
"It is okay! You do not have to worry about these scums."

The lady's smile was like a spring breeze for those who saw it. Where Chen also felt her sincere concern and nodded at her.

Where the hooligan smile started to turn cold, as he stared at the lady's body. Without disguising his interest and provocation within those gazes.

When Chen started to feel several gazes on his back that reminded him of the quest that he received.

"This is troublesome. I do not plan to drag the lady into my mess, but if I were to walk out like this. She will definitely have a wrong impression of me."

Chen looked at the lady. Who was ignoring the Hooligan and continued typing on her smartphone?

"She is typing a message to someone right now. This is a good sign, given I will leave when her help will arrive. Until then, I hope those idiots would not make a stupid move against him."

Chen closed his tired eyes, which was the result of the continuous study.

Though! Chen did not enter such a state in the early period of his cultivation, but recently he felt the frequency of the deep state is easy to trigger.

"Maybe! The wine from before could be the reason why I am able to enter such a state easily. Which is more than amazing it can get. Although! I do not know if I will get them from the system again or not."

Chen continue to think about it, where he had completely forgotten about the hooligan that was glaring at his back.

'Hmm! This kid got the courage and all. He is not even flinching even when the guy in the back is glaring this hard on him.'

The beautiful lady smiled. When she noticed Chen completely ignoring the hooligan without any response to all those glares.

While she could even see him smiling, from time to time, like he was thinking about something funny.

At which, all the other passengers were looking at Chen, with weird gazes given the shout from before. Had already gathered their attention of them from the very beginning.

The hooligan was able to tell that the lady was a bad deal, and all of his anger directly shifted to Chen. As he started to accuse Chen of his embarrassment, which he had been ending up dealing with in front of such a huge mass.

'If it was not for this kid. I would have taken the seat beside that lady, where I could have a slight chance of courting her with my name in the underworld.'

Hooligan continued to fuel his anger, as he continued to accuse Chen for this whole time until the stop for Chen arrive.

While he was surprised to see that, the lady from before had also exited at the same bus stop.

"You are also from the same stop little brother. That is quite surprising."

The beautiful lady was surprised by it as she looked at Chen and spoke, with a similar cold tone which seemed to be natural in her case.

"Big sister! I was the one who was shocked by it, given I had never seen you coming from the same line before. It might have been my first time, seeing you coming to this locality."

A smile bloomed on her face, listening to Chen calling her big sister as she likes to be called one like this.

Where she also find Chen's little face, which had a mixture of experience and child-like innocent pleasing to her eyes.

When both of them were about to walk, Chen turned back to find the previous Hooligan and a few men behind him walking toward them.

Never he would have thought, that today's target was the small kid that has messed with him. While now, he can beat the brat to death and even get out without any problem.

After all, it would be Young master Feng, who will cover it up for him when his job is over.

Where according to the information on this kid. He came to realize, that the kid was a normal brat with his parents living in another city.

So, there was no one who would come to complain for him if he were to die here, at least for a few months until his family member would get about his death news.

"You brat! I hope you are ready for some beating, given you had tried to mess with the wrong person this time." Thinking hiding Master Feng's identity behind his action could garner master Feng's praise.

Poison_Scar could not help but smile at Chen with a huge grin on his face.

"Brother this time, we want to break his leg. After that, you are allowed to do whatever you want to do to him."

At that moment, two of the small lackey who was considered to be the weakest among them walked in front of other for a show. After all, looking at Chen's physics anyone among them was think of him as a weakling.

"Stop! What do you think you are doing in broad daylight? I hope you can turn away right now before I call the police number."

The beautiful lady was intelligent, as she had already dialed the number and spoke when the call was accepted.

Due to this, the elder Dan on the other side heard everything. While his mustache twitched hearing the voice of his niece being bullied like that.

He directly called a person in a furious tone as the police department in Chen's town buzzed active.

"Little lady! You should just wait, given we will take our time before dealing with that kid. After all, he had pissed someone he should not have."

With his shout, all the members behind Poison_Scar started to move toward Chen, where Chen felt a little guilty for getting a beautiful lady by his side in this case.

"Big sister! You should go, I do not want to get you caught up in my mess. They are here to beat me up for someone. So, I think they will not chase after you."

Chen turned to smile at her, as he turned back and looked at the others.

"Also! I am quite strong. I had practiced martial arts, so I will be fine dealing with them." Looking back with a stupid grin on his face, which remained as calm as ever.

Chen gripped his fist, as he got ready for a fight.

While a small smile broke out on his face as he looked at the duo, that had been asking other to let them handle him. Before the fight even had started.

Beautiful Lady was about to say something when one of the two front-most hooligans was about to grab her hand.

Chen who was silent for all that time, finally his right leg dragged further while his left body jerked and released a vicious whip. The whip contained five percent of his actual body strength.

Which actually resulted in a huge slam, that almost sent the guy throwing up all his food. When the whip kick landed on his stomach.

"You bumpkins! Didn't you hear me saying that I will take care of my own mess, don't dare drag other people inside it... Or else, I will kick your balls into soccer." The kick resulted in absolute silence, where the poor guy who got hit by that was still vomiting and crawling on the ground.

"Big Sister! Can you please close your eyes, I do not want to beat them up in front of you. That will be a little bad sight for you." Chen turned to look at the lady by his side, who was also staring at him while blinking her eyes in amazement.

Although! She still ended up nodding her head and closing her eyes, when Chen released his kick again slamming on the chest of a guy.

Whole twisting his body, he released more than 3 kicks which ended up with people throwing up and crawling on the ground with piss and foam.

"So, I will give you a chance to take them all away silently. Or I will help you get into their position for this night. If you still want to carry on your order from that young master." Poison_Scar stood silently, where his previous provocative eyes were now filled with dread and fear.

Chen smiled! When he got his answer from the guy, he walked and tapped the beautiful lady's shoulder and smiled.

"I see! You are a really powerful martial artist huh? That was rather shocking given your tiny figure. But I still have to thank you for everything."

She did not turn to look back at the sight, where she continued to walk out of that area. With Chen helping her back to her apartment, the chances of her encountering more like that were high.

Where the beautiful lady had already started treating him like a little brother. Although! Chen himself was a little distressed about it.

[Random Quest]

[Quest 1R: Counter Feng conspiracy against you... The reward will depend upon the action and success rate of the Host.] [Completed]

[Chain Quest...]

[Quest 1: Destroy the mortal group that had accumulated a large amount of Negative Karma, disturbing the cycle of Karma and reincarnation.] [Completed]

[Quest 2: Search and Destroy the perpetrator mastermind behind your case. Deliver justice to those who had died on the wimp of the same mastermind.] [Intializing by 50%]

[Quest 3: Bring the fall of an illegal association and family behind the social turbulence. Your search will be their fear, and your fist will their nemesis.]

[Fear-&-Nemesis || Chain Quest || Unlocked...]

Possessive Point: 2+(4)- [6points]

Chen who was back in his sweet home found a food package from the landlady in his room. Where he knew that the landlady will be gone today and tomorrow morning due to her regular routine.

"Hmm! Let's see how much possessing point I had accumulated."

Chen looked at the six possessive points, that had gained from the quest completion. While there was also one more bronze card, which was also from Random Quest.

Chen ignored the bronze card, while he used his possessive points. To enter into someone else body, when he opened his eyes to find himself inside a bath with 3 beautiful girls around him. 'Meow!'

'Oh wow, this is true heaven.' Chen wanted to shout out when he found that the bath was a huge spring, and the girls around him were immortals that he has never seen before.

Ahh! What a beautiful mess this can be...