Secret of the world

Chen who was done dealing with the Big Bear (Wu Wei) case, started to hear out tingling sound inside his mind.

Which were released to signify the completion of the quest. But in the current situation where Wu Wei and his gang were following him, he did not want to act like an idiot, like talking to air.

So, he thought of checking out the quest reward for helping Pilo and Gang-Karma after entering back to his apartment alone.

"So, you guys wanna walk me to the home or something? For now, I want you guys to hunt down and break the legs and hands of the companion that has fled away and be quick with it."

Chen turned and commanded Wu Wei, who turned to look at the other five and told them to follow the order.

Where he himself will guard Chen all the way home, which was the duty given to him.

"So, Boss Chen! How are we going to act? Because there are only 6 of us left in the gang. While attacking other gangs and pubs, with such tiny force is like a suicide."

Wu Wei wanted to know how Chen was planning to act, after all, the disadvantage of the bigger group was visible to them after tonight's incident.

Further while, Wu Wei did not want to lose anyone from the remaining five. To him they were like brothers, that has gone through much bloodshed and hardship.

"Hmm! Ask your companion to rob the home of those they hunt, and to break their leg sneakingly not want them to realize it was all of you."

"After that, you alone have to rob your own home, along with those five brothers' home. Making it look like someone targeted your whole group. While we will meet at the abandoned factory at the southern hill which is said to be haunted till 11 pm."

After looking at the time, Chen told Wu Wei to act faster, where Chen would take care of the so-called ghost inside that factory.

Which would act as a great shield for their hideout.

Where Wu Wei's eyes shone, thinking about the abandoned factory. After all, to him, Chen was a boss full of mystery and suspense.

So, he nodded his head and took out all the cash that he had received from the other client, as the initial payment. It was 10 thousand RMB, which Chen accepted gratefully given he was very poor at the moment.

While he had already told the other five and Wu Wei about it, which made all 6 of them feel like an idiot to fall into such an obvious trap.

Having the thick notes of ten thousand RMB, Chen finally felt like being alive again. Not needed to worry about food and money to enjoy life. He finally realized, why people with a lot of money want more money.

In fact, they enjoy having more cash, given more cash means more freedom but he still felt like they were idiots. After all, all of them were still exchanging their freedom for earning money.

While thinking inside his head, Chen was turning toward the building, he found a small movement over the shadow of the building. Wanting to be sure that, someone was sneaking back on him, he decided to go around and see what was happening.

When he heard "Hmm!" Sound humming from the side of the shadow.

Where a boy and a girl were entangled in a strange position, making the situation more than ambiguous. While girl seemed to be half naked and half unconscious hugging the boy's neck.

"Who!" The boy turned to look back at Chen, and Chen felt the boy's sense of perception was abnormal for a normal human case.

Chen was thinking of walking away silently, given he did not want to bother them more than enough he had already done.

When the boy picked up the brick and sent it toward him, with the speed of a bullet, which shocked Chen.

'This boy is not a human! Then what is he, a vampire or werewolf? Should be one of them. Though! Vampires are more cool-headed and harder to deal with, so this must some half-ling.'

Yes! In this world of our, Vampire, Half beast humans and other supernatural society does exist. So, exist the war between Fallen kind and Human Kind.

Chen used his Tai-Kick to smash the brick into several tiny pieces, which is something most normal humans with a large amount of Shaolin practice hard to do.

But in Chen's case, he was actually trained by a cultivator teacher and 5 Qi gong masters for body cultivation. Smashing a rock is not a hard thing to do, not to say the small brick with such little speed.

"Oh! A human Eastern cultivator with Qi gong mastery huh? I must say you are a juicy dish for my dinner tonight. But don't worry, I will not give you an easy death."

The boy stood up, leaving the girl half naked on the ground. With a blush on her face, which was due to the charm ability of the vampire.


[Alternate Quest: Kill the little half Ling and preserve its body in the system.]

A strange charm appears on Chen's right hand, which vanished from the surface of his hand. While Chen, body jerked with the burst of full power momentum.

Since Chen wanted to kill this vampire without using Qi at all, to check how much he had progressed at the hard body Qi gong which was called [Vajra_Angana].

