Harvest Inventory

"Wait, she's a special agent?" Tony turned to Natasha, who didn't deny his accusation. He was utterly stunned and embarrassed; this was worse than eating a bug. He continued, "Well, you're fired."

Natasha shrugged indifferently. Her current task was basically a vacation with how easy it was; she didn't even need to fight. She only had to gather and report information about Tony and his behavior to analyze his personality.

Pepper, on the other hand, had a look of utter disbelief. She covered her mouth with her little hand and asked, "Natasha, are you really..."

"Sorry, Miss Pots!" It seemed that Natasha had a very good impression of her and didn't want their relationship to sour. She explained, "I was only responsible for evaluating Tony Stark. I have no other intention."

Pepper was still enraged. She couldn't believe that the person that got promoted right to her side was actually an agent. She felt like a fool.

That was why she didn't object to Tony's decision. She was the one who could make that call, anyway.

Rhodes watched the situation from the side, unsure whether he should intervene. He was smart enough to roughly understand the situation despite the little information that he had, but his position between these people was a little awkward. He decided to change the topic instead.

"What should we do next?"

His words shut down the conversation. They were standing in the middle of a shocking and tragic battlefield, with countless wounded still waiting for rescue.

"Leave it to us," Natasha said, standing up. It was SHIELD's duty to secretly protect the world's stability. These things were part of their job.

Natasha called Nick Fury again, reporting Fanny's answer and the situation around her.

"I know. Someone will take over soon," Nick Fury answered calmly. He was relieved that Fanny was willing to contact him, but he couldn't rest before he made sure how much of a threat Fanny was.

Fanny secretly checked the experience gained from the battle while Natasha was making the call and found that it was rather unsatisfactory.

The 'Explosion Magic' he unleashed at the swarm of robots might not have exterminated all of them, but it must've destroyed at least four or five hundred. He excitedly checked the experience bar—only to discover that he had gained just about ten Mordo. So the conversion rate was around fifty robots to one Mordo?!

Inferior trash!

The reason he cut Ivan's monologue short was also to test whether killing an enemy would result in extra experience points.

Ivan's rescue by Hydra meant that he was no longer just Tony's problem. Hydra was not a charity organization. Would they really help him create so many robots for free?!

Therefore, Fanny didn't think twice about killing Ivan, although his tenacity had unfortunately saved him from death in Fanny's hands. His death through self-destructing had denied Fanny the experience points from killing him.

Defeating Ivan had given him around five Mordo, which was way less than defeating Obadiah.

Was it because Ivan's death was ultimately a suicide?!

Fanny sighed. In the end, he still had no idea how the system calculated the experience points. He had worked hard this time, but he gained much more doubts and questions than experience. It was so annoying.

Still, he gained 15 Mordo worth of experience points. It was still worthy of celebration, especially since Mordo had started to avoid him. Mordo didn't even ask him directly for the fried chicken anymore.

It's unbearable!

As the absolute owner of Kamar-Taj mages, Fanny felt responsible for dispelling this atmosphere. Mordo should've just talked to him directly—why would a proper mage feel the need to sneak around?

Natasha shook Fanny out of his deep thought about Mordo's problem and told them that someone would deal with the wrecked city soon.

"Alright, then I will go back and report the mission."

At the end of the day, Rhodes was the "War Machine.' Despite his armor being Tony's creation, it legally belonged to the military. Therefore, he had to give a mission report after every deployment.

"Let's talk again next time!" Fanny bid Rhodes farewell. He had wanted to treat him with some 'Sumire Karaage Rolls,' but he couldn't expose any more about himself with Natasha present.

There's only one Upper East Side in Manhattan—or indeed, in the world. It would be trivial to track him down if they found out about his fried chicken.

Rhodes flew away in his War Machine armor, leaving four people on the field.

"I'll be leaving first."

Fanny was in no mood to stay, having exposed his own name and gained less-than-satisfactory experience points. Moreover, he still had to face Skye, whom he had thrown to Kamar-Taj without a single word of explanation. It would be hard to placate her if he didn't go back immediately.

"Our boss said that he will come to see you as soon as possible," Natasha added one last time. The battle today should be more than a little exciting for the director.

Fanny had no way to know that his actions wouldn't only shake Nick Fury, but also the entire world. Ancient One's words began to manifest in reality.



Fanny arrived at two o'clock in the morning, so there was nobody to notice him exit the portal and remove his armor. At this time, there wouldn't be many mages who were still awake, much less following the online news closely.

However, there was someone other than the mages in Kamar-Taj right now, and that certain someone did watch the online news like a hawk.

Fanny found that Skye was watching combat footage on the computer. The angle of the unofficial video was rather rough, but the shocking scene it displayed was enough to make everyone ignore that.

Fanny was a little curious to see the battle from the bystander's perspective, so he silently watched over Skye's shoulder.

The video showed him standing in the air with his hand outstretched, his white cloak fluttering. His silver 'Demon Armor Incursio' gleamed under the sun. Fanny's cool factor was unrivaled as usual!

The video lasted until the explosion obliterated the robots, and the shockwave induced goosebumps even through the screen.

"Alright, that's enough. Let's go back!"

Skye was about to press the next video button when Fanny finally spoke, jolting her in surprise.

But Skye seemed to be already used to this. She recovered in an instant.

She turned around and immediately hugged Fanny, before letting go and checking his body carefully for any injuries. She sighed in relief when she found nothing wrong, and then said angrily, "If you dare do this again, I will… I will…"

Skye couldn't come up with any effective threat, which made Fanny laugh.

"Alright!" Fanny patted Skye's head and promised with a smile, "It was my fault. I should have explained it to you. The situation is a little urgent this time, but it won't happen again."

Fanny said that, but there was still a lot of danger lurking in New York. He wouldn't hesitate to throw Skye into a portal again the next time any of those dangers surfaced.