Crazy Blonsky

"Where's Betty?!" Banner kept pestering Fanny with that question. Perhaps he was afraid that Fanny didn't know who Betty was, so he continued by describing her, "She's Ross' daughter; she should also be in the university back then. She was a beautiful woman in a white lab coat—"

"I know her!" Fanny rolled his eyes and replied, "After you sent her father flying, she cried and ran to his side. She should be fine."

Banner's heart relaxed a little, but he was still very depressed. Even if he got rid of Hulk, Betty would never be with him again.

"It's hard to say if he actually died back then."

Fanny hadn't confirmed Ross' death himself, and he wasn't sure that Hulk's slap would kill Ross so easily. There were many secret technologies in the Marvel universe, and Ross had access to many of those technologies. It was difficult to ascertain whether Ross would stay dead.

In the original plot, Coulson had been forcibly resurrected despite having been dead for so long. Who was to say that the military couldn't do the same?!

Banner thought that Fanny was just comforting him. He smiled bitterly and did not say a word. He knew how strong Hulk was. How could the old Ross be able to withstand a blow from Hulk?

Fanny didn't dally any longer after eating. He had sneaked out after taking a leave of absence, so staying there would risk getting discovered.

Although Banner was physically and mentally exhausted, he still tried to keep his spirits up. He knew how terrible it would be if his serum leaked out.

Banner had explained Mr. Blue's identity to Fanny: the head of cellular biology at Grayburn College, Samuel Sterns.

Banner's mood had been sour the entire way to Grayburn. Ross had pursued him for experiment and persecution, but he was still the father of the person he loved the most in the world. He had no words to describe what he was feeling.

Fanny did not have the talent to comfort people, so he stayed silent for the most part. He was partially responsible for this matter; if he hadn't brought Ross up in the sky, Hulk wouldn't have slapped the old man.

The two arrived in Grayburn not long after.

Fanny's handsome appearance attracted the attention of many girls, making Banner uncomfortable—he was too used to living in exile, hiding from everything and everyone. He subconsciously separated himself from Fanny.

"Hello, handsome. I haven't seen you around before; which department are you from?"

Some of the girls mustered the courage to strike up a conversation with Fanny, which made things easier. He had been a little worried about how to find the person they were looking for. "Hi there. I'm here to find someone. He's a professor here, but I only know his name. Can you help me find him?"

"What's his name? Maybe I know him."

"Samuel Sterns. He should be in the cellular biology department."

A trace of regret flashed across the girl's face. She obviously didn't know who that was. After thinking for a while, she shook her head, "I don't know him, sorry. You could probably just go to his lab and take a look there."

The girl pointed in a direction and continued, "That building is where all the biology department laboratories are. The doors should have the name and contact information of the professors. I hope that helps."

"Thank you!" Fanny thanked the girl.

"My name is Katy."

The girl stretched out her hand expectantly, making her ulterior motives obvious. Fanny had no intention of playing around with her, and she wasn't his type, but he still shook her hands while smiling. "My name is Billy."

Fanny sent away the girl after some more chit-chat and receiving her contact information. He then returned to Banner, who was hiding in a corner and took him to the laboratory building.

Fanny and Banner soon found Samuel Sterns' laboratory.

Fanny didn't want to attract attention, so he let Banner handle talking with Samuel. He instead put on the 'Demon Armor Incursio' and activated the stealth mode.

Banner had already adapted to the surprising array of abilities that Fanny had, so he managed to stay focused on investigating what Samuel Sterns had done with his sample.

"Hello, Dr. Sterns, I am Bruce Banner," Banner flagged Samuel Sterns, who was walking with his head buried in a book.

Samuel Sterns was puzzled when he saw who was talking to him. Banner was obviously not a student.

"Oh, should I call you Mr. Blue?"

Samuel Sterns' face brightened when he heard the nickname that only two people should know in the world. He exclaimed in surprise, "Mr. Green?!"

Banner was worried that Samuel Sterns' excitement would attract too much attention, so he quickly pulled him over and whispered, "We need to talk, but not here."

"Come with me." Samuel Sterns impatiently pulled Banner. He didn't expect to meet his mysterious correspondent.

Fanny quietly followed behind the two of them and arrived at Sterns' personal laboratory.

"I didn't expect to ever meet you. I doubted if you even existed!" Sterns went on and on excitedly about his theories, speculations, and thoughts with Banner.

Fanny took a look around the laboratory while Sterns and Banner talked. He sighed when he found the endless rows of blood bags in glass cabinets.

He immediately intervened in the conversation.

"It's you, Knight of Divine Punishment!" Sterns was obviously not as far out of the loop as Banner and recognized Fanny at a glance. He asked in surprise and fear, "You…Why are you here?!"

"Let's go inside and take a look. He has more than I thought," Fanny ignored Sterns and talked directly to Banner. He still needed Banner to trust him, so he didn't destroy the blood samples immediately.

Banner's face changed. Sterns' endless tirade had prevented him from asking about the blood, and he didn't expect that Fanny would find it.

Ignoring the confused Sterns, Banner followed Fanny and opened a door. His expression darkened when he saw the cabinets filled with blood.

"Are these all my blood?!"

Banner had no time to deal with Hulk in his body. He felt that the most important thing now was to destroy all these dangerous things first.

"You only sent me so little sample, so I have to distill it and make more. We still don't know which is more toxic, your blood or the gamma, but through a little more trial and error, there's no end to what we can do," Samuel Sterns explained excitedly while following them, "It will bring us a Nobel!"

"No, no, we have to destroy them now!"

Banner looked nervously at the blood bags around him. He wouldn't have sent him any blood samples if he knew that Sterns could do this.

"Why?!" Samuel Sterns had a look of utter disbelief on his face.

"Alright, stop talking nonsense. Let's get started," Fanny interrupted Banner before he could start explaining. The sky outside had already darkened. Fanny still wanted to go home early.

Samuel Sterns was a little scared when Fanny spoke. The media exaggeration and the intimidating figure of 'Demon Armor Incursio' silenced him in front of Fanny.

At the same time, in a military base.

Blonsky, who had just finished his second injection, was holding a woman's neck while barking questions at her, "Where is he? Tell me where he is! I can avenge your father!"