The First Contact with the Black Widow

Fanny sighed, his head spinning. This thing pressing on his body might be more dangerous than the bombs down below.

At some point, Black Widow had used her terrifyingly flexible body to wrap her arms around his neck, forcing herself into a princess carry position.

Her tender white thighs were shoved in front of him, and their overall pose implied a couple's intimacy.

He must admit that Black Widow had a very nice figure.

Her curves were obviously great, and her body was soft. In her office uniform, she looked completely harmless, unlike someone who could slam a strong man like Ivan to the ground.

"How should I address you, mysterious Silver Knight? Would I be mistaken to call you Mr. Fanny?"

Black Widow moved her seductive face closer to Fanny.

Fanny's heart sank. He suddenly had the urge to throw her down, but he, fortunately, succeeded in holding it back. Even if he somehow made her forget, she must've reported it to her superior.

So he asked back in a bad mood, "So, how did you know that name, Ms. Secret Agent?"

SHIELD was a twisted organization that would burn a village to catch a single rat. They would investigate even the slightest suspicion thoroughly.

Fanny had actually guessed where the leak happened. It must be either Tony or Pepper. Natasha had zero way of contacting Skye or Kamar-Taj.

Moreover, Natasha had been working undercover beside Pepper, so Pepper was the prime suspect.

It's not like Fanny wanted to stay hidden forever, but he didn't expect to be exposed so quickly. He couldn't complain to Pepper either; he should've thought about the risk of being revealed whenever he told someone.

Most importantly, Fanny believed that Pepper did not intentionally expose his identity. It was unreasonable to expect her to outdo an elite secret agent.

Natasha's eyes narrowed slightly. She had yet to reveal her own identity, but Fanny already recognized her as an agent.

She took mental note of that information and closed into Fanny even further, with a bright smile on her face. "It doesn't seem like you're going to deny it," she said delicately.

Fanny's mood worsened when he felt Black Widow's initiative to press herself into his arm. Unlike the innocent pestering of his classmates, Black Widow's approach was malicious.

Fanny stopped hesitating and accelerated up into the sky before dropping Black Widow.

Fanny grabbed her legs and hung her upside down in midair just as she cried out in surprise.

Now, the gravity in the Marvel world still worked the same way as on normal Earth. Panties aside, at least her skirt had no gravity-defying power. Unspeakable things made of lace suddenly revealed themselves under Black Widow's professional uniform as she was hanging upside down.

Fanny tilted his head slightly, wondering if this was a bit much. He then took another glance.

Tsk, it's still purple.

Overwhelmed with fear, Natasha had no space to feel ashamed. She didn't care about what pose she was in; she just couldn't understand why Fanny suddenly attacked.

"Let's talk things out, okay?"

Natasha tried her best to not move. At this height and without any protective equipment, death or disability were pretty much guaranteed.

She had to quickly figure out why Fanny suddenly became aggressive.

The chain of explosions on the ground didn't last for long. Fanny didn't actually want to hurt Black Widow, so he descended to the scorched ground after the explosions ended, dropping Natasha as she was.

Natasha somehow landed safely with grace and agility.

Having the ground under her feet was very reassuring. She looked up at Fanny up in the air, who was staring at her in turn. She was utterly baffled about Fanny's thoughts.

"Our director wanted to make your acquaintance. If it's convenient, can you leave a contact number?"

Natasha decided to get straight to the point. Her intuition told her that Fanny already knew about SHIELD to some extent.

"Nick Fury wants to see me..."

Fanny was not surprised. Although this bald and one-eyed director SHIELD imitated Ancient One's hair and Odin's eyes, his strength was far inferior to either.

He wasn't very competent as a director either. Hydra had infiltrated his agency for so many years, yet he still couldn't root it out.

However, Nick Fury had one praiseworthy quality. He sincerely wanted to protect the safety of Earth and did his best to do so, despite the mixed results.

Fanny weighed the pros and cons of going to see Nick in his heart. It might not be that bad to contact him at this point. The combined power of 'Ars Magna' and 'Explosion Magic' must've given him quite severe heart attacks.

He could just send a few boosted explosions at SHIELD headquarters if Nick Fury was annoying him. Let's see who will kneel first.

"Give me his contact information. I will find a time to contact him."

Fanny ultimately decided to meet Nick Fury. There were still some things he needed to know about the 'obelisk,' as well as one more thing.

When Captain Marvel left Earth, she also left Goose the Cat on the planet. This creature was not a cat at all and was actually quite powerful. If he could take it in as his family's pet and guardian, he would never have to worry about his family's safety again.

Moreover, it looked like an absolutely normal orange cat. It was very easy to hide, and his parents loved cats.

Tracking it down with a compass was very difficult since it was capable of independent movement. It would be easier if he could talk to Nick about it.

Natasha secretly sighed in relief. She took out a phone from her pocket. "You will need a special number to contact him."

Fanny landed on the ground, eyeing Natasha's phone suspiciously. Instead of taking it, he told her, "There must be a tracking or recording function inside!"

"Forget it. If he wants to contact me, tell him to go through Tony."

Fanny still held a glimmer of hope. If possible, he did not want to expose his identity just yet. Even if it was leaked, he wanted to control the spread of information.

Taking the phone would risk having Hydra tracking him down and decrypting his calls. He might as well barge on Nick Fury's front door at that point.

Natasha didn't particularly care that Fanny rejected the phone. She had ensured that Fanny would contact Nick Fury (eventually), so her mission was complete.

Tony, Rhodes, and Pepper arrived at this time. Tony couldn't help but tease Fanny and Natasha.

"Do you need me to introduce my employee to you?"

"She is not your employee!" Fanny glared at Tony. Anyway, it was these two's fault that his identity was exposed, so he might as well retaliate,

"She was a SHIELD special agent. How could you call yourself a genius when you have someone hiding under your nose for so long?!"