Iron Man Experience Dummy Online

Fanny kept his "victory" streak while ignoring the disdainful looks surrounding him. He happily checked the growth in the system experience bar.

This kind of behavior might seem like killing the chicken to get the eggs because it would deter other mages from fighting him in the future, but Fanny didn't care. The Iron Man Experience Dummy would be here to replace them soon, anyway.

Finally, on the International Women's Day of March 8th, the call from Tony arrived. Of course, Tony wasn't calling to commemorate the holiday but to tell Fanny about the successful creation of the new element.

"Really? Have you tested it yet?"

The experience dummy he had been waiting for was finally here. Fanny was really excited. He had spent all his face and shame to fill the experience bar by half.

If Tony's armor was strong enough, he could soon fill the other half with it and extract the fifth skill.

"Not yet; prepare to test!" Tony replied on the phone; his tone clearly showed his own excitement.

"Wait for me; I will help you test the performance," Fanny hurriedly replied.

It was time to test the experience he could gain through the Iron Man armor and see how many "Mordo" it was worth.

Fanny immediately opened a portal to Tony's villa after leaving school that afternoon, looking forward to the suit test.

If he hadn't known that it was impossible, Fanny would've thought that he had opened a portal to the wrong place. Tony's villa had completely changed since the last time he was there.

"Are you demolishing the house?"

Fanny couldn't find any place to sit amidst the messy pile of equipment and instruments within the living room.

"Give me a fried chicken roll first!" Tony had a tired expression, but his eyes were excited. He immediately asked for the fried chicken roll when he saw Fanny arrive.

Fanny casually summoned a fried chicken roll and handed it over, asking in curiosity, "Did you really create the new element?"

"Of course!" Tony mumbled as he chewed on the fried chicken. He immediately revealed the new-element ark reactor on his chest, shining with triangular light.

"Great!" Fanny couldn't contain his excitement. Tony's armor production rate wasn't a laughing matter. When the time comes, he would be able to farm experience against the armor during the day and against the mages at night, significantly increasing his experience output.

The thought made Fanny very happy.

Tony was oblivious of Fanny's plan to turn him into an industrial experience farm. He finished his fried chicken roll and wiped his mouth before confirming again, "Are you sure you want to test my armor's performance?"

"Hurry up!" Fanny urged.

Fanny was still confident that he could defeat Tony's armor even after the update that it had gone through. His hard work every day wasn't for nothing.

Tony didn't waste any time and equipped his armor. It was much faster and more convenient than his earlier models, but it was still more complicated than the spontaneous manifestation of 'Demon Armor Incursio.'

The stage for their battle was the Himalayas.

Tony had obviously considered environmental factors after the battle with Iron Monger. Fanny was even a little surprised.

As per Fanny's insistence, Tony didn't hold back and unleashed all his missiles and cannons. They had carefully chosen a location that won't cause a major avalanche.

Both sides of this fight could fly, so the battle mainly happens in midair. Fanny felt strange since most of his fights so far had been with earth-bound mages.

Fanny didn't dare hold back in the battle as well since all of Tony's weapons were lethal. He prioritized dodging Tony's missiles and using portals to redirect what he could. He tried to minimize his reliance on the absolute defense of 'Demon Armor Incursio.'

This battle lasted for more than an hour and ended when all of Tony's weapons and energy reserves were exhausted.

Fanny immediately removed 'Demon Armor Incursio' after returning to Tony's villa. He was utterly exhausted, and the barrage of attacks had left his entire body sore.

Regardless, he was happy. He turned at Tony, who walked over after removing his own armor, and exclaimed, "I won!"

"I'm just going easy on a kid!" Tony replied with a straight face, then added, "Also, I still have a secret weapon that I didn't use. I don't want to hurt you."

Fanny frowned but ultimately said nothing. He already gained quite a bit of experience from the battle.

He was worth around five "Mordo."

Fanny did not quite understand the system's calculation method. Ignoring the Iron Monger incident, he was pretty sure that the experience gained was related to skill usage. In this battle, he used all his skills besides 'Sumire Karaage Rolls.'

Although, if the conversation before the battle also counted, he used the fried chicken rolls as well.

He obviously wore 'Demon Armor Incursio' on his person, used the Sky Dance to fly, and used 'Ars Magna' to assist in using the portals. That was three out of four skills.

When he was sparring with Mordo and other mages, 'Demon Armor Incursio' was mostly enough. He would only use Sky Dance to play tricks if he couldn't beat the opponent, usually at the end of a series of battles.

Fanny was very happy with the experience he gained from Tony. He estimated that if he continuously fought Iron Man every day and the mages every night for a month, he could extract the fifth skill.

"But how could I get him to do it?!"

Fanny stared at Tony, wracking his brain. Unlike Kamar-Taj mages, who had to train every day with or without him, Tony Stark was a busy man. He couldn't just barge in and make Tony fight him as he wished.

"What do you think will happen if I hand over the company to Pepper?" Tony asked a question, interrupting Fanny's thought.

"Huh?!" Fanny was stunned for a moment, then replied matter-of-factly, "It should be fine. Isn't she basically in charge now? You're just making it official."

Tony nodded silently and did not speak again.

"Can you do me a favor?" Fanny couldn't make up any good reason and decided to give it straight, "I want to improve my combat experience. I want you to spare some time to fight with me a few times. What do you think?"

"Then I won't hold back next time," Tony agreed without thinking too much. With all Fanny had done for him, this kind of favor wasn't even worth mentioning.

Fanny was excited after getting a new experience dummy. He spent the following days constantly on the move between the campus, Tony's villa, and Kamar-Taj.

Tony also gained some free time after handing over the company to Pepper. He spent those time studying and improving his armor, and Fanny could feel the improvement in each battle.

Their frequent contact gave Fanny a glimpse into the piles of problems in Tony's life.

"The military tried to court-martial you?"

Fanny was surprised to find Tony all set out to go when he arrived at his villa. He more or less grasped the situation after asking where he was going.

"Yeah, they tried all sorts of things to obtain it." Tony turned his head to look at his armor collection in the exhibition room, frowning.

Pepper, who was helping him put his tie on, asked curiously, "What are you going to do?"

"Don't worry, no one can take them away from me," Tony said proudly. He glanced at Fanny beside him and added, "Even if they can take them away, they won't be able to use them."