Changes in system.

At that particular moment, Chen was embraced by a girl in her teens around 18 to 19 years old with beautiful hair which could reach knee length.

While her crystal jade green-like eyes. The eyes were simmering with light and peace.

"Hey that program went blank again, I am not able to see that kid again. He must have used that weird artifact power, to do something right."

At that moment, Chen saw a smartphone in the hand of a maiden, who was sitting on the side of the spring and chatting with others about him.

Although! The mixture of ancient goddess spring and smartphone was weird, but at that moment who would care about something like this...

Given! at the moment his sole attention was on the girl walking out of the bath. Where their glistening body covered with a small towel in front.

He was able to see everything else, but for some reason, he was not able to feel any response from the little brother down there.

"Haha! I have possessed a female cat body, then what is wrong with the uprising feeling inside my chest? that I am feeling right now."

During the same period, in the real world where Chen's body was in total sleep mode had a boner, without him knowing about it. While Chen turned to look at the angel-like girl who was holding him.

At which, her beautiful smile and face stole his words from his lips. As he felt dazed just like looking at her.

"Haha! What happened little one, you are acting strange." The girl smiled and played with Chen's hair, who just turned down his head and looked at the water surface...

In the spring! A bout of laughter rang out, where Chen was keeping his silence for all the period not wanting to be caught by them as a peeping tom.

Though! he had possessed a female cat body, still from inside, he was still a boy. So, he kept silent but he never looked away, as he continued to stare at the wonderful view in front of him.

Where he came to know, that he would stay here for a day and that using points from 5+ and above would get him to possess the body of a heavenly beast.

"Xiao Xia! Don't you think, your pet is acting weirdly conscious about you today or what? Though! I can't blame her, given you are so beautiful today after all."

Hearing the first half, Chen was sweating bullets. But after hearing the continuation, he felt like escaping from the clutches of the demon god.

"Shut up! Although, you are not allowed to say those words. When you have been infatuated with a mortal in that show..." Chen realized that he was being talked about right now.

Where he looked at the girl with red hair, who was also considered beautiful in herself. But compared to the person by her side, she lacked something. Although! Chen does not want to compare anyone with a girl like her.

Given! Comparing any girl with her would only make him, obsessed with the girl in front of him.

"He is really special! Although! You can also find out about it too. By a single video call! We will see if he will be affected by your beauty just like others or not."

The red-haired girl, snickers at her best friend as they both quarrel and went silent after some time.

Chen came back to his own world and timeline. As he smiled thinking about the thing, that he had got to learn in the time period in that world.

After all, things like those can be quite useful to current him. While he has also taken a few things from that realm.

Fruit with heavenly Dao essence...

"Although! I had gotten the shop portion of the system opened up. But fruit with Dao essence still cost around thousand of system points. While the chain quest part 2 only gives around 50 of those points."

Chen had noticed that with this possession.

Not only, but he also gets to know about the different realms of the world. But he also opened up the shop option, where he can buy anything he wants from all the different realms with the system points.

System Shop:

Heavenly Dao fruits: 1k points.

(The fruits that contain the essence of heaven law, which can help the person to understand the meaning behind the essence of this world to a certain limit.) (low-grade)

Herbal wine: 5k points.

(This wine is produced from natural herbs and spiritual fruits of different realms. Helping to clear the psych realm, with no harm to the drinker's body.) (low-special-grade)

Earth Golem Talisman: 2k points.

(Golem earthen from the talisman, with the strength of the revolving Qi realm master. That can be called for 5 times before vanishing along with used essence.) (low-grade)

Earthen-Molten Golem Talisman: 6k points. (Reusable)

(Golem earthen from the leather talisman, which is made from the fiery beast skin. The golem's strength can reach the peak of the revolving Qi realm master. Where its essence can be restored and reused by using the spiritual stones of Earth Qi and Fire Qi.) (low-special grade)

Seeing the time where only one hour has passed since the time he use possession. Chen decided to rest his tired eyes while taking a good night's sleep.

The next morning, Chen woke up and walked out to see the bag full of different herbs.

That came from his master like always, but he had always hoped that she would let him see her for once in a while like before.

But as usual, he knew that the notion of it was far from being a success in his case. After all, it has been a long time and he did not have any idea, how to find her with a single notion of getting stronger.

The condition that the master had put up on him if he wanted to meet her back.

"I will find her no matter what? Although! With this system and chat group, I think it will come faster than I had imagined it to be."

Chen's next morning was fresh! As he looked at the sunrise, he started his basic training while running toward his training field.

Next, it was his time for having a good breakfast, and this time, he was thinking of making some food for himself with those herbs and some vegetables and eggs he had.

When he found the locked door of his apartment opened by someone already. Although! The chance of the intruder being landlady was also very less.

"This is a good chance, I can see the passive ability that I had developed by possessing that little cat. After all, it was a heavenly beast too. Void Lynx species that rule over cat species around the void forest realm."

[Congrachulation Host for developing a Spiritual sense of Void Lynx.]

Chen recalled the words of the system, where this time he was only able to develop spiritual sense traits of Void Lynx because of its difficulty.

Due to this, his spiritual sense was good enough to cover the area of 20 meters in a radius around him.

Where he sensed the familiar cold wave of Qi emitting from the spiritual body inside the room. While a young lady was standing in Chen's kitchen and preparing some breakfast for him.

"Little Jing..." Chen shook his head, and he also notice another figure inside his room. Who was roaming to and fro, while looking at the door from time to time with a smile?

'Uncle Zhang is also there, though he seemed to have felt my presence and is waiting for me at the moment.'

Chen walked inside, where he first looked at the little girl who was cooking some soup and noodles. While his entry startle her a little, then she smiled at Chen calling him inside given the breakfast was almost prepared for him.

As usual! little Jing was looking really pretty with her bubbly nature. Chen was a little helpless against her, as he was being dragged by her inside the room where Uncle Zhang was waiting for both of them.

"Hehe! Took you a lot of time to come in. I had been waiting for you little brat." Uncle Zhang laughed heartily while calling Chen out, and Chen had a good impression of him, so he could only answer him with a polite response.

"Uncle Zhang! How can I help you, given I was really scared about someone attacking my home at this period of time?" Chen smiled and greeted uncle Zhang, where Zhang when heard about Chen being targeted frowned a little.

Given! He was not allowed to interfere in lower society trifle like this. Or else, he alone could have eliminated all the threats around his benefactor.

"Sorry! Kid, being in an organization... I am not allowed to interfere with the matter around this area, so why not you come with me as a guest? With that, I would be able to protect your life in the time of need."

Seemingly! Uncle Zhang misinterpret his intention from his words before. Which made Chen break into a smile, as he explained how he was not threatened by the enemy he was facing.

But the root cause of his problem was the police department and other who can interfere after he is done with his enemy.

"Haha! Is that all, then no worry? I will go and warn them, so you can go and uproot that family itself. While I will handle the rest of it, given you should be vicious when it comes to your enemy alright..."

Zhang laughed and confirmed his support. Where little Jing who was hearing their conversation felt a little weird about it. Given the way, both of them were talking about other family member life values.

She was starting to realize, why her master had warned him again and again about the same thing, though she never paid attention to it during all this time period.