Second Battlefield

Fanny was a little depressed and annoyed at the prolonged battle. Obadiah had caught up to Tony and began fighting again, so Fanny stopped hesitating and concentrated on opening the portal.

He gave his all to guiding the magical energy, opening a wide portal not far away from the two's battle.

As a mage, Fanny's talent was indeed not that good. He failed to conceal the portal from Obadiah's sight, and it was even noticed by the reporters.

Fortunately, Tony was a bit more powerful than Obadiah. He could force the battlefield closer to the portal, inch by inch.

Obadiah saw the white snow on the other side of the portal and correctly deduced that it was not just a strange decorative circle. He realized that he had underestimated Tony's assistant.

Obadiah had previously tried to prevent Tony from escaping, but after going through the fight, he began to think of a way to escape himself—even if that meant abandoning the Stark Industry.

The armor and ark reactor technology would be enough for him to build a new, stronger empire.

Tony might have better technology than him, but Obadiah believed that he would be more ruthless and vicious in battle. He would eventually be able to defeat Tony, but he would have to survive this fight first.

The strength of Obadiah's Iron Monger didn't help him much in escaping from Tony's Mark II, but unfortunately, its weight prevented Tony from just dragging the entire thing into the portal.

Fanny sighed when he saw Tony struggle for too long against Obadiah. As expected, he couldn't rely on anyone but himself.

Fanny calmed himself down and looked straight at Iron Monger. He cleared his thought, focusing on using 'Ars Magna.'

"Teleportation portal!"

Fanny moved the portal right behind the Iron Monger. Tony used the chance to immediately slam forward and push the Iron Monger into the portal, falling together with it.

Fanny quickly rushed into the portal and closed it, afraid that Obadiah would activate his rocket and fly back out.

They left the excited reporters behind with the broken concrete and pavements, looking at each other in dismay.


"Where is this?"

The surrounding cityscape suddenly transformed into endless ice and snow. Obadiah was perplexed by the change in scenery. Before Fanny could reply, the computer system in his suit had already given him an answer.

"Mount Everest?!"

Obadiah was dumbfounded. He was in New York mere seconds ago, but he was transported to Mount Everest. If he hadn't seen it with his own eye, he would never believe it, no matter what anyone said or done.

"Now the second round begins!"

Tony made a somewhat sarcastic announcement and rushed again towards Obadiah. This time, Fanny joined him.

The firearms on the two armor suits were almost depleted, and they mostly rely on mechanical fistfights now. Fanny could keep up with that much.

Fanny summoned the Ring of Raggadorr in both hands and used it as a weapon. He engaged in hit-and-run tactics against the Iron Monger, utilizing Sky Dance to enhance his agility and to attack from all directions.

"Who are you? What did Tony promise you? I can give you double what he promised!"

Obadiah began panicking and losing balance. He tried to bring Fanny on his side.

Fanny was already too tired and lazy to listen to Obadiah. He just wanted to farm the experience as planned and return home to rest.

The Ring of Raggadorr was the most basic of Kamar-Taj's combat spells, but that doesn't mean it was weak. At the very least, tearing through a steel armor wasn't a problem for it. On top of that, it was unaffected by the low-temperature environment.

Under Fanny and Tony's constant siege, the Iron Monger became tattered and began breaking down.

"Tony! You can't do this to me. I am your father's best friend. I watched you grow up since I was a child. I even helped you manage the company. "

Obadiah's panicked voice came from the Iron Monger. He already realized that he couldn't win this battle.

Tony didn't say anything but held his fist back a little. He had treated Obadiah like his family. He never thought that Obadiah would plan to get him kidnapped.

He had told only three people about his miniature ark reactor. His best friend Rhodes, his trusted assistant Pepper, and his closest family Obadiah.

"Hey, I don't care what you're going to do with him next, but we have to knock him out of his suit first."

Fanny snapped the distracted Tony back to reality. If they were in a movie, he would definitely be killed.

Tony realized that this wasn't the time to let his mind wander around.

It was nighttime back in New York, but it was morning on Mount Everest: the coldest time of the day.

The fierce and cold wind whistled through the sky, carrying the snow to dance across the white expanse. The two metal armor on the battlefield began to freeze, and Iron Monger began to lose its already limited mobility.

Fanny was the only one unaffected by the ice resistance of his 'Demon Armor Incursio.'

Obadiah's panic worsened. He finally chose to run away, activating his flight system. Rocket flames with thick exhaust spewed out below his feet, melting the ice and snow around him.

The large armor required a lot of energy to take off, and it had been fighting for a while now. No matter how powerful the miniature ark reactor was, its energy wasn't infinite.

Obadiah couldn't fly far before the suit started to lose power.

"Don't make me do this!"

Obadiah shouted when he saw that Tony and Fanny weren't backing down. His dream was about to be torn down before the seed even had a chance to sprout.

"Obie, just come out and confess everything with me!"

Tony extended one last olive branch for the sake of their many years of friendship.

Confessing right now would be the same as suicide for Obadiah, so he was understandably reluctant. He felt he could still salvage the situation and started flying towards a snowy peak not far away.

He planned to create an avalanche and bury the two people behind him. This would also risk harming himself, but he had no other choice.

Fanny was confused when he saw that Obadiah suddenly charged away. He wanted to stop him, but Obadiah was unfortunately faster than his Sky Dance. It was pretty much impossible to catch up with him.

As for Tony, he had deduced that Obadiah was running out of energy. His suit was using older inefficient technology, so he couldn't have much time left. Tony could chase after him, but without carefully managing the energy output, he would just die together with Obadiah. He didn't need to take such risky action when he had Fanny by his side.

"What is he trying to do?"

Fanny asked Tony, doubtful. His eyes were still watching Obadiah going up the mountain.

"I don't know."

Tony was also confused. He did not understand what Obadiah was thinking. Fanny was the one who opened the portal, so Obadiah couldn't know where it would lead, much less set up an ambush.

They raced to follow Obadiah and quickly learned his intent as he fired several missiles up the mountain.

"He wants to create an avalanche!"

Fanny and Tony shouted simultaneously, their face filled with shock.

As expected, the missile explosions shook the mountain, and waves of snow poured from the peak. Obadiah dived straight into the avalanche.


Fanny cursed. Following Obadiah into the avalanche would only get them buried in the snow, but waiting for the snow to pass would give Obadiah time to escape.

But Obadiah must be taking quite the risk as well. If he miscalculated, he could be buried forever under the snow.

Fanny would have to remove that risk.

He quickly flew to Tony's side as Obadiah was closing into the avalanche. "I need to get within five meters from him."

Tony immediately grabbed Fanny and squeezed out every last bit of energy in his suit to accelerate forward. He instantly arrived in front of Obadiah.

However, Tony's suit energy was almost depleted, and his flight system became erratic. They are in severe danger of the looming avalanche.

Fanny ignored Tony after he arrived beside Obadiah. He activated a skill through a small but deep wound on the Iron Monger armor.

He could summon it anywhere within five meters as long as he had a line of sight, the skill he thought was super useless!

Sumire Karaage Rolls x3

Sumire Karaage Rolls x3

Sumire Karaage Rolls x3

Fanny summoned three rolls at once each second, and the interior of the Iron Monger was filled up in just ten seconds. Fanny shouted,

"Your suit would malfunction in the low temperature!"

The avalanche was almost right in front of them. Fanny didn't spare any time and grabbed Tony to fly up with Sky Dance, leaving the Iron Monger suit and Obadiah within it under the snow.