Meeting Ai and little girl.

Bei Dan was an annoying guy, Chen did not want to bother that guy at all. But he kept on insisting on making trouble for Chen. Which was starting to get on his nerve, also his shout had attracted many people's attention to them.

"I say, brother! You should mind your own business and stop acting like an idiot in front of others. I am sure with your face thickness, you are not bothered by other people's gazes. But I am embarrassed by having an idiotic classmate like you."

Chen's words were not loud. But everyone in the vicinity was able to hear them, loud and clear making a few of them laugh. A

t the sound of other people's laughter, Bei Dan's face turned angry as he glare at Chen for his sly words.

Making him more resolute for making Chen embarrassed in front of everyone else.

"What is wrong here? What's with this ruckus... Can't you see, so many guests are standing outside why not let them in one by one..."

One of the Yan family members came out. When he looked at Chen and Bei Dan, where he recognized the Bei family heir and smiled at him. While looking at Chen and felt the Qi pressure emitting from the boy's body.

"Is he some kind of assassin sent here for trouble or what? But he is too young for something like that. Then why young master from the Bei family, is insisting on him being a thief and all."

Yan's family member then looked at Chen's invitation, where he noticed a simple symbol.

This represents that, Old man Yan whose birthday is being celebrated had invited him.

"Huh! Is he truly a thief or else, why would big brother call a kid from the country with his personal celebration."

The elder from the Yan fell in dilemma, which was used by Bei Kid as he pointed at Chen and shouted.

"See even an elder from Yan's family is doubting you, a poor bastard with no father had no right to enter here."

It was at that moment, that Chen's mind was flipped and this time he was dead set on breaking this kid's four limbs.

As he did not speak anything but the oppressive Qi from within him, explode forth sending shivers in guard and Bei Kid as they stumbled back looking at Chen.

When a certain voice cooled Chen down, he looked at Yan Ai walking toward him.

"Chen Yu!" Looking at Ai.

Chen break out in a small smile, thinking if it was some kind of fate or what. As he recalls, Ai's surname was Yan with Yan Ai being her full name.

Then the old man that he had met before was also Ai's father or relative. But looking at Ai's dress-up, he ended up thinking how beautiful she was looking at the party dress code.

He ended up staring at her for some period.

"Student Yan! You got to help me out, they have taken my invitation card but are not letting me inside at all. Although! Most of it is due to that idiot pursuit of your there."

Chen put down his words bluntly, due to this, Ai turned to look at Bei and glare with her cold eyes and then look back at Chen.

"Sorry Chen! Let's go inside, this time I am inviting you inside. So, I hope none of you have any questions about it right. Also! Bei this is the last time, I will let you create havoc like this, from the next time I will directly kick you out of here without any mercy."

Her solid action and words made surrounding people silent.

Where Chen was enjoying the little show, as the fire of wrath which has been lit inside him did not settle at all.

"You! Who gave you the invitation card, and there I was searching for you in the entire school and giving you one myself. But I heard you had run out of the school as soon as the bell rang."

Yan Ai looked at Chen carefully with a slight pout on her face. At that Chen explained why he had to run out for a certain gift for the birthday present.

Where Ai was listening to him felt as, if he could have been the one her father was talking about.

Given! Chen's gift was also related to the wine that her father had talked about. When Ai heard her father's voice, where Chen also found the old guy that had called him for his birthday.

"Haha! Junior is here then, look at you dressing so properly. It suits you more than being in the commoner dress code. Say! Want to work for our family..."

Hearing the old guy's words, Chen smiled bitterly as he denied his proposal, given he had a lot of things to do.

Not to say, the quest from the system is also something he wanted to complete given the gift is already so great, he still had 2 more cards like that.

"Don't try to tease me Mr. Yan. Although! I must say the party is quite lively as expected of the famous Yan family."

Ai looked at Chen with suspicious eyes, where Old Yan took off after talking with Chen for some minute leaving both of them alone.

Though! After he was gone, the atmosphere in that area drop several degrees. And Chen felt helpless about it, given both of them did not have much to talk about at the moment.

