

"Princess Lucilla shall wed the Caesar. Habiba and her son shall meet you in the afterlife. So saith the Caesar." Quintus then gestured to the soldiers who proceed to bound me up with chains and led me out of the camp.

* * * *

I was brought outside the Roman border and the soldiers seemed to forget I was once their general.

"If I'm to die today, at least let me die as a soldier for I am one." I said.

They stared at each other and I saw hesitation in their eyes and I could also smell their fear.

"Do not worry, I shall fight fair, twelve of you against me. You can attack at once with no rules of engagement." I said feigning weakness.

They smiled and agreed, what a bunch of fools.

My chains were broken off and a sword was handed to me.

The gave me no chance as they charged towards me.


In about two minutes, they were all dead, but I was critically injured. I took one of the horses and rode towards the Plains of Ianiculensis, as that's where Habiba and Ashram lived.

I rode tirelessly for a day and a night before I could make it there, but I was too late.

The fields were charred burnt and so was the house. Hanging on a tree in the middle of the flames were Habiba and Ashram.

"NO" I could feel my heart bleed. I failed to keep them safe. I failed my mission to execute Commodus and now the innocents are paying for my mistake.

I turned around, climb atop the horse and rode off towards Portuensis, near the Tiberis river. I was leaving Rome.

I'll wait for the right time to kill Commodus, and I'll kill him in front of all Rome.