Very Happy to See You

Nick Fury then handed Tony his own folder.

Fanny had some guesses, but he still looked at it. Sure enough, the cover said "Preliminary Report of Avengers Initiative."

"The universe is infinite, and yet our knowledge is limited," Nick Fury said in a cold tone, "You couldn't possibly believe that you two are the only superheroes around, could you? There are many others like you."


Fanny scoffed in disdain. Nobody in this world had any right to lecture him about superheroes.

He skimmed over the documents. In short, Nick wanted to invite them to join the Avengers Initiative—a group beholden to no one but the duty to protect the Earth when it is in danger.

"What does this even mean?" Tony had finished reading the documents before him. "What do you mean Iron Man is recommended, but not Tony Stark isn't?!"

"That was Agent Romanov's evaluation of you." Nick Fury turned to Tony. "So we considered hiring you as a consultant."

"Sorry, you can't afford me," Tony replied unhappily, snapping the folder shut.

Fanny's intervention had diminished Tony's contact with SHIELD, so he didn't have a strong feeling about whether he should join the Avengers Initiative or not.

Fanny also closed his folder and thought hard. He didn't really want to join the Avengers; he already belonged to Kamar-Taj, after all.

Joining the Avengers might cause much more problems than it was worth, and it would place him at the forefront of dangers in the future.

But joining the Avengers might carry a lot of benefits as well. For instance, it would bring him closer to obtaining the 'obelisk' and shoo away any attempt to investigate his identity.

Ultimately, he chose a compromise.

"Three things. One question, one condition, and one item. If you agree, I will allow you to call me for help three times—oh, and I'll make Tony your consultant."

"I don't want to be a consultant for this super boyband," Tony interrupted, but Fanny and Nick ignored him.

"Name your price," Instead of asking for the reason, Nick asked Fanny for his conditions. He was more afraid that Fanny would reject him outright than any request he could submit.

"I want to find that orange cat; you know which one. I don't want my identity recorded in any of SHIELD's systems and documents. I would tell you, but you can't tell anyone else without my consent. Lastly, I need a certain silver obelisk. That thing was useless for you, and you won't know how to use it either."

Nick Fury's heart skipped a beat when he heard Fanny talk about the orange cat. Only a handful of people should know about it, and all records about it had been purged. He had no idea how Fanny could know about it.

Moreover, nobody on this planet should know about that cat's secret identity.

"Had she returned?"

Nick thought, but he immediately dismissed it. She had been away for so many years. If she returned to Earth, he should be the first person on her contact list.

"Tentatively, I agree to the last two conditions, but you have to tell me: how the hell did you know about that cat?" Nick asked while glaring at Fanny. This question was obviously important for him.

"I know a lot of things, including your amnesiac friend and a certain pager," Fanny replied flatly.

Of course, Fanny couldn't tell Nick how he knew. Even Ancient One didn't know how Fanny could see the future. This was one of his biggest secrets.

Nick couldn't see Fanny's eyes and expression behind the mask, but all the alarms in his heart immediately raised Fanny's danger level to the maximum.

"Consider that as a bonus. You can ask me when you face difficult decisions," Fanny added after thinking for a while. He didn't guarantee that he would answer, so he could handle it on a case-by-case basis.

Nick Fury thought in silence for quite a while before bargaining for the last time for Fanny's condition.

"Alright—I don't know where the cat is, though. I won't record your identity, and I won't tell anyone about it. Regarding the item that you mentioned, I can't really just hand it to you. I need to know what you're trying to do with it."

"You don't know?" Fanny was surprised. He rolled his eyes when he heard Nick's request. "Do you want me to give you a tour and demonstration?"

"Is it dangerous?" Nick Fury took it seriously.

"That was obviously a rhetorical question!" Fanny half-yelled in anger, "This thing is useless to normal people. And don't worry, I won't cause any harm whatsoever to the Earth."

Nick Fury obviously didn't trust Fanny, but his priority right now was to figure out Fanny's identity and stabilize his 'threat level.' The object was still with him anyway, so he could take his time to decide whether to give it away.

"Alright, I agree to your requests," Nick Fury agreed to all Fanny's conditions—while still scheming inside his mind. "So, who the hell are you?"

Tony slightly frowned as he watched from the side but ultimately didn't intervene. He felt that the black baldie in front of them was hiding some secret plan, and Fanny shouldn't have compromised so easily.

"Make an oath first, and then I'll tell you."

Of course, Fanny couldn't take Nick Fury's word at face value. This guy was the head of a secret agency, the elite among elite agents. If you believe his words, I have a bridge to sell you.

"An oath?" Nick was stunned.

"Yes, an oath. If you don't abide by the oath, your body will rot, and your heart will stop," Fanny calmly explained while preparing 'Ars Magna' to scare Nick Fury.

"Did he also make it?" Nick turned his head at Tony—but then realized his stupidity. The restrictions of the oath probably included keeping the oath secret.

Tony looked away, saying nothing. He was curious about what would happen next. Everything about Fanny was shrouded in mystery, so he wondered whether the oath would be effective.

"Just make yours," Fanny avoided the question and then focused his thoughts.

Nick hesitated for a while. He didn't know if he should make this oath, but if he refused, it would be too obvious that he intended to renege on the previous promises.

He might also be able to discover more about Fanny through this oath.

Nick might be a director promoted by Hydra, but he wasn't afraid to challenge the rules and think outside the box. He wanted to give the oath a try.

"I swear that if I do not fulfill the conditions I promised, this whole body will rot, and its heart will stop."

"Alright! The contract is established!" Fanny snapped his fingers and flashed Kamar-Taj's basic magic circle in the air—purely performative. He grinned in satisfaction.

Both Tony and Nick's expressions changed slightly.

"You have sworn your oath. You must abide by it or face the consequences." Fanny removed his 'Demon Armor Incursio,' returning to his normal appearance. He smiled at Nick. "I am very happy to see you, Mr. Nick Fury."

Nick, on the other hand, had no time to return his greeting!

He had doubted Fanny's ability, but he had lawyered a loophole in his oath. He didn't swear upon any names, and he was free to decide what promise to include as the condition of the oath on his own.

Unfortunately, he didn't know that Fanny never needed any contract whatsoever. It never mattered whose name or what conditions were included in the oath; he only needed Nick to announce and believe in the consequences.

Merely seconds later, Nick suddenly felt a sharp pain in his heart, and he grabbed his chest.