Chen Destiny and Quest reward.

Chen reached the southernmost area of the city, where he found a group of six people waiting for him to come.

In front of them was standing their boss, Wu Wei who smiled at the sight of Chen coming in front of the area.

"So! All of you are here, let's go then. We will see if there is a ghost in there or not. Oh! Right, how much have you guys gathered from those bastard rooms."

When Chen asked where all five of them reveal grins, they threw around 100 bundles of money. Which were more than enough to have around 500 to 600 thousand in them.

Where Wu Wei had some cheques in his hand, which had a few million in them.

"Most of them must have been bought by someone, given none of them could have this much money with them. Especially, these cheques in my hand, they must have gotten for today."

Chen did not speak much, so he took a few bundles and gave the rest for them to use. Given the bundles he got were around more than tens of thousands in them.

While for this gang to live on in this factory, they would need to buy many things. So, they would be able to use all the money, they have gotten from them to make this factory a liveable place.

"Thanks, Boss. Then let's go and secure our base for now. While can we use this money to set up this place and for barbeque and drinking session tonight."

Chen walked silently without giving a damn about it since all those barbeque and drinking did not interest him, Though! He would go and enjoy barbeque alone tonight at some good restaurant.

Although! He was in the mood to have some fried chicken after this work, especially fried wings which taste good.

Inside the factory, Chen did not find anything out of ordinary but there was a hint of vampire blood lust and presence.

When Chen found, a human shelter inside the factory's lower section, that seemed to be abandoned.

"Boss Chen! Is this some kind of trap or what? How can a human stay here in this abandoned building, where the clothing seemed to be that of women?"

Chen did not answer the guy, as he was also puzzled by something like this.

When Chen stumble upon a diary and other things inside a locker, which he had to break open.

Though! The locker seemed to be pretty banged up by something, due to which, Chen did not need an expert to break the spiritual lock on it.

Chen did not wait much on that site, given it was clear that the place was abandoned and all the things were destroyed there.

So, there was no ghost or something. On the other hand, Chen found some traps that can cast an illusion on the normal person, who would enter that area.

Which might have been the true ghost of that abandoned factory. Chen helped the guys, to understand the layout and made them find an easy path to the interior.

"With that! You guys would be able to enter without any problem. While we can use those traps to keep the normal person out of this place."

Chen told them, as he walked out of the factory leaving all of them on their own. Given he did not want them to totally depend on him.

Without anything to do, Chen finally entered his apartment and sat on his bed. Given in this period of time, he usually tries to communicate with Qi in the surroundings to collect Yin Qi inside his body.

But till this moment, he was only able to absorb around 20 strands of Qi from the last 3 months.

Which was actually pretty fast, but Chen was in hurry and did not have much time to waste like that.

"Let me think! How can I use the possession skill to my use, to gather more Yin Qi? Can I even possess some non-living things... Also, what can the sense of dogs which were upgraded inside be useful to me?"

Chen shook his head, as he called out system.

"System Open..."

With that, the usual screen of the system appeared in front of Chen. Chen looked around and found, that there was one Possession card in the tab.

While the reward section, which was designed in the shape of the Gift card at the top of the menu was shining with 3 points written on it.

Excited about it, Chen clicked the gift card, at which three cards appeared in front of him. While floating they gave off an ancient feeling to them, with a bronze metal-like sheen on them.

"This is the reward of completing the quest."

Chen clicked on one of them, with which the card which was floating in front of him turned around.

While a photo of the Bronze Goard appears in it, the smell of intoxicating wine full of herbs wafted inside his room.

Making his mind enter a special mode, while Chen drifted apart in the dream.

The next morning, Chen woke at 5 am. Then he found 5 big gourds, as huge as a table standing inside his room in different places.

While something inside his body has lifted his spirit, to the point he realized that he has broken through.

The first layer of Qi cultivation and reaching a new level of the basic foundation layer. Since the foundation layer is quite big, one has to form to create a stable base.

It is divided into three small stages, the basic stage which was the part where Chen reached tonight.

Next is the Intermediate Stage, where one can have thick Qi to the point of releasing it and taking the form of a wave. While last is the Perfect Stage, where one can release a huge amount of Qi to form a material object using some martial arts.

Just like if he were to use the Qi to release when using the Vajra_Angana, it would take the form of a solid rock-like structure around his hand, Knees, elbow, and Head.

But looking at the huge gourds Chen felt a headache coming, thinking about how he could hide them and if it is possible. How he can keep them like this?

When Chen tried to touch one of them, he realized that the Gourd started to shrink at his request and return to palm size.

After that, Chen found a small bottle and open the gourd to fill it, and realized that a huge amount of herbal wine was coming out of it.

"This way! I can drink it whenever I want, but with just a smell. It was able to help me break through, so what will happen if I drink it?"

Chen took a sip with a brave heart and realized that it was heating his body while slowly converting into Qi without bursting his body out.

While his Qi inside his body started to rise at a small pace, where Chen started to practice the basic foundation establishment fist technique.

After an hour of practice, Chen jumped up from his position which almost sent his head smashing on the rooftop. But he was barely able to avoid it, where he felt his Qi while sitting cross-legged and found that it was filled to the brim.

"Haha! With this, I will hardly run out of the Qi in a battle, as long as I can take a sip of the wine from time to time. Where with the amount I had taken, I think I can use the Qi for a whole day without worrying about it finishing."

Chen thought about the large amount of it he had, so he thought of drinking it while eating chicken roast which he was craving for quite some time.

It was morning at 6 am not many had woken up, but there was a single shop he knew which was selling Chicken roast 24 hours.

Though! it was also a place, where cultivators would come from time to time for herbal food.

Chen entered inside, where he was greeted with open table slots and many people from different ages and traditions.

Where Chen found his phone ringing, where the Legend Group of Seven Realm was buzzing with many messages.

"These guys sure are gods and goddesses, they even were chatting for the whole night and still continuing for such a long time." Chen thought as he read a few of them.

Northern Wild Xuan Moutain Elite Disciple: Look he is reading the message from the application we downloaded on his phone.

Chen: ??????

Saber King Aboda: Yeah! He is reading from the Xuan Cultivator group, though he is allowed to read from Heavenly Group and God's Line group too.

Chen: Seriously...





The message kept on ringing, where Chen was seriously looking at them while shaking his head. When someone from the God Line contacted him with a private message.

Fox Goddess: Ignore them! They have joined this group to waste their time and enjoy watching your life.

Though! they can use this application to give you some quest, so it is good to befriend them sooner or later.

My Life was about to enter into a new frontier, and there were so many things I wanted to ask all the Gods and Goddesses about.

But one of them was the most important.

"Why choose me! Where I never realized, that my master secret was deeper than the ocean. Where my destiny was something, this group will witness it from the beginning to the end. With a weird system, which can help me possess Gods and Goddesses."