Chen Invitation and Yun Ai

Chen was looking at the chat group, as he sat at his chair and looked at the group chat while filling a glass of wine for himself. When the waiter came to ask Chen for his order, Chen ordered some fried chicken.

"Ahm! Young man! Would you mind sharing some wine of yours with this old man for birthday sake?"

Chen was called, as he looked at a man in his forties with a handsome look and bright eyes.

Having an article of traditional clothing on, he was smiling at Chen for some sake, with a rigorous Qi flowing from his body.

'Oh! He is someone with cultivation above Foundation, what it was called as right! Essence Qi realm. Though! His Qi is strong it is not as good as my big sister and big brother.'

Here Chen was comparing the old guy with an older disciple of his master with the old guy.

The person in question was also looking at Chen, with a pondering look on his face.

"Sure! I am not a stingy guy here. Please take the seat, and some fried chicken will be coming soon for the wine pairing."

Chen smiled and welcome the guy, as he pour some wine for him too, which was appreciated by the old man. As he laughed and took a sip of it, enjoying the everlasting taste of the wine.

Where Chen also took a sip and enjoyed it with closed eyes, after all, with his master he had worked thousands of jobs. And wine taster was also one of them.

"Haha! Young man, you definitely know how to enjoy wine. But that food you had called, will it not destroy the taste of the liquor."

At the old man's words, Chen smiled and shook his head.

Given he knew what the old guy was trying to say, that is why he was prepared and brought a special mixture of herb and spice.

Which can be added to any dish, and the dish's whole taste will be altered to the point it will support the wine taste a lot.

"I had prepared a special thing for this occasion..." Chen took out the spice mixture and sprinkle it on the prepared Chicken fry, which cover the whole plate with a new aroma. Making the old guy gulp down his own saliva looking at Chen interestingly.

"This is definitely one fine dining kid, I thank you for the food too. So, how about this, today is my birthday party and I would like to formally invite you for a toast."

Chen who was picking the fried chicken looked at the Old man and nodded while gesturing for him to try some out.

"Also! Don't bring any gift for this old guy, you can just come empty-handed given I had already received such a fine wine and food as a gift from you."

Looking at Chen's clothing and way of living a humble life. Old Yan was able to tell that, Chen was one of the kinds of cultivators that enjoy peaceful and silent life.

So, asking them to bring gifts to visit him was not a good thing, thinking how this young guy has such strength at a such young age.

"So, a young man must be from some sect, right? Given your age and such high achievement in cultivation."

When Chen heard the old man's words, he could not help but smile slightly and shake his head.

While he told how he met a beautiful teacher, that guided him in his cultivation due to his talent in Qi cultivation in his childhood.

"Oh! that is also possible, then young man must be having it hard cultivating himself right."

Old Yan looked at Chen in more astonishment, given the way Chen had told him about his cultivation without any precious resources.

He was able to tell, that Chen's future achievement will be way greater than he and other geniuses.

"Hmm! The Old guy, I will leave this sake for you and bid my farewell! Let's meet each other at your party."

Chen smiled and stood up while leaving behind the bottle of wine for Old Guy. As he had finished his craving for the fried chicken, he was thinking of practicing martial art again before heading home.

Chen's practice area for martial art was found by his master, where the amount of Qi present in the atmosphere was higher than normal.

While the whole area was covered by forest with only a small path, that lead out of the forest to the city.

'Ahh! The calm atmosphere here definitely gives me the motivation to cultivate harder. Though! For normal humans, this place is not safe at all.' Chen walked over and sat in the middle.

Slapping the palm on the ground, Chen's body floated upward with the force. As he straightened his foot from the lotus position and took the horse position in a fluid manner.

The previous show of control and strength was something, that could be performed when a person has total control over his force.

But for Chen, this accomplishment was nothing to sneeze about, as he felt that there were many things he could have down in the same time span.

So, with that flow, Chen started to practice his fist-art, which he has not mastered yet.

"Double flux step and Shock Palm is hard to master, as expected to master she definitely gave me something to look forward to training it again."

