Chapter 1

*July 2022*

Leaving the British airport, my next objective was to reach the embassy and collect my weapons and armor. I flagged down a cab.

"Where to Sir?" He asked as I sat down.

"The embassy if you please." I said and turned my attention to the scenery of London.

"Will do Sir." He said and ignited the engine.

The cab driver kept glancing at me through the mirror.

"You here on vacation?" He asked.

"Just here on business." I replied nonchalantly.

"Whatcha a young kid like you searching for on the streets of London?, what sorta business if you don't mind me asking." He asked and glanced through the mirror.

I wanted to just ignore the curious man but then I decided to piggyback on a famous movie punchline.

"Sorry, but its the kind I'll have to kill you if I tell you."

He laughed out loud.

"You a special agent or a team guy?" He asked.

"Neither. I'm just a kid like you said." I said in way that cut off any further conversation.

The rest of the drive was silent and soon I arrived at the embassy, paid my fare and walked directly towards the building.

"Halt, can I see your entry pass if you please." A soldier stopped me right before I could step into the building.

I looked at him, a bit puzzled. I could clearly see a lot of people walking in and out of the building and no one asked for their entry pass or whatever, so why was I being felt awkward.

"I didn't know I'm supposed to come along with my flight papers and its relatives." I joked and smiled, hoping to alleviate the awkward situation.

"A clown huh?, I'll advice you to take your jokes to the amusement park, pal." He said and grinned, with the intention of getting back at me.

I frowned and became serious.

"Call Major Triston Allen, he's in there waiting for me." I said trying to make him sensible, but I was disappointed.

"You still got jokes, do ya clown." He then placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Take my advise and go to the amusement park buddy, I guarantee you'll make quite a fortune there." his grinned deepened.

I looked at him right into the eyes with a deadpan expression.

"You have five seconds to get your hand off my shoulder, or you're gonna be needing a prosthetic one soon." I said in a cold stern voice while looking directly into his eyes.

He flinched and hurriedly took his hands off me.

He gaped but then smiled.

"A smart alleck and a trouble maker." his voice was a bit loud which attracted a few stares. He then reached for his gun holster, pulled out his .312 SIG pistol and pointed at me amidst the stares from bystanders and other soldiers. A few of them gaped and a man even came forward.

"What seems to be the trouble sir?" the man asked. He should be in his early fifties, I think.

"This kid here's a trouble maker and he even made fun of me." the soldier blatantly told a white lie which shocked me.

"Apologise to the soldier you dumb kid." he said.

I didn't even spare him a glance but I marked his features.

"You see, you can't do anything." the soldier said and then he came forward and the gun muzzle pressed on my chest, he leaned closer and began to whisper.

"Let's see if you're faster than a bullet, lord Maximums." He said and I immediately grasped the situation; someone definitely doesn't want me to complete my mission. I smiled. He was about to pull the trigger when Major Triston Allen walked out of the building; Muscular, mid-forties, black hair with a tan complexion.

"What seems to be the problem lord Maximus." Major Allen asked me and gave a slight bow.

This gesture attracted a few gasp from the onlookers and the man who had tried to coerce me to apologize earlier shrank back in fear.

"Nothing Allen. I was simply just having fun with this soldier here, but it seems my playmate had other intention in mind. Do you mind bringing him in for questioning?"

Major Allen was puzzled but he agreed nonetheless.

"Lieutenant Shaw, come with us, will you?"

The soldier whom was referred to as Shaw was about to put his gun back into its holster, but then with quick reflex he pulled it out again to shoot, I dodged, punched his armpit.


I knew his shoulder was dislocated, I then kicked his knee and elbowed his chin, knocking him off balance, the gun fell from his hand, I bent down and reached for my dagger which was strapped at my ankle.



He grabbed his neck with the free hand, fell down, convulsed for a moment and was still. The crowd was silent, no one even dared scream.

"He's been with us for years, I can't believe he defected." Major Allen lamented as he walked over to the dead man.

"Clean this up Allen, I wasn't allowed to say farewell to my soulmate in person, so I'm a bit cranky. Let's get this over with, shall we? I don't intend to return to her late." I said and walked into the building without even sparing a glance at the crowd.