
The next morning, Chen woke up early for practice, which has been the daily schedule Chen has been going through for the last 3 years of the practice.

Though! Everything is starting to get as a habit for Chen now. While practicing the cool martial arts every morning and the feeling of getting stronger each day, make Chen a lot alive.

While Chen looks forward to the day until he would be able to take care of himself even in front of bullets, without getting injured by them though it is still a dream for him.

"Hmm! Yesterday to break that Ice, I was able to use the Shock Palm technique quite efficiently for a beginner. So, thinking about it, I guess I can say that I had already mastered this technique to the beginner stage right."

Chen who was standing in a solid pose threw out his palm and fist like a spear.

With a lot of destructive power and maneuverability which was releasing Qi in every punch.

While the wine inside his belly started to warm up Chen, where his used Qi started to replenish a lot.

Double Flux Steps.

It was undoubtedly a movement and kicking art, that was not easy to master because of the hidden origin ability behind it.

While Chen was also aware of the fact that, this kind of technique can always act as an ace in the hole for him. When it comes to retreating or attacking, this technique that is rather hard to find in the martial art community.

"Hmm! But this is taking rather a long period of time to master. This way, I would not be able to master its basics in around a month or two."

Understanding the concept inside the movement technique is not something one can practice through, so Chen who was currently immature in this field started to feel a little impatient and troubled with it.

Though! Till this moment, he did not notice many gazes that were concentrated on him from many sides, as he walked inside the school while being oblivious to others.


Ai finally got a hold of him, who was walking for his class. Where she had to wait for him with her friend inside the library.

On the same note, Chen who was walking toward his class was surprised to see Ai taking on the initiative to talk to him.

That caught him in a little surprise, but he was able to calm his expression before them.

As he greeted Ai and her friend, whose name was famous inside the school for being a tomboy that has been hitting on Ai.

"Hi! Student Yan and... Student Mei. I thought! Miss Yan was angry with me yesterday so it came as a surprise that you actually initiated a conversation with me."

Looking at Yan! He smiled and spoke his mind, to clear his doubts from yesterday.

Where Ai's expression told him, that all of the issues he had thought were just some nonsense his brain created.

"Huh! There is no way! I would be angry about something like that, also those words helped me a lot so I had to thank you for that."

Ai broke out in a smile, as she looked at Chen who looked normal without anything special about him.

But when he talked to her father and her uncle, he was emitting a strong sense of confidence. Which was something, that normal teenage of their age would be able to replicate.

"On the other hand, there is that fiancee of mine. Not only he is a great show-off, but also he is way too disgusting. Having slept with god knows how many girls, he is something I detest the most."

Chen who was good at judging people's expressions was able to tell, that Ai was thinking about something really troublesome.

While by the looks of her expressions, she was definitely disgusted by the thing she was thinking inside her mind.

But as a friend, he has limited things, he can do for her.

"Come on cheer up princess, your sad look is way too obvious to me. Also! I think if you are troubled by something. You should just stay away from it, and you should smile more in a moment like this."

Not bearing to see her down, he flicked on her head.

That stunned the students around that area, as they were looking at Chen with astonished expressions on their faces.

While Ai just nod at his words and did not say anything about his actions, which stunned her friend who was standing beside them.

Though! Chen knew that with this act, he might not be able to keep his promise to his master.

Given! A lot of problems will be heading toward him, and this time he is not going to take them low.

"Though! flicking on the girl's forehead. It is very rude of you, if not for me. You could have gotten a tight slap from the other party. So, please be aware of it. Okay!"

At Ai's words, Chen nodded his head as he bid his goodbye while promising to take both of them for something good during the lunch Period. Given it was going to be the gym class after that, and Chen was not going to attend it.

"Hey is he really the one, who was talking with Ai and her friend."

"Yeah! I am sure of it, I had seen it with my eyes. There is no doubt that he is the one who had been talking with Yan Ai our campus belle and her friend."

"Noway, he is way too normal for that. Also, he might be some kind of relative or something like that, given his money balance. How can he dare date our goddess."

As the words of ancient, words travel faster than man itself! Where Chen who was receiving the attention from the others, shook his head.

While taking his seat, he started to take out the copy in his bag when Fatty by his side, suddenly grabbed his shoulder and laughed.

"Bro is that true, that you are dating our goddess Yan Ai? Then be aware, there are 2 more Romeo inside our class. That might make things difficult for you, so you don't have to worry about me. Given If I am in trouble, I won't mind seeing everything about you to them."

"Yeah, sure! Having a friend like you, why should I not worry about other fu***** fatty?"

Kicking the guy by his side, Chen took the seat as he did not pay attention to others. While he did not even try to clear their doubts, given he did not have much time to waste on them.

Where he was about to start his Possessive system test again.

To see! What he can possess today and how he can use it to gain some kind of advantage through it.

Given! till this moment, he did not gain much of an advantage from it, except for the dog's hearing and smelling sense which is completely useless to him.

When Chen was about to start possessing again, with the renewed possessing points, where he get around 2 points every day.

While he had collected around 4 points to this moment. A kick slammed on his desk, which almost threw him back.

At that, Chen's eyes burst forth with a wave of unrestrained anger and killing intent, as he looked at the boy in front of him.

Feng was shocked, with a fierce wave of anger that had targeted him suddenly. Making his heart beat rapidly, while the feeling of being about to get killed shook his soul.

"Fuck off! Or I will kill you without giving it another shot. Don't try to mess with me, when I have such a good mood. Or else, I will make sure that you and your family will not have it easy."

Silence! The whole class was silent, as they all looked at Chen who was glaring at Feng.

Thinking if Chen was trying to court death or what? Given Feng's family was not something, anyone in this school would try to mess with.

Chen was thinking of using the possessive point. When the desk was kicked! Due to which the shock received from the sudden quack almost sent a painful sensation in Chen's spiritual realm, which almost killed him in that action.

That was the reason why? Chen was so angry about it, as he wanted to kill that man at all costs. But for some reason, his mind suddenly felt a cool sensation rising from his stomach to his brain.

Where something weird started to surround him, as his 4 possessive points were gone.

"I really wanna mess with that bastard." Chen stood up, looking at Feng who would have never thought that Chen would be able to glare back at him like that.

Given! The usual Chen would keep it low, never retaliating against sarcasm. While today Chen was like a new person, whom anyone in the class had ever met.

"You! I see now that, you have grown some balls under your leg. You think, that none of us would dare break your leg for acting so cocky in front of all of us or what?"

Feng felt humiliated due to this, he lost his calm and shouted back. Forgetting how! A single shout from Chen had silent him before.

The three boys behind Feng, reveal serious grins as they walked toward Chen. When the classroom door opened, where an old man walked inside in silence while looking at all four of them.

"Go back now!" With a single word, he silences the two of Feng's lackey. Where Feng himself was not able to say anything against them.

So, all three of them silently walk back to their seat while glaring at Chen. When class silence returned, the old guy smiled at Chen as he started his class.

Chen smiled and thanked the old guy inside his heart, given the old guy's reaction toward his outburst could tell, that he did not blame him for that.

After all, who was Chen? He was the smartest guy in the class, with a perfect record and high value in their teacher's mind.

Due to this, he has been able to pay for all of his tuition fees with a scholarship. Where he works different part-time to earn some money for daily necessities and sends back a few saved money so that his mother and sister can live more of a comfortable and easy life.