"Hello, big brother..." The awkwardness continued to pertain. When a girl in her 13 or 14th walked toward them.

The little delicate girl who was wearing the boy's clothes looked at Chen with a smile. As she came forward to hug Ai's side.

Which made Ai look at the little girl by her side helplessly as she patted her head to spoil her a little.

Chen also feels the feeling of innocence around the little girl, which put his mind at ease.

"So! Little tomboy is here to say something to me or what? Previously, I was in a hurry here for the party. So, I was not able to talk with you properly. But who would have thought! That I would get to meet you here, like this."

Chen had been good at dealing with spoiled little princesses, due to his sister's influence.

Started to talk with the little girl from Yan's family. Yan Jing started to smile more at Chen's jokes, while Ai also feel happy chatting with the duo.

"Big brother! I want you to come and meet my uncle. He wanted to ask you about my disease from you if you have time to come."

Suddenly Ai's laughter came to an end, as she looked at Chen and looked at Jing who was asking Chen with her puppy eyes.

While Chen who had whatsoever no reason to deny Jing nodded and walked with Ai and Jing. Where Ai! Looked at Chen with a small smile on her face.

Thinking if this boy could help Jing in curing that disease, or maybe his master could do it.

The whole Yan family will be heavily debited to him, whereas Chen on the other hand. Decided to use two other bronze cards, for the reward and see if luck can bring him something which can help this kid.

[Use it]

Chen shouted inside his mind when the first card disappeared with a flash and a container with the name. "Heart demon saving pill." Where the other card also lit up and disappear with another emergence and ringing tone to it.

[Heart Demon saving Pill]

[Rejuvenation Thousand Herbal Potion]X10

[Quest 1: Save little Jing and find the person, which attached the Ying devouring ghost on little Jing to harm her a genius with Ying Meridian.]

[Quest 2:_______________________________________________________________________]

Another quest precondition was not met, so Chen was not able to see any detail about it. But he was able to guess! That the ghost behind little Jing can be the work of other sider and fallen.

Given in this time and period, Chen did not believe that a human can be educated enough to judge the little girl Yin Meridian.

But Chen was also shocked, at the fact that Jing meridians were not Divine Yin Meridians but were simple Ying meridians.

This might be due to the System's point of view as gods and goddesses tire the system. Little girl, Yin Meridian's body is not something that great...

"Hello, junior Chen..." When Chen entered the room with Jing and Ai, he was greeted by the same uncle that he had met at the stone gambling site.

Where Chen also greeted the guy with polite gestures and a silent tune, as he did not have a very good impression of the man in front of him.

Jing on the other side, smiled briefly while chuckling at Chen's initiation of shaking their hand.

Where Old uncle, nodded and shook his hand. Where he looked at Chen calm look as he took his seat in front of Uncle Yan and him. Given! Most people in this city, are not as calm as he was in front of them if they were to know their position.

Where Chen who was fully aware of their position in Yan's family from Jing and Ai, was not just able to remain calm, he was also excluding a unique vibe to him.

"So! As Junior Chen must be aware of the fact that little Jing has a talent that is seen once in thousand of years. But for some reason, it is not able to fully develop which is why she is facing the boomerang of the talent."

Chen mostly knew of the reason why, given his eyes were able to see the ghost itself, which was the side effect of having Ying_Yang Dual meridian, a little benefit he got after tremendous suffering of being burnt alive and frozen simultaneously which lasted 20 days.

"Hmm! I got it, and I will do my best but when it is over, she might release tremendous Yin Qi from her body. So, I want a big room and you guys will wait outside. Also! Don't worry about me, given I have a similar constituent and had gone through similar things."

Uncle Yan was fine, as he believe in Chen's words. So, he patted Uncle Zheng's shoulder and looked at Chen with heavy eyes. "I believe in you kid, please save my nephew and our family will be indebted to you."

"No need for that, as I will also get to see a genius from the human realm emerging in front of me. That is more than enough of a payment from your side." For some reason, at that moment he recalled the words of his master when she saved him.

While he ended up blurting them out with similar expressions as his master, making Old Zheng and Old Yan silent as they looked at Chen with various emotions.