Excessive Usage

"But they can come back at any time." Nick Fury's voice stayed calm, but Fanny understood that Nick had marked Asgard as an imaginary enemy.

"So what?!" Despite all that, Fanny replied with a mocking tone.

Thanos' future invasion was driven and made much easier by Nick Fury's initiative to research the Tesseract. Nick Fury bore at least half of the responsibility for the original plot's invasion, with the remaining half split between Loki, Thanos, and the Chitauri army.

Nick Fury ignored Fanny's mockery and coldly continued, "Earth needs its own strength."

"That depends on the form that that strength takes." Fanny knew that any attempt to stop Nick would likely be futile, but he couldn't stop himself from warning Nick, "It is not inherently wrong to seek power, but you must not pursue a power beyond your comprehension."

Nick Fury was a little confused. He still hadn't decided to restart the Tesseract research program, so he didn't quite understand what Fanny meant.

Fanny sighed at Nick's silence. He continued, "Anyway, Asgard is not an enemy for now. You could even consider them a strong ally."

"Can you get in touch with them?" Nick Fury asked.

"No, but they have a guardian called Heimdallr. He could see and hear most things on Earth. If there's any emergency, just call out his name."

Nick Furry was skeptical about this information, but he acknowledged it.

After that, the two of them hung up the phone.

Fanny looked out of the window. The blue sky was covered by unbroken white clouds. There was no sign that there would be a hole peering through it in the future.

Fanny put aside the matter of Thor and Asgard and went to find Skye, who was practicing her ability in her room. She faced a piece of white paper, keeping it in constant vibration.

The pile of shredded paper in the trash told him that she had been practicing for quite a while.

"How is the practice going?" Fanny walked closer to Skye, keeping his eyes on the shaking piece of paper.

However, the paper suddenly burst into confetti after he interrupted her training. The table was even shaking several times. Skye glared at him. "It's your fault. I almost broke the record."

"Record?" Fanny looked at the tiny pieces of paper curiously.

"My record for keeping it vibrating at a constant frequency. It's currently a minute thirty-two seconds," Skye said proudly, expectations of praise beaming from her face.

Fanny didn't really understand how good or bad that was, but he still praised her, "Not bad!"

Skye smiled happily at the praise. She cleaned up the pieces of paper and asked casually, "Did anything happen in the school today?"

"What else could happen in the school?" Fanny sat by the bed and watched Skye take out a fresh piece of paper to continue practicing. He asked, "Can you feel your progress like this?"

"Of course!" Skye replied confidently, "At the beginning, I couldn't even keep the paper intact for ten seconds, but now I can hold on for more than a minute."

The sight of Skye sincerely working to understand her power and the progress that she went through reminded Fanny of Doctor Strange's talent and perseverance in his time in Kamar-Taj.

A talent so convenient that it became akin to a cheat.

Skye's improvement also made Fanny worry a bit, however. Controlling the vibration was not without side effects, and the stronger Skye became, the higher the chance she would hurt herself.

Fanny hoped that Tony could use his big brain and make some useful equipment. Otherwise, he would have to find another way.

Fanny accompanied Skye to destroy white paper pieces for the rest of the afternoon. After shredding countless papers, Skye's mastery noticeably improved several times over. At this point, she might be able to play a song without shattering the cups.

Thor's incident ended around the same time as the month of May. There didn't seem to be anything that would hinder Fanny's excitement for the summer vacation in June.

Skye's mastery of her ability improved by leaps and bounds. Compared to Fanny's sluggish progress in researching the Mirror Dimension, Skye's progress was advancing at the speed of light.

Skye was able to play musical notes mere days later.

Fanny never expected Skye to be such a genius; at least, he never expected her to reach the milestone he set for her in such a short time.

Skye's perfected control over her power made her start playing pranks on Fanny.

She deliberately sent vibrations on the water and food that Fanny was consuming, and Fanny could only watch her mischief speechlessly.

Fanny let her do as she wished, though. These mischiefs were also proof that her ability had rapidly improved. It's not like he couldn't dispel them with 'Ars Magna' anyway.

In light of this rapid growth, Fanny decided to bring Skye to Tony and discuss the wrist guard.

"You want me to meet Tony Stark?!" Skye knew that Fanny had a good relationship with Iron Man, but she didn't expect that Fanny would take her to him. She asked out of curiosity, "Why are we meeting him?"

"Your ability may cause damage to your arm. I asked him to make some equipment for you, but he needed to collect some data first," Fanny explained.

"Damage? But I don't feel anything." Skye looked at her arm in confusion, looking for visible injury.

"That's because you haven't unleashed your full power yet."

Fanny looked at Skye. He wondered if he should let her release her ability with all her might; he was curious about how strong she was right now.

But he was worried that doing that would damage her body. He decided to test her power output after Tony made the protective devices.

Fanny deliberately picked a time when he knew Pepper would also be present in order to have her meet Skye—as well as to mitigate Tony's perverse mouth.

As Fanny had expected, Tony became a professional and even timid man in Pepper's presence. Skye even questioned the sight in front of them; was this really the playboy who filled countless pages of magazines with his scandals?!

"How is it? Can you do it?" Fanny asked Tony after Skye demonstrated her power. Skye and Pepper were happily chatting not far from them.

"It doesn't make sense." Tony stroked his chin as he pored over the data displayed by his computer. "How could she impart arbitrary frequencies on these objects?"

"Just tell me if you can make it." Fanny was too lazy to hear the analysis.

"Give me three days," Tony arrogantly replied. He then glanced at Skye and Pepper, grinning. "Is she really your sister? I heard that you're not related by blood?"