Hulk's First Time

Betty could not see what had happened from within Hulk's arms. She only realized what had happened when she saw a group of soldiers converging while shouting "General!" at Ross on the ground.

"Dad!" Betty screamed. Although she hated her father very much, blood was thicker than water. She immediately broke away from Hulk and ran to Ross.

Hulk reached her hand at Betty, but he didn't stop her in the end.

The soldiers who saw that Fanny and Hulk had lost their hostages immediately began shooting again. An endless stream of gunshots ensued.


Hulk had no precise long-range attack, and he was worried about Betty, so he could only cover his face with his arms helplessly. But Fanny had a much more straightforward solution. He bombarded the soldier with "Explosion Magic" from the sky, teaching the soldiers about the true form of art - explosion!

Hulk felt a little sad after Betty abandoned him. He chose to give up any resistance, especially after seeing Fanny's firepower. The green giant glanced once more at Betty, who was running at Ross and escaped to the woods.

Fanny still hadn't finished with Ross, and now Hulk had escaped. He was in utter loss. He hadn't even found Abomination yet. Losing the chance to contact Hulk right now would mean the entire trip was a waste of time.

"It doesn't matter once you die."

After pondering for a long while, Fanny finally decided that contacting Hulk was more important. He flew away to follow the green giant. Ross' problem was the result of his own recklessness; had he not tried to escape, none of this would happen.

Fanny was too lazy to care about the consequences of Ross' death. There were only a handful of people that knew his identity anyway, and none of them had a good relationship with the military. Tony had fallen out of favor with them, and Nick Fury wouldn't go out of his way to expose the cause of Ross' death.

Moreover, even if his identity was exposed, he could just hide behind Ancient One. Ancient One's thick thigh would be able to protect him from anyone on Earth.

The soldiers obviously did not have the courage or ability to stop the two monsters from departing. And with the life of their general uncertain, their operation was doomed.


Hulk was only running with his legs, but his speed was quite astonishing. He could cross dozens of meters with each step, and Fanny could barely keep up. He continued to run until they reached the edge of a forest before turning to face Fanny, who followed him. He stopped and let out an insane roar.

"Calm down; I don't want to fight!" Fanny shouted at Hulk from the air.

"Roar!" But Hulk wasn't exactly known to be reasonable. He simply roared again and prepared to fight.

Fanny did not want to continue fighting, but it was impossible to persuade Hulk. In a moment of desperation, a thought suddenly flashed through his mind.

"Stop!" Fanny shouted loudly while frantically summoning fried chickens. It was as if a rain of fried chicken had fallen from the sky and landed on Hulk.

Hulk was slightly stunned by the sudden change in scenery, but he still reacted and evaded the falling fried chicken. The aroma of 'Sumire Karaage Rolls' that entered his nose made him subconsciously gulp his saliva.

An ordinary person would need two hands to hold the fried chicken rolls, but Hulk only needed two fingers. It looked like tiny little candy in his hand.

"Try it. It's edible."

Fanny breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing that his skill was effective. He encouraged Hulk to take a bite with expectant eyes.

Hulk had low intelligence and a volatile temper, but he wasn't deaf. He alternated between eyeing Fanny, who had landed some distance away, and the fried chicken in his hand with suspicion, but ultimately he couldn't resist the temptation and stuffed the fragrant fried chicken in his mouth.

Fanny cheered triumphantly in his heart. Sure enough, 'Sumire Karaage Rolls' was the omnipotent skill!

Hulk's rugged and harsh green face showed a rare smile, which made his body shape seem to shrink. For Hulk, who used anger as the power source, the joy brought by 'Sumire Karaage Rolls' was akin to a potent poison.

But Hulk obviously did not care about this at this time. The tiny fried chicken roll, not even the size of his finger, was obviously not enough to satisfy his hunger. He immediately prepared to gather the fried chicken rolls that fell on the ground.

Fanny immediately halted him and said, "Don't eat those. I'll make more for you."

Fanny summoned a bouquet of four 'Sumire Karaage Rolls' in his hands and carefully approached Hulk.

Hulk growled at Fanny in a low voice, baring his teeth. He hesitated but finally approached Fanny after seeing the fried chicken bouquet.

Fanny grinned under the mask. This was obviously a good start.

Finally, the two people met face to face. Fanny gently put all the 'Sumire Karaage Rolls' on Hulk's stretched hand.

Hulk poured all of them into his mouth and chewed through them in less than ten seconds.

Fanny didn't falter. He immediately summoned more fried chicken after seeing that Hulk had finished eating, and the cycle continued. Hulk only stopped after he consumed a hundred 'Sumire Karaage Rolls' or so.

"Burp ---" He couldn't even hold his own burp.

"I, Mage!" Fanny pointed at himself and tried to introduce himself to Hulk.

"Hulk…" Hulk mumbled. While he could understand a few words right now, his vocabulary was obviously limited. It was rather difficult to communicate with him.

"Friend!" Fanny understood this limitation, so he spoke while doing some gestures, pointing at himself and Hulk. "Mage, Hulk, friends!"

Fanny then clasped his hands together, signifying friendly intent.

"Fri- Fri- Fri- Mage, Hulk, Friend!" Hulk recited the same sentence as if he was reading through gritted teeth. The rage in his eyes against Fanny had significantly subsided.

"Yeah!" Fanny nodded happily.

"Hulk... has... a friend!" Hulk was even happier than Fanny. Since his birth, he had only ever known hatred from Banner and fear from the others. This was the first time he felt other feelings.

It was different from his attitude towards Betty, which was influenced by Banner's feelings. Fanny was the only real friend Hulk had obtained.

"Yes, friend mage!" Fanny nodded again. He had no prejudice against Hulk. The green giant might be a little unruly, but he was straight-up a good child compared to the other troublesome superheroes.

"Hulk, has, friend!" Hulk stood up excitedly and shouted at the sky. Fanny was perhaps the only one to ever witness this innocent happiness.

However, before Fanny could say anything else to Hulk, the green giant suddenly fell to the ground. He reluctantly glanced at Fanny as the green color on his body faded, and his muscles shrank bit by bit. Finally, he became a middle-aged uncle with chest hair.

And he only wore a pair of pants!