The Fifth Skill Part 1

Fanny understood that Tony meant those words for him. Tony obviously had taken some precautions after Fanny's stunt of controlling Jarvis a while back.

But why would Fanny care about the Iron Man armor when he had the objectively better 'Demon Armor Incursio?!'

"Well then. I will come back tonight."

If Tony had something to do, Fanny could not stop him. However, he still had to farm experience points. It was almost April, and his experience bar was only a little short. He could extract the next skill with a little more effort.

"What have you been doing recently?" Pepper asked from the side. She had been so busy with the company management since Tony officially handed it over to her, but as Tony's girlfriend, she was curious about what the two were busy with.

"it's nothing. I just have some problem with my training, so I asked Mr. Big Shot right here to help," Fanny explained.

Pepper's job as Tony's assistant required her to have good interpersonal skills, so her relationship with Fanny was pretty good from the beginning.

"What can he help you with?" Pepper knew that Fanny was learning magic, so she was rather confused.

"Hey, are you doubting your boss?" Tony shot back, dissatisfied. Was she looking down on him?

"I think you meant former boss!" Pepper smiled at Tony's jealousy and stopped pressing him. She gave his outfit one last look over and nodded. "Alright, we can go now."

"Good luck. I'll go home, then!" Fanny opened a portal to his home. He always went back and forth to Tony's villa through the portal to avoid SHIELD surveillance. Even his phone calls with Tony were encrypted.

Fanny found himself with nothing to do when he got home. There wasn't any class today, so he called the similarly idle Skye to the store to sell fried chicken rolls.

Skye said that a lot of people would pester her about when she would open the shop again every time she was in the area. She had to admit that the system could reliably establish permanent relationships with people.

The regulars who had been looking forward to 'Sumire Karaage Rolls' were overjoyed when they saw Fanny had returned. Fanny couldn't help but go along with their excitement and spend the rest of the day selling fried chicken.

He would secretly summon fried chicken rolls with his skills whenever he was short of ingredients, making sure everyone could eat their fill. He closed the store in satisfaction after packing up a few portions.

Fanny was completely exhausted. He had obtained a lot of money through it, but he was too used to summoning fried chicken out of thin air. Actually making every one of them was too tiring.

"Let's sell more when you have the time!"

After a busy day at the shop, Fanny silently decided that he would use his skill to summon the fried chicken as he wished and sell as many as the customers wanted.

The hard work of the day didn't only result in money but also experience points. He inched ever closer to the fifth skill extraction.

After Fanny finished his training at Kamar-Taj that night, he returned to Tony's villa to fight him and ask about the military court.

"They all wanted to copy my technology. I'm still at least twenty years ahead of them," Tony replied proudly as he fired the energy cannon on his palm at Fanny.

Fanny frowned after dodging the white-hot energy blast. A few days ago, Tony's statement might not be entirely true, but after he created the new element, he earned the right to be confident.

Fanny returned from the battle utterly exhausted and went directly to sleep.

This kind of daily life continued until April 1st when Fanny finally filled the experience bar and could extract the fifth skill. Coincidentally, Tony, who had been training him every day, took him aside for a talk.

"I'm planning to hold the Stark Industry Expo again, so I might be a little busy."

Fanny immediately understood what Tony meant. Fortunately, the bar had already been filled. Fanny replied, "Then go ahead. I wouldn't be coming over until you're done. But why are you suddenly holding the expo?"

"Well, I have a lot of reasons!" Tony evaded with a complicated tone.

Fanny didn't press about it. He already got all the experience points he needed, so it's fine if the Iron Man experience dummy becomes unavailable for a while.

Fanny had something he wanted to verify with the fifth extraction.

Fanny went to Kamar-Taj late at night to look for Ancient One, and he found her meditating alone. He hesitantly took a deep breath.

"Master Ancient One, I have a favor to ask of you."

Ancient One sat cross-legged with her eyes closed. She didn't open her eyes when she heard Fanny's voice and simply asked calmly, "What is it?"

"I wish that master would help me see the future for the next few minutes."

Fanny still wanted to know if Eye of Agamotto could predict the system's selection. Logically speaking, since Ancient One could see his future, she should also be able to predict the system.

Ancient One opened her eyes and stared right at Fanny. "Fanny, do you know why I chose to meet you back then?"

Fanny was stunned for a moment, then shook his head. He had wanted to go and find Ancient One, but he had never thought that Ancient One would come to him.

"Because I feel that you can bring an invisible change to the future that I know!" Ancient One said softly, "I once told you that your future is sometimes beyond imagination, yet sometimes I can't even see anything."

"I do not know what you want me to see, but I saw that your time and future are made up of many segments. I cannot see your future beyond this segment, and your future is constantly changing between those segments. I saw a great many different futures every time I try to look at it."

"You are now standing in between those segments. I cannot help you, Fanny!"

Fanny's feeling was complicated after listening to Ancient One's explanation. The point was very clear: she couldn't predict the system's selection, and until he extracts a new skill, Ancient One couldn't see his future at all.

He suddenly understood what Ancient One meant when she said that he had too much influence on the world. According to his deduction, as long as he didn't extract the fifth skill, Ancient One might not be able to observe the future of the world through the Eye of Agamotto at all.

After all, it was impossible for the world to remain unchanged despite his intervention.

Fanny's future could be likened to a train that consisted of carriages with gaps between them. Ancient One could look to the future within this carriage, but without crossing the gap between the carriages, she could not see the future within the next carriage. And only Fanny held the key that would allow her to pass between the carriages.

"I understand. Thank you for your explanation."

Fanny stayed silently in the room for a while before getting up and thanking Ancient One. Ancient One shouldn't be able to afford to tell him any of this, but she still said it. Perhaps it was a sign that she had recognized him.

"It's fine!" Ancient One smiled with a thoughtful expression. "I only hope that my decision back then wasn't wrong!"

"No!" Fanny promised. He then bid farewell to Ancient One. Not even Ancient One could predict the result, so he didn't feel too disappointed. Perhaps this proved that the system's power was above the infinity stones.

Fanny crashed on his bed as soon as he got home. He had agonized over the Time Stone every time he did a skill extraction, but he felt waves of relief after confirming it.

Anyway, wouldn't it be a pity if someone with his handsome face didn't have good skill?!

Fanny silently activated the luck boost via 'Ars Magna' and started the fifth extraction. His eyes gleamed with excitement when he saw the skill he extracted!