Chen who had managed to form Qi and reach the Basic stage of the foundation realm, Chen was finally able to master these techniques which can use Qi.

Although! His master did not know that Chen would get his hand on the Spiritual Wine of Herbal Hall.

That made Chen's control over his feeling and surrounding more surreal, which he has yet to figure out. But unknowingly he was making improvements quickly.

The previous night, the sudden surge of Qi which Chen felt was not from wine, given it only had the potency to release the little amount of Qi every second. Which is more than enough to make, Chen's Qi refills every time.

Fast and Sharp! The fist-art utilizes continuous momentum and the sharpness of that of a spear at every movement. Which is utilized to kill opponents at all costs, with the fastest means possible [Shock Palm].

Chen knew that he would not be able to master this palm art and kicking art that easily. So, he decided to keep it easy for today, when he walked toward his apartment.

"I should take some shower and go to school now."

He entered and started his preparation. Where landlady was looking at Chen's room, where she clutched the paper in her hand.

Which was a small letter that little beauty which was saved by Chen left for him.

Although! She tried her best to request the landlady for letting her meet him, but Chen who had asked the favor of keeping his identity secret was much more important to her.


Chen walked out of his apartment, where the landlady was waiting for him. While Chen got a letter from her as she told about how that girl from before had left.

Where she did manage to keep his identity a secret except for his name.

At which, Chen smiled bitterly at her given if that girl had a good connection, she would be able to find him out anyway. Landlady only just bought him some time before meeting her.

"Although! The chances of her being awake during that fight were slim, I truly did not want my identity as a martial artist or cultivator to be blown off in such a particular manner."

Muttering himself. Chen looked at the high school building and entered the school gate.

When he saw Yan Ai walking out of the car, she turned to look at him for a sec with a smile and walked inside the school.

'She just looked at that boy and smiled right...'

'Yeah! I thought it was just a misperception of mine. But you also saw that right...'

'Don't worry! I have checked we were not dreaming, I tried pinching the cheeks of the girl by side and she definitely felt the pain.' A boy with a slap mark on his face spoke, while the other two looked at the boy with admiration for being able to do something like that.

Chen was a martial artist, and cultivator, and was modified by the system having an extra keen sense of hearing and smelling from dogs.

He was able to hear everyone's words clearly. While the gist of getting famous like that was not something he likes at all...

Not to say he was getting a little annoyed by the boys who were glaring at him.

'For God's sake, she just smiled at me not like we just kissed in front of you. What the hell with all that reaction, this the reason why she did not like to talk to you guys, you Idiots...'

Getting back to his class, he saw Fatty Du walking toward him with a small grin.

While Chen realized that, no one from his class boys has gotten the gist about Ai smiling at him.

Which was really a great relief to him, so he looked at the fatty who begged Chen to let him copy his homework.

Where Chen also realized that he had totally forgotten about it, due to all those things that happened to him yesterday.

"Fatty do you have any idea, where I can buy a gourd? I want to gift some special wine to someone and I found, something like Gourd will suit it as a gift."

Chen suddenly remember the old man from the morning, Chen touched the card which he had gotten from the man. Which made him ask about something, he was thinking of buying after school was over.

"Hmm! Yeah, I have a shop which could sell something you want, but it is expensive around 200 RMD to 250 RMD."

Chen nodded his head, as he did not further inquire about it. While he made up his mind to go and visit that shop to buy some for himself and for that uncle also.

"After all! Giving it in a small like this morning is aesthetically good. Also! I do not want to lose the old man's face, for inviting me to a party like that. Where most of the prominent figures from all around the city will be there."

Chen remember all the teaching that his teacher had taught him all that years, it was something he knew that he would not be able to forget for his lifetime. Since each of them held a special moment in his life.

Ding! Dong!

After the classes were over, Chen finally walked out of the shop. As he walked toward the shop that fatty had told him about, with all the money from before inside his bag.

When he saw a group of students, that contain around 10 to 15 members of a karate club around there. Looking at Chen with a sneer walking toward him.