Skye's Demon Armor Incursio

"I don't need that cloak anyway; I don't care."

Fanny thought while doing weird poses in the air, like laying on his side and sitting cross-legged. He selectively forgot the fact that he had stood and flattered the Cloak of Levitation all day long to gain its recognition because he was worried about fighting the Iron Monger.

He had been stressing himself out thinking about the Iron Monger, but with Sky Dance and the portal spell, the Iron Monger no longer seemed like an insurmountable mountain.

Now, with all countermeasures in place, the problem was how to begin the battle. At this point, Tony Stark probably hadn't even started building the Mark II armor.

The Iron Monger was even worse off. The terrorist Obadiah hired probably hadn't found all the pieces of the Mark I armor, much less reassemble it.

With such leeway, Fanny could afford to properly prepare everything, including practicing the Sky Dance skill.

It doesn't matter what the enemy does if you're strong enough. You could just push through them.

After floating around in his room for a while, Fanny finally returned to his bed. He immediately fell into a deep sleep from his exhaustion.

Fanny woke up early the next morning with a high spirit. He only had classes in the afternoon, so he was prepared to practice the Sky Dance skill, but Skye intercepted him before he could go out.

"What are you going to do?"

Skye asked coldly, standing at the door. She was worried that Fanny's recent secret outings would cause another incident.

"Uh, it's nothing, just normal training."

Fanny rolled his eyes at Skye's suspicious expression. He then grinned, "Do you want to come?"

Skye shook her head in disappointment, not noticing Fanny's grin. "Forget it; I can't learn what you're practicing anyway. Be careful, don't push your body too far again."

Fanny put away his mischievous intent and patted Skye's pitiful head. "Don't worry too much that you can't learn it. Didn't I tell you that you'll have other abilities? It's just a matter of time."

"Hey, you know what? Let's go together today. I'll show you something."

Fanny pulled Skye's hand without waiting for her answer and opened a portal.


Fanny could finally use the portal spell without the help of 'Demon Armor Incursio,' although he still needed to use an 'Ars Magna' command.

Skye was a bit stunned at the change of environment beyond the portal. "I still have a lot of things to do!" She said helplessly after coming to her senses.

"It doesn't matter. Let's take a break first!"

Fanny replied, laughing. Then, he suddenly asked, "By the way, are you afraid of heights?"


Skye was confused but understood what his question meant immediately. She stared in shock at Fanny, who was floating under the moonlight.

"You can fly?"

"Do you want to fly high into the sky?"

Fanny flew in front of Skye and asked with a smile.

Very few people could refuse the temptation of flight, and it was obvious that Skye was not among them.

The thought of flying in a different way than in planes made Skye's heart skip a beat. Also, she knew Fanny wouldn't say that if he wasn't sure of the safety, so she shouldn't have to worry about falling.

"Come on, I will hold you!"

Fanny already knew Skye's answer from her face. He landed in front of her and princess-carried her up.

Skye's delicate face flushed red, and her large amber eyes shifted away. They might be siblings, but they weren't related by blood.

Fanny excitedly took off with Skye, ignorant of her thoughts. The portal he opened led to the ever-so-familiar Mount Everest, but it was at a lower altitude, so it wasn't so cold.

As the two rose into the night sky, boundless white scenery came into view. The beautiful sight made Skye forget about her embarrassment for a moment.

"So beautiful!"

Skye muttered. The feeling and the view were absolutely incomparable to the confined airplanes.

Fanny returned Skye to the ground after flying for a while. He thought about Skye's disappointment because she couldn't learn magic and felt that he might be able to gamble on something.

"When did you learn to fly?"

Skye asked curiously, still a little dazed from the flight experience.

"I just learned it recently."

Fanny told Skye that the special training in the snow was to learn the Sky Dance technique. It was not strictly a lie since he wouldn't be able to extract the fourth skill without the experience from that breakthrough.

"I see

," Skye nodded. She understood why Fanny would take the risk for the skill, but she warned again, "Training is fine and all, but you shouldn't hurt yourself!"

Fanny smiled at Skye's sudden sagely act. Fanny hesitated for a bit before asking, "Skye, I have something that might let you feel extraordinary power. Do you want to try it?"


Confusion and curiosity once again filled Skye's face.

"Demon Armor Incursio!"

Fanny called out the key longsword of 'Demon Armor Incursio' and held it out to her. He then explained, "This sword can adapt to the user's body and transform into a set of armor that greatly enhance the user's body. Do you want to try it?"

It was confirmed that the armor could be worn by others back when Ancient One tried it.

"Can I?"

Skye asked nervously and excitedly. She had been a little depressed and lonely ever since giving up on learning magic. She couldn't help but be happy when she was given the opportunity to experience extraordinary power.

"There shouldn't be any problem if you try it."

'Demon Armor Incursio' was Fanny's skill. He could cancel it at any time if an unexpected result occurs. He was worried that Skye couldn't equip it—her self-esteem might be utterly obliterated.

"Increase Skye's physical fitness by two times!"

Fanny used 'Ars Magna' to maximize Skye's physique before letting her small white hands grasp the long sword.


Skye shouted.

Red energy overflowed from the sword and wrapped around Skye. A familiar shadow appeared behind her. Fanny realized that he was observing the ancient lifeform that resided within 'Demon Armor Incursio.'


A strange and weak roar came from the shadow. It seemed to be somewhat dissatisfied, but it finally hugged Skye slowly.

Fanny suddenly thought of when Ancient One tried the armor. If the roar back then had been comparable to an evil dragon, the roar when Skye tried the armor was like a kitten with its fur standing on end.

Fortunately, Skye successfully equipped the armor. This was the first time that Fanny really let others use 'Demon Armor Incursio'. In the end, 'Demon Armor Incursio' was a skill instead of an Imperial Arms. It would be impossible for people to easily equip it otherwise.

The shadow dissipated, and fully-equipped Skye appeared in front of Fanny. To his surprise, Skye's 'Demon Armor Incursio' was extremely different from his.

"How could it have wings?!"

Besides the wildly different armor style, Skye's 'Demon Armor Incursio' also had a pair of wings!

Is it possible that the dragon inside the armor could read thoughts and morph according to them?!