Chapter 6

I arrived at the tower, but it wasn't what I expected. Rather than the tall dark Rapunzel tower I was expecting to see, it turned out to be just a glass skyscraper instead.

"Evil tower indeed." I scoffed. Perhaps those dudes haven't seen a skyscraper before or they've been cupped up in that town of theirs that they don't even know what a skyscraper looks like. I unsheathed my swords and went into the building.

It looked so empty and eerily silent. I went for the elevator in the lobby, I got in, pressed the button to the top floor. I figured if this mages were here, they will be at the top.

I rode for minutes but still haven't left the lobby floor which got me confused.

"I smell magic in here Maximus." the demon wolf said.

"You're still here? I was wondering where you ran off to." I said and pondered about my current situation. Something just didn't feel right.

"What did you find out?" I asked.

"The entire building is an illusion and there's more, your life essence is being slowly sucked out." it said and this alarmed me; my life is being sucked out?

I pressed the stop button but nothing happened, I began to punch it but I got the same result. I took out sword and slashed the control panel, this didn't change anything, rather it made matters worse. I was totally out of option.

"Are you done playing? Perhaps you can let me break us free." the demon wolf taunted.

"Alright, why don't you give it a try?" I said smirking, I'll just watch how he will get us free.

"This will hurt you, probably hurt you more than death itself. I will transform us into gaseous form." It said. I was kinda curious as I've never been in gaseous form before. My first thought was to avoid this as I didn't want to feel that kind of pain, but at the thought of my mate; Simran and my daughter; Ella, I decided to do whatever it takes.

"Whatever, let's get this over with." I said and braced my self for the pain.

* * * *

I regained consciousness and found myself in a room filled with lighted candles, I looked around and saw several human remains hanging from the ceiling.

"The elevator you entered was actually this room. An ordinary human would be able to last about a minute at most before dying." the demon wolf said.

"And why is that?" I said and kept snooping around.

"The corrosive energy in this room is much more than that of Minos' clone." it explained.

A bright light flashed at that moment and a teenage girl appeared; she was Asian, probably eighteen or nineteen years of age, she was skimpily dressed, like sexy skimpy, blacked haired with red lips. A beauty amongst beauties.

"Do not fall for her tricks Maximus, she is a siren." the demon wolf advised. I smirked.

"Do not worry. I can't be swayed by sexy superstars, let alone a little girl. No one can take my heart away from my mate." I said.

"You do not seem charmed by my beauty. I am surprised as other soulmates have fallen whereas you still stand." she said and smiled the sweetest smile ever.

For a moment she reminded me of Simran, her smile and laughter. I shook my head and focused on the task at hand. I knew I had to kill her as fast as possible.

"Are you thinking about your mate? She's probably having it off with the males we sent to her." she said and smiled.

I jerked up and looked at her with anger.

"Don't spout lies against Simran, she can never break my trust." I said pointing my sword at her.

"You do not believe me? Then allow me to convince you." she said and walked over to me in a sexy manner, tracing an invisible line on my shoulder, then to my chest, I held her hand.

"Tell me why I should not kill you right now." I said with annoyance.

"Because I have proof she's not your soulmate anymore. Your mate have always dreamed of a threesome fuck (two males and one female), so we sent her a lot of males to choose from. Who knows, she may already be in the bed with Drake Diamond and Austine, they are the males she's compatible with." she laughed lightly and stepped back.

I stared at her for a moment and then laughed.

"You can't fool me, I know exactly what my mate can do and what she can't and won't do."

I then swung my sword at lightspeed and a thin line appeared around her neck, blood seeped out and the head fell, and so did the body.


A high pitch scream that could make an elephant go deaf was heard, I closed my ear but I still felt it bleed and the pain was unimaginable.

Bright lights flashed all around me and more teenage girls appeared. None of them were above twenty.

Some were dressed in red hood robes and some in black hood robes, some dressed as clubers and some on dusty animal skins.

I looked around me in astonishment.

"They're all females." I said a bit surprised.

"Be careful, I see banshees, starlight necromancers, death necromancers, plain witches, blood witches, skin walkers and shape shifters." the demon wolf said.

"Wow, this will be a tough one." I gazed around again.

"Why don't we take out the banshees and witches first." I suggested.

"No, the necromancers and skinwalkers will be troublesome, they go first." the demon wolf said.

I exhaled and swung my sword around in a samurai manner.

"Let's do this." I said ready to charge.

But before I could even make a move, I felt my body froze and I lost control of my body, the last thing I saw before blacking out was the bright light emitting from one the red hooded necromancer... Then... Nothing.