All At Once!

"Your hometown was attacked by a terrorist organization born during the Second World War because your mother had a special ability just like my fried chicken," Fanny explained.

"Wait, are you saying my mother was also an insanely good cook like you?"

"I meant the general concept!" Fanny glared at Skye, who interrupted him. "Your mother seems to have an innate healing ability, which also prolonged her life. That's why they targeted your mother.

Skye dropped her head. She couldn't hold her worries. "How is she now?"

"Not very good!" Fanny sighed in his heart and continued, "She has suffered some torture, and her personality has been twisted beyond repair, but they are still looking for you."

"Are you saying that my parents have always been looking for me?!"

Skye stood up in excitement. She had resented her parents for abandoning her, but now that she knew the truth, she was overcome by joy and anticipation.

"Calm down!" Fanny frowned at Skye's excitement and said in a deep voice, "As I said before, their condition is not as good as you think."

"But they didn't give up on me, right?" Skye pleaded Fanny, "Fanny, help me…help me find them, okay?"

"Listen to me first!" Fanny was a little worried. Skye's parents were, to put it simply, mentally ill. Her father was a little better, but her mother was almost completely crazy.

"Your mother suffered inhuman abuse after she was caught." Fanny didn't really want to talk about this, but he couldn't find any other way than just explaining it clearly. "Her whole body was torn apart, and then your father put it back together bit by bit. He even resorted to...unsavory means, in order to save her."

"On top of that, losing you had utterly demolished their spirit. They're broken people. Even if you find them right now, they wouldn't be what you imagine them to be."

"Shouldn't we find them and help them return to normal?"

Skye clenched her fist as she listened to Fanny's words. Her heart ached to imagine what her parents had to go through.

"How are you going to help them return to normal?" Fanny lowered his voice. "What if your mother made enemies with the entire humanity?"

"What if she decided to sacrifice you for her vengeance?!"

Skye had no answer to Fanny's question. The pain in her eyes deepened. She had hated her parents for abandoning her, but now she had only guilt in her heart.

"Moreover, I don't know their location." Fanny sighed. "Skye, I really want to help you, but we can't be reckless. I only told you this because I want to alleviate some of your pain, but this matter was related to two unimaginably large organizations."

In fact, SHIELD had sent Skye to the orphanage she had been in before Fanny's parents adopted her. The two that tried to stop the adoption were SHIELD agents as well.

Unfortunately for them, Skye's fate had been altered by 'Ars Magna,' further empowered by Ancient One's magic. No matter how skilled the agents were, they couldn't contend against the hands of fate.

Skye then picked up on what Fanny had said about the terrorist organization. "Who are they?" she asked, hatred dripping from her voice.

"You must promise that you won't investigate them!" Fanny warned, worried that Skye would ignore him. He continued, "I know that you're very good with computers, but are you better than a living computer?"

"Someone among their ranks had uploaded their consciousness into a computer. Investigating them through technology would be too dangerous."

"That's impossible!" Skye exclaimed in disbelief.

"Was that really weirder than magic that you have seen?" Fanny challenged.

Skye fell silent. She would've dismissed Fanny's words in the past, but after all that had happened the past year, she had no choice but believe him.

"Then, should I just ignore them?"

Tears pooled under her pitiful eyes.

"You don't have to worry so much." Fanny took a tissue from the bedside table and gently wiped Skye's tears. "They are all fine now. Your father seems to be a doctor, and he had his own plan to take revenge. Your mother is leading an organization that was plotting to destroy mankind."

Skye looked at Fanny speechlessly, doubting her own hearing. Was it really okay to leave it this way?!

Fanny quickly clarified when he saw Skye's incredulous eyes, "I'm talking about their living condition. They both have their own thing to do, their own purposes."

"Why would my mother want to destroy humanity?"

"She thought that she was a mutant that was different from the rest of humanity. The abuse she suffered didn't help to change that perception." Fanny looked at Skye and decided to explain all the way through, "in fact, you have some alien genes in your body!"

"You mean I also have them?"

Skye was stunned. She did not expect that Fanny would suddenly declare that she was an alien.

"It should be just a little bit!" Fanny nodded. He pinched his thumb and index finger in the air to demonstrate.

"Impossible! I've been through physical examinations; I couldn't be an alien!" Skye could not believe it. She obviously had been sick several times since her childhood, and she had also been to the hospital. The examination results were normal.

"Can an ordinary hospital really check something on the genetic level?!"

Looking at Skye's strong emotional reaction, Fanny wondered if he had revealed this a bit too early. It seems that being an alien is a hard thing to accept.

Skye was stunned, speechless.

"Don't worry too much. It wouldn't actually affect you much. It'll just give you some superpower," Fanny quickly comforted her, "It won't make you turn green, spit silk, or become giant."

Skye started trembling in fear, his words having the opposite effect. "Fanny, don't tease me. Is that true?"

"Listen to me!" Fanny put his hands on Skye's shoulders and stared at her seriously. "Don't worry. You can't choose this kind of thing after all. And believe me, it's not a big deal."

Skye calmed down a little. She never expected the truth to be like this. Life was more outrageous than she imagined.

"Is there no way to change her?" Skye put aside the matter of genes and returned to the topic of her parents, especially her extremist mother.

"At least, for now, I don't have any solutions." Fanny shook his head, then hesitantly said, "But if you don't mind, I can try to change her personality in the future."

"You can do that?" Skye exclaimed again but then nodded helplessly. "Forget it. No matter what happens in this world, I don't think I would ever be surprised anymore!"

"Is there any danger to this method?" Skye continued.

"I don't think so!"

Fanny thought about using the Mind Scepter, but he did not know if its brainwashing effect was permanent. If it was only temporary, he might have to think of another way.