Stop Fighting!

Fanny floated in midair with Sky Dance, weighing his options—but before he could make any moves, Hulk below him roared in rage and charged towards the soldiers that were shooting him.

Fanny did not care much about Hulk's actions. Hulk's strength was the real deal, but he didn't have much intelligence behind it.

Fanny instead looked around to find Ross and quickly found him. He was the only one with exquisite ironed clothes amidst the busy and rowdy soldiers. He stood beside a woman; she must be his daughter, who was also Banner's girlfriend.

Fanny flew straight at Ross.

Ross, who had been monitoring the situation, immediately recognized something abnormal about Fanny's behavior. He immediately pulled his daughter towards the car.


Fanny obviously wouldn't let Ross run away. He focused his mind and used a short but strong 'Ars Magna' command to make Ross fall to the ground.

"Dad!" The woman next to him screamed and immediately helped Ross up.

The soldiers around them tried to open fire at Fanny, but they were blown away by chant-less 'Explosion Magic.'

Fanny landed right beside Ross and picked the old man up, but the woman next to him grabbed his cloak and shouted before he could say anything,

"Let go of my father!"

"Betty, let him go!"


Fanny was a little stunned by the sight. When did the genre change to a filial tragedy? How did he suddenly become the villain in the situation? He was clearly the victim!

"Shut up!" Fanny shouted angrily. He had only wanted to intervene in the matter between Hulk and Abomination; he had little interest in interacting with Ross. If Ross hadn't been so reckless, Fanny would've preferred not to contact him at all.

"I beg you, let go of my father."

It was rare for a woman to remain calm under stressful situations, and Betty was no different. She ignored the reason for Fanny's anger and begged for mercy while crying and hugging his legs.

Fanny never intended to kill Ross—he was still a military general. Fanny only wanted to teach Ross a lesson, so he would leave Fanny alone.

However, Betty's actions forced him to reconsider his plan.

"Out of the way!" Fanny barked coldly at Betty. Betty had felt a chill on her spine when she saw the scarlet eyes of Fanny's mask, but she stood her ground, tightly grasping his cloak.


Fanny was about to use 'Ars Magna' to knock Betty out, but he suddenly felt a tremor under his feet.

Fanny's expression froze. He wasted no time and pulled Betty, lifting them into the air.

A second later, the enraged Hulk rushed right where Fanny just stood. The giant green monster raised his face to the air and roared.

"Bruce!" Betty began crying again in Fanny's arms, although it didn't seem her tears ever stopped.

Ross looked at the target of Hulk's charge with a horrified expression. Everything in Hulk's path was reduced to ruins.

Hulk looked at Betty. A different emotion glinted through his eyes, but they returned to bloodshot when he roared at Fanny again.

He bent his legs as if gathering power.


Fanny cursed angrily as he caught what was happening. If he guessed correctly, Hulk must have mistaken what he did to Betty as a hostile action and marked him as an enemy.

Fanny didn't wait until Hulk finished the preparation to jump. He immediately landed and let Betty down to reduce his burden and increase his flight speed.

Holding on to Betty would be akin to holding a Hulk Rage Amplification device.

But Fanny didn't let go of Ross yet. The old man would definitely escape immediately if given a chance, and he might even plot revenge against Fanny. Fanny wanted to give him a lesson in life and death first.

Hulk's anger dissipated a lot after Fanny put Betty down, and his expression even relaxed a little. However, Hulk's current intelligence didn't allow him to make complicated decisions. He simply marked those he deemed as enemies and persistently pursued them until they were destroyed, including Fanny.

Carrying only one person, Fanny was much more maneuverable. He skillfully evaded Hulk's jumping and throwing attack with Sky Dance, all while holding on to Ross.

Fanny counterattacked with chant-less 'Explosion Magic,' occasionally scaring Ross by pretending to use him as a shield. It was rather entertaining to watch the old man's expression.

Fanny found that Ross, who looked like he was about to have a heart attack, gave him more thrill in the battle than ever.

As Ross watched the trees, cars, buildings, and weapons pass under him along with the whistling wind, he truly regretted attacking Fanny.

Because Fanny was holding on to Ross, the soldier below didn't dare to open fire. They could only watch and wait for an opportunity to rescue their commander.

Ross was a battle-hardened general. He couldn't reach this point simply through connections; he must have real skills to survive the countless battlefield. He roughly calculated the distance to the ground and decided that he could take the leap if he had the chance.

Hulk's continued failure to hit Fanny enraged him further and further, amplifying his strength and ferocity.

It would be dangerous if even one of those attacks hit, so Fanny had to dance carefully against it.

Betty broke free from the soldiers that restrained her, concerned for her father's and boyfriend's safety. She rushed to the battlefield and shouted while spreading her arms,

"Stop fighting!"

Hulk mistook the rushing Betty for an enemy and almost threw a car wheel at her. Fortunately, he was able to stop himself after recognizing her face.


Hulk roared while holding the wheel as if telling Betty to leave the premise.

Fanny also stopped attacking. In the first place, he had no intention of making an enemy out of Hulk. His true purpose was finding the person who would become Abomination. Fanny quickly scanned the soldiers after recalling his purpose.

He was surrounded by alert soldiers, raising their guns. He couldn't recognize which one of them would become Abomination.

Fanny had no way of knowing that the Future-Abomination was already injured by the Hulk and taken away by his fellow soldiers before Fanny arrived.

"Now is the time!"

Ross finally found the chance to free himself as Fanny looked around, distracted. He pulled the knife hidden in his boots and cut off the bit of his clothes that Fanny was holding on to, falling freely into the air.

Fanny and Ross were up high in the air while Hulk was on the ground. Betty naturally could only reach and attempt to stop Hulk; it's not like she had any idea how to stop Fanny anyway.

Betty stopped halfway through her path due to her lacking stamina and coincidentally stopped almost right below Fanny. However, it's not like Ross would fall straight at Betty when he freed himself.

Unfortunately, Hulk's strength came at the cost of his intelligence. He somehow managed to misunderstand Ross' fall from the sky as Fanny's attack against Betty. The green giant immediately roared and rushed at Betty, holding her tight in his arms, and swatted Ross off the sky.

Fanny was left dumbfounded for a moment, but he knew that things were getting more and more troublesome.