Jing Yan.

It was the southern side of the mansion, a small private room was located with some practice dummy where located. This place was designated for martial arts practice and Uncle Yan was used to practicing around this area.

The whole private room was surrounded by trees, plants, and a huge garden.

"This area is good for training purposes. It has that piece one needed to focus on our breathing and controlling our four senses. Though! In a huge city like this being able to isolate the noise from the surrounding is already good."

Chen was walking with Jing alone toward the room, given Uncle Yan did not want others to disturb them during the treatment.

While Uncle Zheng and Ai also trusted Chen, especially, Ai was sure that Chen would not bring harm to Jing.

"Big brother Chen! Is the treatment to this, is going to be painful like always."

Jing was nervous about it. Where Chen looked at Ai and patted her head, realizing how a girl with inborn talent can be more like them.

Given! They also had to suffer from one thing to another.

"I will promise Jing that this treatment is not going to hurt at all, so Jing can believe in big brother for this once. While I will get rid of the disease for you, though it is just a minor demon possessor."

When Chen's voice died out, something behind Jing appeared slashing at Chen's back, which caught little Jing by surprise.

"Do you really think, that you would be able to injure me like that... Not to say that you are just a minor ghost who did not even have nether skills for use."

Jumping behind Jing, who was sitting cross-legged as Chen had instructed. While looking at the weird shadow in front of her, she realize what was happening.

Given the ghost was giving her a feeling of Icy abysses. Similar to the cold wave, that had been tormenting her from time to time for an unknown amount of period.


The little ghost was trying to speak something, but it did not have the ability to do it. So, Chen could only helplessly shake his head.

Given! he realized that, the ghost was actually planted over a little girl with a special medium. Which he has to deal with, but before that he wanted her to feed on the heart-saving pill.

"So it is just a slave ghost, then I shall kill it with the martial art and Qi. I do not need other special mediums, that I had saved within my spatial pocket."

Chen dodged the shadow vines that were converging and diverging from the shadow around the room.

But for Chen, this kind of slow attack, did not even come close to touching his clothes.

Where his body reaction, has already sent a kick toward the shadow with full weight behind it.


Along with a muffle, Chen was shocked back with a wave of repulsion coming from the little ghost void body. Which had shrunk back inside little Jing's body, the thing Chen wanted for that idiot to do.

Given he had already taken out a pill from his space bag.

"Here take this, after it that bastard is going to be expelled out of your body in the weakened state. So, I should run farther away given the cold wave of your Yin Meridian will be released."

Chen gave the pill to Jing, who smiled and waved at Chen as she took the pill.

Where Chen felt a cold wave approaching from his back, while his body burst out with Yang energy and repelled most of it.

On the other hand, his body also started to absorb a lot of it inside.

Where the black shadow which came out rushing from Jing's body in a crumbling state, entered the area filled with Yin Qi.

His void body was not able to absorb the shock and was frozen to the core before it could recover back.

"Haha! Frozen to death."

Chen who was almost frozen to death came out of the cave-like structure around him. Though he had to smash through the cave-like structure to make the entrance out of it.

"Though! Little Jing awakening sure is very scary, if not for my talent for Yin and Yan meridian. I would have died in that for sure, but now I think I had benefited a lot."

Feeling the Yin Qi inside his body, Chen knew as long as he can bring his Yang Qi to this level. He would be able to smash his way through, the intermediate level.

"Jing! Are you alright? Jing, brother Chen are you alright inside..." Walking toward the gate, Chen found a thick wall of ice covering the whole area. While the thickness of the ice wall was more than a meter or bigger than that.

"I will have to smash my way through this... That is the only way, that I would be able to go out of here given it would take more than this to break it without coldest Yin Qi."

Chen remember the martial art that he has learned this morning and knew, that only that thing can help him smash this thick wall of Ice with a single punch.

[Shock Palm]

Stretching his limbs, Chen shook his head and started to move toward the guy.

Ai, and other old guys were waiting on the other side of the Ice wall and did whatever they could to break it.

But unfortunately, it was able to grow back up every time they destroy the ice. So, they could tell, that they would need the same kind of Qi or more potent Qi to break this wall apart.

When a shock wave of ice and wind, smashed out of the wall which was regrowing it back but was unable to.

Until! Chen walked out of it unscathed making all three of them break in to smile when Chen stopped them from entering.

As he told them that! Jing would need some more time inside and she would not feel the pain of it inside there.

Which made all three of them smile, as they covered him with a blanket though he did not need it.

"Ok then! I would like to go and have something to eat before heading back. Given little Jing is already about to wake up soon, where my job here is done."

Chen who was sitting in front of Ai smiled and headed toward the food corner which was empty now.

Though! This was the first time that Chen has visited a girl's home till 12 midnight. But unfortunately! This stay did not have the juicy content any teenage boy like him would like to have.

"Sure! I will also eat some before heading to bed, given uncle and dad had already taken Jing back to her room. While there is nothing I would be able to help them with."

Smiling! Chen looked at Ai's figure while thinking how this girl also have many things she was helpless about.

Even though! He had been thinking how blessed she was when looking at her in the school before. Although! He could not help her this time. Given it is something she herself has to face and fend off.

"You know! What is the difference between those who can help, and those who can't, is just a thought. Whether they think, they can help them or not."

Before Chen was heading out of the Yan estate, he thought of helping Ai out a little with little words. Where Ai who was walking by Chen's side heard these words. Felt something inside his mind change, where she was not able to muster her words to thank Chen. Where she stood looking at Chen walking away from there.

"Oops! It looks like, I was just being a busybody here." Chen who was greeted by the silence felt that his words might have been totally misleading to Ai. Who did not even reply to him, as she left him away to walk inside her mansion?

"Did she think, that I was trying to hit on her or what? Though! I had the intention of doing that. But I would not try it saying something like that, or maybe I am still overthinking about it."

The silence from Ai speculated many things inside Chen's mind. Who did not have that mindset of the cultivator or anything, and always had been living a life of a normal human.

"Thank You, Chen!" While walking inside the mansion, Ai spoke her words out loud! As she turned to look at Chen who had already disappeared from her eye line.

"We will meet again in the school, so there is no hurry about it. Next time, I would definitely think him out for all the things he has done for us." Ai headed back, but this time she was going inside to help Ai out, with her clothes and other things. That she cannot let her uncle and her father do for her little sister.