Heh, Mortal!

"If my father is planning revenge, wouldn't he be in danger?"

Skye still wanted to find them, but Fanny obviously did not want her to investigate this matter now. It was not easy to think about the scale of an evil organization that could put human consciousness into a computer.

"Don't worry. Your father had meticulously plotted his plans through so many years; he obviously wouldn't be so impulsive to act before he finds you or has the confidence to win."

Fanny continued, "So going to them now will only complicate things. It would be better to maintain the current situation until a more permanent solution could be found."

Skye was silent. After so many years, she had never seen her biological parents once. It was impossible to say how close they were. She simply sought them out to get some answer.

When she learned from Fanny that they gave up on her for a reason, she wanted to see them again and tell them that she had been doing well these years.

She never thought things would be so complicated.

Fanny sighed. He did not know if telling Skye the truth was the right move, but Skye was a tenacious and stubborn girl. She would've continued to investigate recklessly if he hadn't told her the truth.

It would be a problem if she made a mistake and discovered Hydra.

"So when can I look for them?"

Sky ultimately chose to believe Fanny. They had grown to trust each other through their many years, and she firmly believed that Fanny wouldn't harm her.

"Let's wait a little longer. It won't be too long," Fanny said. The revival of Captain America would bring the downfall of Hydra. And even if Captain America didn't exist, there's still Fanny. When the time comes, he could take the opportunity to win over Skye's father and his desire for revenge.

As for Skye's mother, if the Mind Scepter couldn't be a permanent solution, he could try using 'Ars Magna.' And if that's still not enough, he would have to try the veritable collection of brainwashing techniques that Hydra had gathered throughout the years.


Skye nodded with a dejected and empty heart. She had never worked since graduation, instead sinking her life into desperately learning everything that she could about computer and information technology. She hadn't had to worry about her livelihood while she had Fanny, so she could invest all of her time and energy in solving the mystery of her family's background.

Now that she knew the truth, she was a little confused, especially about what she had to do about her parent's situations.

Fanny reached out and patted Skye's head as if he heard her worries and thoughts. He said softly, "Don't worry, I'll take care of everything. You just need to continue doing your best."

"Thank you, Fanny!"

Skye was touched. She felt that coming to this home and getting to know Fanny was the luckiest thing in her life.

Well, that's the truth, though!

If not for Fanny, Skye's life would definitely not be as peaceful and happy as it was now.

The two of them chatted for a while longer before Fanny sent Skye off to rest. Left alone in his room, Fanny silently thought about how he could retrieve the all-important 'obelisk' from SHIELD.

And he would have to go somewhere for a ceremony on top of that.

Fanny scratched his head. He could not remember where the ceremony was supposed to be held, but he should be able to find it with the Compass.

By focusing on Skye in his heart, the Compass should be able to take him to the place where her ability would be awakened.

"Should I contact them?" Fanny thought silently. Right now, SHIELD and Hydra were more or less inseparable. The Hydra personnel would know that they were members of SHIELD as well as Hydra, but SHIELD personnel would only know about SHIELD.

Fanny couldn't make a decision. He never thought about staying outside SHIELD's radar forever, but he wasn't sure how to protect himself under the giant organization.

Skye was still a little down the next morning; last night's conversation wasn't so easy to get over. Fanny had no choice but to let her come to terms with it at her own pace.

Fanny still hadn't found a solution for the problem of Hulk and Abomination. He was too busy. He even secretly took time to study astral magic in school; it's not like ordinary people could see his soul if he successfully performed the spell.

In the blink of an eye, February arrived.

Fanny's study was still at the level of understanding what the book said, but he was hopeless on the practical side. His depression worsened when he saw Kaecilius showing better progress than he does despite only learning magic a short time ago.


"Kaecilius is really talented. Fanny, it won't be long before he can surpass you," Mordo praised as he always did the last few days, completely unaware of Fanny's dismay.

"Humph, what's so great about it? I just haven't shown my true ability."

Fanny said stubbornly. Although he was not very good with Kamar-Taj's spells, he could use other 'Magic' such as 'Sumire Karaage Rolls' and 'Ars Magna.'

"You should take a good look at the mirror, Fanny!" Mordo disagreed, obviously.

"Alright, one month of fried chicken or his talent, which do you think was better?"

Fanny glanced at Mordo, who was undergoing a painful realization. Yes, how couldn't you recognize the true owner of this place?!


Mordo's face stiffened. Although he wanted to valiantly rebuke Fanny's words, he ultimately crumbled to the temptation.

"Your talent is actually not bad!"

Mordo lowered his proud head and betrayed his true feelings. All for the sake of the one and only 'Sumire Karaage Rolls.'

Heh, mortal!

Fanny raised his head and frowned in disdain, watching bitterly at Kaecilius, who was practicing in the training field. His mood got a little gloomy again.

Suddenly, his phone rang with a call from Tony. Tony no longer used hidden numbers after the Iron Monger incident; perhaps he thought it was unnecessary.

"Hello!" Fanny picked up the phone angrily. Pepper's sweet voice came from the other side.

"Hello, Fanny. It's me, Pepper. Do you have time? Tony wanted to ask for help with something."

"No, I don't; why would I ask him for help?"

Fanny heard Tony's distant voice denying Pepper's words, and his curiosity was piqued. "So this guy actually needed my help. Give me a second."

He hung up the phone, not wanting to hear any more of Tony's rebuttal.

Tony snatched the phone right after Fanny hung up as he had expected. He was left without any outlet for his anger.

"I have something to do, so I'll be leaving first!"

After bidding farewell to Mordo, Fanny returned to his room and opened a portal to Tony's house. He had been there several times and was almost as familiar with it as his own home.

"Let me get this clear, Pepper's diction was misleading. I didn't need your help." Tony's prideful and angry voice greeted Fanny as he stepped out of the portal.

"Should I go back now, then?!" Fanny raised his eyebrows and turned his back as if going to return through the still-open portal. He wouldn't bend himself backward for Tony just because of his money.

He wouldn't even come if he didn't have any sense of responsibility or if he wasn't loath to watch Kaecilius in Kamar-Taj.

"I don't need anything from you; I just want to discuss some things."

It seemed that there was a rather serious matter. Tony wouldn't so easily lower his head for a trivial problem; he would've asked Pepper to persuade Fanny instead.