[Vajra_Angana] was one of the ancient Qi-gong which can strengthen the fist, joints out layer, and head. Which do not hinder the movement of the body, and the elasticity of the body.

Making them as hard as a rock, which can be used to smash the chest and neck into oblivion if used properly with martial art which uses palm, punch, knees, and head blow releasement to deal with the enemy.

Half-ling was a Chinese person, given they reproduce with humans and give birth to children.

He/She first looks like any normal human, but as he or grows the parent vampire had to feed him or her (his/her) own blood to truly awaken his vampire attribute.

Though! it does not work for most of the halflings, however, a halfling born out of a royal bloodline is able to do something similar which was the reason, Chen got to see something like that.

The halfling was surprised by Chen's movement, as he himself was barely able to keep up with something like that.

But as a royal bloodline halfling, he had learned some martial art that can use his body potential to greater use.

[Stampede] Halfling's body bolted like a canon shaking the surrounding, where his body expanded in front of Chen. Making Chen stop at a certain point while throwing a devastating swipe at Chen's neck.

"Oh! A speed type Huh!"

Normally a speed-type user like this should be a nightmare for Chen.

But Chen was not a rookie at this, as he used his left hand which suddenly harden to catch the elbow of the clawed hand killing the movement in a single blow.

In the same second, Chen loses his left hand to soften the hardness of the skin and transfer the hardness to his right hand.

Which came smashing like a hammer, to the body blow which blew apart all the internal organs of the halfling.

But Chen was not done with it, as he transfer all the hardness to one of his knees and smashed his neck to the knee.

While twisting his body down and grabbing the head of the guy, and ripping it apart from the neck.

Which was the finale Chen created, when he started using the knee to break every bone of the neck.

"I will kill you, my father will kill you for sure! you bastard cultivator. Just wait for your death, given my father and family will hunt all of you down..."

The head which was lying on the ground did not stop its scream when Chen released a ball of fire from his hand.

Which was due to the charm that appear on Chen's hand, while engulfing the halfling's blood and body. Though! It was not killed but was just transferred to the other side.

"Fire Dimension Art... What the hell with this system? It gives me fire dimension art for free, just to collect a halfling body."

Chen looked at his hand and saw the charm fading away, and with a ding, another mission for this day was completed.

Where Chen was starting to feel fatigued and hungry after the fight, but before that, he need to help that girl.

Soon Chen's tired body was in front of the apartment building, where a beautiful lady who was the landlord of the estate came looking at him.

"Chen! What happened, you looked so tired today come! I will make a good dish to freshen you up. Also! You have to tell me, what happened today to make you this tired.."

Chen wanted to explain about the girl in his arm, who was covered with a jacket that Chen was wearing today for after school.

"She was being raped by being drugged. So, I took care of the guy and brought her here. But I hope the landlady will help me, let her in your room. Given if she were to wake up in my room, she will definitely call the cops on me."

Chen wanted to get rid of the girl in his arm and take a nice bath to clean his mind.

Where landlady looked at Chen and chuckled, as she allowed him to carry the girl into her apartment and lay her on the landlady's bed.

Where landlady Xiu will look after the girl for the time being.

"Oh my! She is a real beauty. Though! Chen did not seem to be that interested in her, does he have a crush on his master or something... After all, that way he might have to give up on his first love."

Seemingly normal Landlady had her own identity which is still far from being normal, though! Chen who was unaware of all this thing was washing his fatigue with a blissful smile on his face inside the bathroom.

After taking the bath, Chen came out of the bathroom and throw on some new clothes, and washed the old ones in the washing machine.

Taking out 2000 RMD from the 10 thousand stacks, Chen walked toward the kitchen, as he paid the landlady for the rent and electric bill.

Which shocked the landlady a little, as she looked at Chen worriedly asking if he did something wrong.

Where Chen's face blushed, touched by her care, and explained a weird story about, how a rich girl gifted him this money to treat a dog leg.

Landlady Xiu nodded her head. As they both sat to eat some dinner, Chen walked back to his apartment and slept for four hours.

Which refreshed his spirit and mind, so he stood up from his bed to head out for the abandoned factory sight at the southern hill.