How Is Your Pants

Chapter 85 How Are Your Pants?

"That playboy?!"

Stark's company had risen to prominence as a major arms manufacturer before Banner underwent his mutation, so he was obviously aware of Tony Stark.

"That's the one!" Fanny nodded.

It might be better if Fanny contacted Nick Fury about this instead, considering that Nick had the most experience and resources suited to protect and hide Banner. Unfortunately, Fanny didn't trust Nick Fury, and it would be hard to make Banner trust SHIELD.

Therefore, Fanny decided to ask for Tony's help instead.

"I want you to go to his place and stay hidden for a while," Fanny said. He could kill multiple birds with one stone this way—he could gain Banner's trust, obtain the super experience dummy Hulk, and throw Hulk at any dangerous problem that might appear in the future.

"Alright, but I have somewhere to go first," Banner agreed, but not without his own request. He couldn't place all his eggs in Fanny's basket, not when the experiment he did with Mr. Blue had shown some results. He wanted to find Mr. Blue and finish the final experiment before deciding whether to follow Fanny.

"Are you going to find Mr. Blue?" Fanny immediately saw through Banner's plan. He sneered, "Do you really think that the thing he made can help you deal with Hulk?"

"At most, it will only weaken Hulk. Also, have you really thought through the consequences of giving an insane biologist your super serum?"

Banner was a little taken aback with fear when Fanny displayed his 'omniscience,' but he couldn't hold his curiosity. "What do you mean?"

"He found a way to reproduce the blood sample you sent him. If you let him get better samples in more quantities, he might even make legions of monsters like you. Actual monsters without your conscience."

"No, Mr. Blue wouldn't do that!" Banner shouted. The pain and trauma brought by his mutation were still fresh in his heart. He felt enraged that he might've caused more people to become like him.

Fanny wasn't afraid when he saw the undulating green veins under Banner's skin. He continued casually, "It doesn't matter to me whether you believe me; it was entirely your own business. I could take you to him right now and prove what I said."

Fanny saw an opportunity to eliminate the mass-produced blood samples. Without those samples, there shouldn't be any way for Abomination to appear.

Banner quickly restrained his anger. He rearranged his priorities and focused on preventing others from becoming like him before dealing with the monster in his body.

Fanny then released the 'Demon Armor Incursio' from his body. He would likely have to contact Banner directly in the future, so revealing his identity would be necessary. He'd be better off doing this as soon as possible.

Banner was shocked when he saw Fanny removing his armor. His shock was only amplified by Fanny's real appearance. "Is this your real form? What happened to your armor?"

"Don't worry about that." Fanny looked at Banner with a sour mood and offered his hand while introducing himself, "Fanny Helsed. Just call me Fanny."

"Bruce Banner!" Banner shook Fanny's hand but then quickly returned his hand in front of his chest.

What the hell was he trying to hide, his chest hair?!

"So, how are we going to leave this place?" Banner looked around at the deserted forest and continued, "Also, can you lend me some money to buy clothes?"

Fanny rolled his eyes and opened a portal in front of Banner, stunning the middle-aged man. "Come on!"

"Wait, what is this?" Banner began to doubt his eyes, wondering if he was hallucinating.

"It's a portal." Fanny didn't want to explain anything more about it. A scientist's curiosity knows no end; they would be stuck there for days if he let Banner ask questions. He stepped through the portal and urged, "Hurry up and come over here."

Banner carefully inspected the portal. After seeing that Fanny was completely fine after crossing over, he stomped his feet and trembled as he passed through the portal.

"This is amazing!"

Banner was greeted with surprise after opening his eyes on the other side of the portal. He found himself right in the middle of New York City.

Fanny took out a few hundred dollars from his wallet and handed it to Banner. "Go buy some clothes. I'll wait here."

Fanny had some worry that Banner would just leave him, but it's not like he could restrain Banner indefinitely. If Banner really wanted to escape, the genius scientist would find a way sooner or later.

"Thank you!"

Banner was very moved by how much money Fanny had coughed up for him. He then recalled about his ex-girlfriend and realized that he hadn't asked about what had happened.

But the first priority was buying a set of clothes. Banner went to a nearby clothing store and entered the shop awkwardly, vigilant and suspicious eyes watching his every movement.

Banner left the store with a selection of carefully chosen disguises. He wore a gray short-sleeved shirt, loose pants, and a baseball cap that covered half of his face.

"How're your pants?" Fanny trusted and even admired Banner's choice of pants. His previous pants had survived the 'Explosion Magic,' so the defensive power must be off the charts.

"Uh, it's okay." Banner subconsciously pulled the waist of his pants and stretched it open before letting it snap back.

"Do you want to eat something first?"

Fanny noticed that Banner kept glancing at a restaurant not far away. He found it fascinating. Hulk had just eaten more than a hundred fried chicken pieces; did none of those remain after he turned back into Banner?!

"Can I?" Banner asked shyly. Without 'Demon Armor Incursio,' Fanny looked like an average handsome young man. He was far less intimidating without the gleaming armor, but Banner was nonetheless still a little uncomfortable with him.

"Let's go. We still have some time to spare." Fanny led the way to the restaurant. He didn't really like Banner, but it's not like he wanted to be enemies with him.

The years he spent on the run made Banner naturally choose the restaurant's most remote and inconspicuous corner. He finally asked Fanny about the previous incident while eating,

"That mon—Hulk, what has he done?" Banner almost called Hulk monster again but decided to change his words after recalling Fanny's attitude.

"Just a warning, please don't be afraid!" Fanny looked at Banner hesitantly, not knowing whether to tell him.

"Don't worry, I have been following a strict training regime. I won't be afraid." Banner took a few deep breaths to keep himself calm.

"You might have slapped General Ross to death!"


Banner suddenly stood up and slammed the table, causing the cups to fall on the ground. His actions attracted some attention from the people around them.

Fanny saw green veins erupt from Banner's neck. The man's chest heaved up and down with each breath, and his fists were clenched tightly—as if he was holding something back.

"Calm down!"

Fanny somewhat regretted what he said. It would be troublesome if Hulk appeared in the middle of the city.

Fortunately, Banner had not skimped on his training. He calmed down after taking deep breaths and sat back on his chair. His eyes were filled with pain.