Chapter 2

On a chopper heading towards the outskirt of London. I was flanked on each side by Major Triston Allen and Sergeant Anderson Marshal.

I found out they persuaded the embassy to send them along on this suicide mission, I didn't know why they insisted on coming along, but I became wary.

"I heard Minos de First killed about 2,300 of his apprentice just to revive his dead soulmate. And in addition to the 2,300 souls he revived, he now commands a horde of death knights and skeleton soldiers." Major Allen said over the headset. I kept quiet as I knew he was baiting me into a conversation. Sergeant Anderson decided to answer his question.

"No one has ever gone into his cave and returned." Anderson said.

So he truly is the most terrifying Necromancer alive. No one has ever return? I heard an adventurer made it out but his body was already corroded by the dark magic and he died moments later." Major Allen said, then he glanced at me. I wasn't a duchebag but I just didn't trust these men as they had both once been captured by Hades, I still don't know if they've defected.

"That adventurer who made it out was actually an Elder blood vampire but even he had no chance against Minos." Anderson interjected.

Somehow, I felt they were trying to demoralize me and stop me from completing my mission...


They're fools if they think I'll go unprepared. And besides, they won't be joining me on this mission anyway.

Just then the pilot told us we've arrived and he will search for a place to land.

"Don't worry about me boys, this will be over quickly." I said and jumped out of the chopper before they could stop me.

"WAIT" They shouted but I was already cruising the altitude.

I stuck to a perfect landing. Ahead of me is a dense forest, I open the bag I brought along with me. Taking out a golden armor, a golden shield and then a sword.

I ventured into the forest. I knew Minos won't send his subordinates to fight me as we had a deal.

Don't be confused, only a madman will want to fight against a powerful superior necromancer such as Minos, and I for one, I'm no madman.

Minos and I had a deal, he will grant me safe passage through his cave with no altercation whatsoever, and Lucius remains his loyal friend...easy.

I strode through the forest, unafraid and uncaring but it seemed some deals were meant to be broken.

A figure emerged from the dark corners of the forest: Clad in black armor, skull face with a helmet, eyes red as magma, holding a burning sword, I knew at once that he's a death knight.

"Halt where thou stand, demon wolf." it said.

"Are you a servant of Minos?" I asked.

"Great Minos de First demands for thy head." It said and pointed its sword at me.

"I don't want to fight with Minos, tell him we had a deal." I said as my hand was already at the hilt of my own sword.

"Our deal no longer interest me Maximus. Let's make a new one." A blonde youth with red fiery eyes walked out from a dark part of the forest ahead of me.

He was devilishly handsome; lean, cute, wavy hair and fair, just like a Korean superstar.

"Minos, we had a deal? You wanna go back on it?" I said a bit gloomy.

I knew for a fact that I'm no match for Minos. Even a fifty Lucius Von Blake won't even be able to subdue him.

"Let's make a new deal Maximus, and its a simple one." He smiled, showing white sparkly teeth. That smile was like the smile of the devil himself.

"What sort of deal?" I asked.

"If you are able to defeat my death knights, then I may consider letting you pass unharmed."

I unsheathed my sword, locked eyes with the death knight and was about to make my move when Minos said something that made stop dead-shot

"You won't be able to access the power of the demon wolf." He said and smiled.

I stopped right on my track, but I knew I couldn't back out now, my mate Simran was waiting for me back home, I can't let her down.

And yeah, I've found my soulmate, turns out she's the daughter of Lucius Von Blake; Queen Assumpta Simran Von Blake.

And I know I'll see her again, but first, I have to complete this mission.

Demon wolf or not, I wield the sword, I will make the kill.

"So be it then." I said and got ready to charge.

(Theme song for the next chapter should be: "Never say Never" by Jayden Smith ft Justin Bieber) Don't forget to comment and vote. And please drop a few stones for me.