Chapter 7

I regained consciousness only to find myself in a pitch black room. It was so dark I couldn't even see past myself. I was seated on some kind of chair but I don't know what. I tried to stand but my body won't obey me, I decided to meditate and link to the demon wolf but I felt nothing.

"Do not trouble yourself with that which is out of your reach." a voice said. Though sweet and soothing, I felt malice and hatred from it.

"Who's there? Show yourself!" I said trying my very best to remain calm.

"The great and mighty Roman Prince, Maximus Aurelius, harbinger of death, now degraded to a lowly captive." she said and laughed maniacally.

I tried to recall how I got here, how I lost consciousness and who this crazy girl is.

"By now you must have known you can't connect to the demon wolf inside you." she laughed again.

I knew then that this witch may have something to do with me losing connection to the demon wolf.

"What did you do to me witch?" I asked.

"Temper, temper. Tsk tsk tsk. You know you have to quell your temper at all times or it will consume you and everyone around you." I felt her so close to me as she said this, I so much wanted to push my head back and break her nose but my body was as stiff as a board.

"The demon wolf still lives, that's for certain, but for how long?"

I felt her finger on my face.

"Oh I will enjoy breaking you apart Maximus." she said and chuckled.

"When I'm free, I'll take your tongue and force it down your throat, then I'll cut off your limbs and toss you out for the dogs to eat." I said through clenched teeth.

"We have time, sadly you do not." she giggled lightly and I felt a flutter of wings.

"What are you?" I asked

"You don't need to bother yourself with that. But I wish to ask you, Maximus, why do you still believe you can win every fight?" she put a hand on my shoulder.

"Because I know I can. Failure is not an option for me." I said firmly.

"Is that why you killed your stepbrother, Commodus is it? killed your friends? 2013 you led a team of American soldiers on a covert mission and none returned alive except you." she said with feigned disbelief.

"I didn't kill them, Pentagon sold us out." I replied

"2018 you led a team of Nigerian soldiers to stop the Plateau State Massacre, but none returned except you." her finger traced to my face.

"The Nigerian government sent those terrorist to wipe out plateau state, and sent my team and I to stop them, then rat us out. It was never my fault." I replied in annoyance.

"2019 you slaughtered two hundred youths in Port Harcourt Nigeria, just to quell your anger when your mate Simran rejected you." she said and fluttered off.

"They weren't innocent, they've spilled blood and they thought they could spill mine as well. sadly they were disappointed." I said without remorse. Truly I had killed those boys out of anger, I nearly killed off half the population of University of Port Harcourt, but I don't feel pity for them, they got what they deserved.

"Let's face it Maximus, you are a killer, and all those around you can't stand you, that's why they wish for your death." she giggled.

Her giggles were like the evil cackles of a crone witch.

"Your mate can't stand to have you around anymore, not that I blame her, you have killed so much of her kind." she said and giggled once again. All her sentences were accompanied by the girlish giggle, as if she was toying with me.

"Your mate has already found herself another male, and not just one. seems to me she wishes for you to die during this great Hunt. what a sad...sad wish from your mate." she said and grabbed my neck with bony hands.

"AND I SHALL FULFILL HER WISH." She roared. I felt my throat dry up and burn, my head hammered like shaolin gong bell, I couldn't break free as my body was still stiff.

"The magma scales will inflict hellish pain on you. Do not worry, this is only the beginning, we have so much time to get acquainted." she said as she released her grip on my neck, and I felt her presence no more.

* * * *

I've lost count of the time, but the torment never stopped, rather it intensified. They didn't want to kill me just yet, they wanted to break me, physically, mentally and emotionally.

I heard the flutter of wings and I knew she was back again. She's been coming in often to carry out the torture.

"My dear Maximus, I feel so much pity for you. Allow me to show you something." she said and then brought out a cellphone, the light from the cellphone hurt my eyes which prompted me to shut them. I've been in this hellhole for months, with no source of light from anywhere, my eyes are already accustomed to the darkness that even a tiny ray of light will hurt them.

"I have news for you. Your mate has found someone else. She's given up on you." she laughed and clapped like a little girl playing her favorite game.

"You...lie..." I couldn't even speak as I had no energy left in me. I hadn't eaten in a long...long time.

"You don't believe me? Take a look at this photos then. She's making up with Austine, isn't he one of your rival? And there's a new guy she's found now, he goes by the name; Emmy Zinny." she said and then placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Its been hard on you Prince of Rome, I shall put you out of your misery soon." she said in a firm tone.

I knew there and then she was going to kill me, so I got ready for death.


She screamed in high pitch voice, and I smelt burning flesh. I almost puked.

"Hello Maximus, did you miss me?"

I'd know that voice anywhere, the voice in my head, the voice of the demon wolf. But before I could answer or rejoice, I heard another voice, a different one.

"Do not celebrate yet Maximus, I want you to close your eyes and give control to the demon wolf, I'll help you two get out of here."

I didn't reply, I simply obeyed. I closed my eyes and allowed my other half to do the job.