Hulk Appears

Fanny replied with a middle finger to Tony's face.

He didn't know what kind of thing Tony would make, but the confident answer assured him that the final product would be stellar.

Skye and Pepper surprisingly hit things off and talked until late. One of them was an elite executive of a massive company, while the other was an otaku girl who loved games, but their personalities were unexpectedly compatible. Even when it was time for Fanny to take Skye back, they were still reluctant to separate.

Fanny received the equipment from Tony three days later. It was a pair of gleaming steel wristbands with intricate designs that made them look like pieces of jewelry. Tony didn't hold back on any aspect of his inventions.

Fanny immediately prepared to test the devices with Skye's powers.

"Do you see the mountain in front of you?" On a remote mountain range, hidden from prying eyes, Fanny pointed at a particular mountain.

"Yeah? What of it?"

Skye already knew that Fanny had brought her there to test her ability, but she had no idea about the specifics.

"Use your ability on that mountain."

"What?" Skye was stunned for a moment. After three days of training, she was almost able to play a tune with the water in a cup—but she didn't expect to jump directly to literally shaking a mountain next.

"Believe in yourself," Fanny encouraged her. Skye's progress had far exceeded his expectations. He estimated that it wouldn't be long before she could become another experience dummy for him.

Skye took a deep breath, believing in Fanny who believed in her. She activated the bracelet nicknamed 'Silver' on her wrist.

The silver wristbands unfolded and wrapped Skye's hands and forearms. They fit her like a pair of beautiful silver gloves.

Skye aimed her palm straight at the mountain peak and closed her eyes, grasping the natural frequency with her ability. She then abruptly opened her eyes.

She could feel it!

Fanny watched as the mountain trembled as if struck by an earthquake. Trees were buried by the resulting landslide across the mountain; it was on the scale of a natural disaster.

"What a powerful ability!"

Fanny sighed. His only ability that was comparable to Skye's firepower was the 'Explosion Magic.'

But then suddenly Skye collapsed. Fanny quickly caught her limp body and barraged her with questions, "What's wrong? Are you hurt? Are you feeling sick?"

"I'm fine. I just feel a little tired." Skye shook her head, excitement still brimming in her eyes. She looked at the collapsed mountain and asked, "Fanny, did I really do that?"

"Well, it certainly wasn't me." Fanny rustled Skye's hair. "Of course, you did that. Now that you have seen what you can do, you must be careful and responsible in using your ability."

"Yes!" Skye nodded firmly. She felt a chill in her spine, imagining just how many casualties unleashing her power in the city would bring.

Skye became even more serious in training her ability after that day. Fanny also gradually relaxed, seeing as Tony's protective equipment worked properly.

His popularity dropped a little through the period of silence and SHIELD's information control, but he was still rather hotly discussed.

In the classroom, Fanny was listening to an old professor's lecture on the podium when the classmate beside him poked him with a finger.

"Look at this," Billy said in a low voice as he secretly handed the phone under the table. It displayed a video.

Fanny took the phone with a skeptical look, but his pupil shrank when he saw what was displayed on the screen.

It was a video of a roaring giant green man.


Fanny couldn't mistake that person for anyone else. He had almost forgotten about this problem while focusing on Skye's training.

"That monster seems to have appeared in the university a few blocks away, " Billy explained, "I don't know if Knight of Divine Punishment will come to help."

Fanny frowned at the footage, considering whether to intervene.

If he arrived in time, he might be able to find the super soldier that General Ross created with a serum and stop them from becoming Abomination.

"Who took this video?" Fanny whispered. Depending on when it was taken, the incident in the video might be over already.

"A member of the fan club. He went there to meet a friend but found this instead. He risked his life for this video," Billy explained.

"Is this still happening?" Fanny quickly confirmed again.

"Well, look, there's a new one."

Billy took the phone and opened different video files. Some of them showed military vehicles filled with soldiers, evacuating the civilians and ushering Billy's friend away.

Fanny made a quick decision. Coincidentally, the class had just ended. He said to Billy, "I'm feeling a little sick. Help me get permission to be absent in the next class."

"Are you really?" Billy eyed Fanny suspiciously. "Don't tell me; are you going to the scene of the video?"

"Why would I go to a battlefield like that?!" Fanny kept a poker face as he lied through his teeth, "Don't you see that there are soldiers on the scene? Your friend was already escorted out; there's no way I could get in there now."

"Then where are you going?" Billy obviously hadn't bought to the excuse that Fanny was feeling unwell.

"Billy, what is one plus one?"

"Two, why?"

"Keep your nose on your face!"

Fanny patted Billy on the shoulder, leaving him with his confusion.

Fanny went to the bathroom and quickly equipped 'Demon Armor Incursio' before opening the portal to the university where Billy's friend recorded the videos.

Greeting Fanny on the other side of the portal, however, was a storm of brass and lead. Fortunately, 'Demon Armor Incursio' was strong enough to defend against all that without any visible damage.

Fanny evaluated the situation. The campus' beautiful view had been desecrated with traces of battle, with scrap metals from destroyed military vehicles littering the premise. Hulk roared in the field, shielding his face with his arms. He was surrounded by a squad of soldiers constantly shooting at him, which was why the stray bullets hit Fanny when he arrived at the scene.

Fanny's arrival attracted the attention of the army.

"General, it's the Silver Knight!" A soldier reported to Ross.

"Go and capture him as well! Dead or alive!" Ross ruthlessly ordered. He had always been a reckless man; if he had any self-awareness whatsoever, he wouldn't have led the effort to capture Hulk.

The soldiers hesitated for a while but ultimately followed the order and fired at Fanny, shocking him.

Fanny flew up using Sky Dance, but several soldiers kept shooting at him. His expression turned ugly as he understood the situation.

Nick Fury's dangerous pursuit of power was to protect the world's safety, but Ross was motivated solely by his own selfishness.

And now Ross even bared his fangs at Fanny, who was not his original target. Fanny decided to ignore the matter of Abomination and prioritized teaching Ross that there are people in this world that he shouldn't provoke.