
Fanny watched the deluge of white snow under him. If Obadiah still escaped despite all that, there was really nothing he could do.

He rushed through it and couldn't focus himself properly, so the effect of 'Ars Magna' wouldn't last all that long, but it should last enough to bury Obadiah in the snow.

He didn't stuff all those 'Sumire Karaage Rolls' into the Iron Monger because he thought Obadiah would be hungry, but to restrict his movement. Even Tony had difficulty taking off his armor at this point in time, so Obadiah's outdated technology should be more restrictive.

If he dared to open his mask with the avalanche over him, his suit would be filled with snow. If he didn't open it, he would be suffocated by fried chicken pieces. Both options were unbearable.

"What did you do just now?" Tony asked, floating beside Fanny. He had been busy regulating his flight system's energy usage, so he didn't notice what Fanny had done.

Fanny looked at the endless avalanche and sighed at the sheer power of nature. He casually replied, "Nothing, I just invited him to eat some fried chicken."

"Huh?!" Tony's expression became blank with shock, having zero ideas about what Fanny meant. He had thought that Fanny had some secret weapon against Obadiah.

"Do you think he can survive?" Fanny suddenly asked several minutes later. The avalanche still brought more and more snow from the mountain peak. His intervention probably prevented Obadiah's survival—in other words, he had killed a person with his own hands.


Tony didn't answer him. He still held some hope in his heart that Obadiah would survive, but he also knew it was improbable. He didn't know what Fanny had done down there, but it couldn't be some meaningless trick.

"Just leave it to me. Can you find a place to put me down first?"

Tony's suit energy had been completely depleted, and he couldn't activate the flight system anymore. He was now hanging from Fanny's hands.


Fanny also had no intention of staying here any longer. He put Tony down on the ground and opened a portal. The battle had already ended when Obadiah was buried in the avalanche. He also got more experience points than he had imagined.

They stumbled back into Tony's workshop, completely exhausted. Fanny instantly removed his armor, which made Tony jealous since he needed help from his machines to unequip his Mark II.

Fanny planned to leave right after Tony removed his armor, but then he remembered about the reporters. The agents of SHIELD didn't participate directly this time, so he was a little curious about how the events would develop.

"Have you thought of an explanation for tomorrow?"

"Explanation?" Tony blanked out for a bit. "Are you talking about those reporters?"

"I just looked it up; the internet is already abuzz with reports about you. You can't just delete them."

In this information age, SHIELD was not omnipotent. It would be difficult to control the media now that the news had already spread everywhere.

Tony turned to Jarvis, "Jarvis, play tonight's news."

"Yes, sir!"

"At around 8:40 p.m. tonight, a huge explosion occurred in the Ark Reactor project area of the Stark Industry complex. Our reporter risked his life to shoot the following footage."

The TV showed the battle between Tony and Obadiah. The video was exceptionally crisp for a video taken from afar. He might have mistaken it for a movie advertisement if he didn't know any better.

"Although Tony Stark announced that they had closed the door of the weapons department not long ago, there was evidence that they are still selling weapons. Is this one of the new weapons they developed? It can be seen that they..."

"About Tony Stark..."

"This is not a movie stunt or special effect. Stark is definitely planning a sinister plot. He needs to be investigated…."

The conversation about Tony Stark permeated the atmosphere on TV, the internet, even the street and the bars.

"We'll deal with it when the time comes," Tony said, indifferent. It was impossible to tell what he was thinking, but he was more concerned about Pepper and Obadiah.

"Oh right, if you're free tomorrow, let's go check on him again."

Tony couldn't rest without knowing if Obadiah was dead or alive. It would be faster and easier to get Fanny to open a portal than flying in his suit.

"Yes." Fanny nodded in agreement. He had planned to do it anyway.

If Obadiah had survived through sheer luck, he would become another enemy Fanny would have to guard against. If Obadiah died, Fanny must shoulder at least partial responsibility. It was only right that he helped with the aftermath.

"Then I'll go back first."

While Fanny was saying his goodbye to Tony, a certain bald black man was furious elsewhere.

SHIELD Headquarters, the Triskelion.

"What I want to know is who are they? Where are they now? Tell me, agent Coulson, what are you investigating? Do I have to wait for the fucking national television for my intel?!"

"I am very sorry, sir!" Coulson apologized profusely in front of the bald man who looked like he wanted to spit on him. "I suspect that one of them was Tony Stark. Audio and video analysis suggests that he was familiar with the enemy. I still have no information about the third person, sir!"

"Then go and find out!" Nick Fury glared at him with his only eye, his bald head gleaming.

Nick Fury replayed the video after Coulson left, watching it without blinking. He frowned at the scene where Fanny opened a flaming portal, carrying all three combatants away.

"Who the hell are you?"

Nick rapped on the table with his finger. He glared at the screen with a cautious eye. The fierce battle between Tony and Obadiah felt tame compared to the threat posed by the descending Fanny.

Coulson left his superior's office with a severe headache. Asking Tony directly would obviously be useless, so he had to approach it in a roundabout way. Coulson took out his phone and dialed a number.

"Hello, Ms. Potts. I am Special Agent Phil Coulson. I am sorry to bother you right now, but I have something I would have to ask you."


Fanny laid down on his bed after returning home and washing up, thinking about today's events. He might have killed a person today, but he didn't feel much about it.

There was no fear, no uneasiness, and not much guilt. Perhaps it was because he wasn't familiar with Obadiah, and he was a villain character?!

Fanny hadn't interacted much with Obadiah—they hadn't even talked properly. But knowing that Obadiah was a villain character lessened his emotional burden.

Would that be enough for me to just forget about it?!

Fanny shook his head. He had thought about killing people or aliens ever since realizing that this world was the world of Marvel. Although he felt that he would eventually get used to it, he didn't expect that he would go through his first experience so calmly. This might be a good thing in the long run; there was no room for sympathy for the villains.

Fanny put all those matters aside and began to focus on the more important matter: his Experience points yield.