Stop Thinking with Your Crotch

"You want me to play a song with my power? Did I hear you correctly?" Skye carefully confirmed, thinking that she had heard wrong.

"Don't worry, it's just a simple test."

The purpose of Fanny's test was to give Skye confidence and strong basic control over her ability, so she could grasp it well. This would allow her to get stronger in a shorter time.


Skye had no idea what Fanny was planning. She glanced suspiciously at Fanny, then took a deep breath, stretching her arms over the water in the cups.


The calm water surface in the cup suddenly began to tremble. Skye grinned happily. This was the first time she saw her ability with her own eyes.


However, one of the cups suddenly exploded into pieces. Any trace of happiness was wiped from her face. With a series of crashing sounds, all the other cups on the table also shattered.

Fanny's heart ached.

Skye was shocked and stunned. She had only tried to keep the water within the cups vibrating, not destroy the cups. She stammered, "I…I didn't mean to do that!"

"It's fine. Just pay for the replacement cups."

Fanny looked at the glass shards on the table. Skye's thrifty personality might make her take the training more seriously.


True enough, Skye immediately vowed in her heart to never destroy the cups next time—even though she had enough savings to buy an entire cup factory.

However, Fanny didn't want to rush her too much, either. He understood that haste makes waste, after all. "Just take it slowly. You only obtained this ability today, after all. Start by feeling the fluctuating vibration of everyday items."

"When you could completely grasp them, start influencing them bit by bit. Your goal would be to play music with them within a week."

Skye nodded without hesitation. The excitement in her heart hadn't calmed down yet. This was her power—a power that truly belonged to her.

Although she had experienced flying with 'Demon Armor Incursio' before, it was just for a little while, and that armor ultimately belonged to Fanny.

But the 'shockwave' was different. She could feel that this ability completely belonged to her.

"Fanny, thank you!" Skye said sincerely.

Being surrounded by the likes of Fanny, Iron Man, and the Kamar-Taj mages had prevented Skye from feeling like a monster after getting her ability.

Of course, this was also because there was no change to her appearance after obtaining this power. If her appearance changed drastically, like Bruce Banner, she would definitely have panicked.

However, Fanny definitely would not allow that kind of situation to happen.

"It's nothing that I haven't promised you." Fanny waved his hand indifferently. After all, he had already thought about this the day he discovered Skye's identity. He just didn't expect it all to go so smoothly.

Fanny's indifference made Skye's gratitude turn into anger.

Sure enough, a woman's heart was as fickle as autumn weather!

"Remember, don't overuse your ability, and try to keep your emotions under control," Fanny repeatedly drilled Skye.

As Skye's power grows stronger, so would the chance that she would hurt herself. Moreover, in the original plot, her mood seemed to affect her ability.


Skye didn't fully understand Fanny's reasoning, but she obediently followed his command. Fanny had had powers for longer and was more proficient with them, so she could defer to his experience.

While Skye was contemplating her ability, Fanny left her to bring the obelisk fragment to Tony.

"What is this?"

Fanny stopped Tony's hand from grabbing the obelisk fragment and warned him, "This is an alien artifact. It can kill a normal person in a single touch, so don't touch it."

Tony retracted his hand, but his eyes were still focused on the silver fragment within the box. He asked curiously, "Is this what you wanted from SHIELD?"

"No, it's just the container. I already took the content out."

Tony's brain fired on all cylinders, analyzing the object before him. "It doesn't seem like you opened the container as it was supposed to."

Fanny was a little surprised by Tony's observation. He couldn't understand what Ancient One had done, but Tony could tell that she had forcibly opened the container.

But he didn't dwell too long on it. Instead, he revealed his purpose, "Can you help me make a wrist guard that could reduce shockwaves? Make it in female sizes."

"A wrist guard to reduce shockwaves?!" Tony asked, incredulous, "Why would you need that?"

"It doesn't matter; just help me make one. I'll give you this fragment as a reward. You can study it, but be careful—I wasn't kidding when I said it could kill just by touching."

"I need some data and design requirements before I can make it," Tony replied, shaking his head. He then smirked at Fanny. "Female sizes, huh? What kind of plays are you doing with a wrist guard?! Are handcuffs and whips not popular anymore?"

"…." Fanny glared at Tony. "Stop thinking with your crotch."

"It's for my sister. She has an ability that could hurt herself. I need something to protect her until she can control it," Fanny relented and explained the situation. He suspected that what Tony said about needing data was just an excuse, but he hoped that Tony could see the importance of this matter.

"Your sister?" Tony's expression turned serious. He asked out of curiosity, "What about your parents? Do they also have some special abilities?"

Fanny ignored this question and continued, "I will bring her over in a few days. Please also lend any equipment to amplify vibrations if you have any."

Tony agreed to the request, but he was still curious about this sister Fanny was talking about.

Fanny reminded Tony one last time about the danger of the obelisk fragment and left him alone with his questions.

The next day, Skye slept soundly in her room up until Fanny had to leave for his class. She didn't even wake up for breakfast; she must've practiced her ability in secret until late last night.

Fanny left for his campus after leaving a few 'Sumire Karaage Rolls' on the dining table.

The world wouldn't calm down about Fanny's identity after just a day. On the contrary, the buzz became louder. The newspapers, televisions, and internet were filled with Fanny's figure as the 'Knight of Divine Punishment.'

Fanny could even see people proselytizing with his name on the big street.

Fanny frowned at the sight. He wasn't some divine messenger, nor did he seek to be worshipped. The issue was that he was too mysterious.

Iron Man was idolized instead of deified because his strength was within human comprehension, on top of his well-known identity as Tony Stark.

However, neither was the case for the Silver Knight. Fanny's ability to teleport, summon great 'Explosion Magic,' or even just fly through Sky Dance were all incomprehensible and mysterious.

People fear and revere the unknown.

Those without experience peering behind the veil of normalcy were dumbfounded at the clear display of extraordinary powers. On top of that, Fanny refused to reveal anything about himself. One thing led to the other, and this was the end result.

Fanny couldn't let this go on. Unless he actually obtained the power comparable to a god, letting the public continue to inflate his image would only send him crashing on the ground when his true powers and identity were unveiled.

Those 'believers' might even condemn him as a blasphemer if he let the gap between public perception and his true self grow too far before revealing himself.

Worse, they might even do crazy things in the name of their faith!