Do You Really Think That There Are No Aliens on Earth

Ultimately, Fanny decided to not leave and simply drop the stealth ability. Tony wouldn't be able to recognize his face through 'Demon Armor Incursio' anyway.

Tony was obviously shocked when he saw Fanny, but he regained his confidence rather quickly. Perhaps it was because he was behind the password-protected door and the armor piece in his hand.

"Identify yourself, you trespassing…unknown creature!? Are you an alien? Can you speak? What museum did you steal that armor from?" As Tony spoke, his caution and alarm slowly turned into curiosity.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Tony Stark!" Fanny put on a calm attitude, trying to replicate the scene when he first met Ancient One. Unfortunately, the armor's mask covered his face; facial expression was crucial to maximize the calming effect.

"Well... you can talk and know my name. Did you plan this?" Tony discreetly moved closer to his computer, continuing to ask questions meanwhile, "How did you do it? That fire ring? Is it some sort of technique?"

"Yes, this is a special technique of our people. It is very convenient for moving around; so many among us learned it." Fanny teased Tony's curiosity.

As far as he knew, the portal spell was exclusive to Kamar-Taj mages from Earth. It was a rather convenient and basic spell, so most of Kamar-Taj's many mages learned it. None of Fanny's words were technically a lie.

"Then, who are you? Why are you looking for me?" Tony frowned. If Jarvis hadn't shown him the surveillance footage, he would've activated the defensive countermeasures.

This is the home of the military's former top contractor. There was no way he wasn't prepared for a simple house invasion.

"Uh…" Fanny quickly thought about it in his mind and started to make up stories. "I am a cosmic observer. I have discovered that you were creating a special weapon. It might cause us to re-evaluate the Earth, so I came to inspect it."

Tony seemed to be shocked speechless for a moment. He thought silently for a while before asking, "Are you really an alien?"

Fanny doubled down and pushed further to mislead him. "Look at what you said. Do you really think that there are no aliens on Earth?

"Like the Frost Giants of Jotunheim, the Aesir gods of Asgard, the Kree of the Kree Empire, the Skrulls, and many more—they have all been to Earth."

He couldn't see Fanny's face, but Tony could recognize sarcastic mockery when he heard one. He was usually the one being sarcastic, so this was a rare experience for him.

Tony was known as a genius across the world, so he was smart enough to be skeptical of Fanny's words.

"So, what is the result of your observation?" Tony dropped his armor-equipped hand while using his other hand to operate his computer. He told Jarvis to scan and analyze Fanny and prepare the defense system.

The defense system might not be able to restrain Fanny's bizarre technique, but just like his father once said, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

"You're quite a resourceful man. It's not bad," Fanny praised. Although Tony Stark had many shortcomings, no one could deny his talent. After all, in the entire universe, no one else had ever been able to create a time machine.

"I also think so!" Tony replied without a trace of modesty. Then, he took the initiative to open the password door and invited, "Would you like to come in and have a cup of coffee?"

Fanny looked at Tony in surprise and hesitated before entering Tony's workshop. There was a holographic projection of Mark 2's overall structure on the table.

Noticing Fanny's gaze, Tony immediately waved his hand to turn off the projection and then decisively shouted, "Jarvis, lock down all the rooms and lock onto the target. Do not attack for now."

He raised the energy cannon on his arm at Fanny again. The room went into lockdown, and all kinds of weapons emerged from the walls. He spoke at Fanny, who was indifferent, "Now, allegedly alien, sir…

"If you don't mind, can you take off the armor that you stole from a museum and sit down to talk?"

"Have you no fear of provoking me and dooming this entire world?" Fanny looked at Tony's series of actions and asked curiously.

This was still Tony's workshop, so he couldn't install heavy weaponry. The weapons along the wall were all small arms with limited lethality. They would be enough to deal with ordinary people, but if he wanted to deal with Fanny, the most effective thing would be the ark-powered energy cannon on his arm.

"Who knows? Maybe this alien is still a human." Tony smirked and opened a holographic window. "Although I don't know how you entered my house, boy, do you think I wouldn't find you while you're snooping around my house?"

"Fuck!" Fanny couldn't stop himself from cursing when he saw the video Tony showed him. It was surveillance footage from when he first sneaked around Tony's house. He didn't realize that there was a camera nearby.

"How many cameras do you have installed around here?" Fanny asked, indignant. He did not deny that the person in the footage was him—that would be meaningless. Knowing Tony's character, he would investigate everything that he deemed suspect. His identity would be exposed sooner or later, and it would be troublesome if Tony's investigation caused more accidents.

"Who knows? I have the money anyway. I plan to launch a few more satellites to monitor my house." Tony shrugged, flaunting his enviable wealth and insufferable personality.

"Okay, you win."

Fanny removed 'Demon Armor Incursio'. Since his identity had been exposed, there was no need to hide anymore. Moreover, Tony's armor was still incomplete, so there was no point in fighting.

Fanny started to regret coming here. If he knew the outcome would be like this, he wouldn't have come for any reason.

Tony was rather surprised at Fanny's decision. He had confirmed his suspicion about Fanny's identity, so his curiosity had taken over entirely. "Hmm… your armor… is that advanced nanotechnology?! Did you really obtain alien technology?"

The way that Fanny removed his armor was inexplicable by modern science, so much that Tony, nicknamed the modern Da Vinci, couldn't wrap his head around it right now.

"Didn't you say we'll be sitting down for a coffee? Is this how you treat your guests?" Fanny was still a bit sulky about Tony's tight surveillance network. Technology was indeed the enemy of magic.

Tony gave a final glance at Fanny's young face and tidy appearance. After making sure that Fanny didn't conceal any more weapons, Tony hesitated and lowered the energy cannon on his palm.

"Alright, Mr. Helsed. Now, please tell me why you broke into a private house. Otherwise, I don't mind sending my lawyers to fight against your parents."

"Don't threaten me, or you'll face severe consequences." Fanny frowned. He didn't want anyone to use his family to threaten him—that was his sore point.

But Tony was the most arrogant person in the Marvel universe. He had to have the last word, even if he didn't really mean it.

"Now, you should first consider your own consequences."

"Do you really think I can't do anything?!" Fanny sighed at Tony's arrogance and concentrated on a command, "Jarvis, you will listen to my following instructions. Delete all videos and images related to me with secure, irrecoverable deletion protocol."

"Alright, sir. I am very happy to serve you."