But Hulk Was Stronger

The 'Explosion Magic' Fanny just unleashed might not look as spectacular as his previous one, but it was not any weaker. Its power was focused within the sphere around Blonsky, so the damage was greater.

Fanny checked the system after the spell was completed and was subsequently stunned by the massive amount of experience points. There was about seventy Mordo worth of experience points. He was overjoyed.

"It seems that the amount was really related to how thoroughly I defeated the opponent."

Fanny sighed with mixed feelings in his heart. Today's trip had been overwhelmingly worthwhile. The experience gained from defeating Blonsky had filled about a quarter of the bar, bringing him close to the sixth extraction.

"Mage, fire, powerful, but Hulk, stronger!"

Hulk had gotten over his shock and awe and returned to his argument with Fanny.


Fanny was too lazy to argue with Hulk. He was basically a big child. It doesn't matter if he relented this once; there would be more chances to prove his strength and gain experience.

The experience points Fanny gained were almost definite proof that Blonsky had died, but just in case, Fanny investigated the deep pit blasted by his Boosted 'Explosion Magic.'

Fanny found Blonsky still retaining his human shape in the pit. The soldier's entire body was charred black, the color of charcoal. His appearance was rather miserable.

Fanny was surprised by Blonsky's strength. The last time he unleashed the Boosted 'Explosion Magic,' he had turned a swarm of robots into slags.

Yet Blonsky had been able to keep his body intact. That would mean his body was several times stronger than solid steel.

One must tackle a problem down to the roots to prevent any unnecessary consequences. Fanny was very tired, but he gritted his teeth and released another 'Explosion Magic' to destroy the corpse.


However, Blonsky's body was still intact after one shot, with all its dark charcoal glory. It didn't seem like he wanted to be cremated.


Another shot only succeeded in shifting the corpse's position a little.

Fanny was furious. This guy kept picking fights even after it died?!

Hulk approached Fanny curiously, watching him unleash explosions one after another.

After Fanny released the fifth explosion with a ragged breath, Blonsky was finally purged from this world. Only a pile of black dust remained of the veteran soldier.

Fanny was utterly spent after finishing the clean-up work. This was even worse than fighting hundreds of robots, but fortunately, he ended up victorious.

Fanny turned at Hulk and suddenly recalled something. "Where did Sterns go?"

"(o _o)?"

Hulk showed a confused expression.

"When you appeared, didn't you have someone with you?"

Hulk's confusion only increased. "Enemy, pew-pew, pain, mage, danger, help."

Hulk could only speak in simple words, but Fanny more or less understood what he said. Banner must have encountered armed soldiers, so he had to call for Hulk.

After defeating the enemy, Hulk accidentally saw the battle between Fanny and Blonsky, so he came to help.

Fanny was actually a little touched. Just a few fried chicken rolls had netted him loyal support from Hulk in any situation. Fanny felt his soul was purified from this innocent relationship.

"Thank you!"

Fanny thanked him. Fanny hadn't required Hulk's help right now, but he still felt grateful for the green giant's kindness.

Perhaps because Hulk had never experienced this before, the green giant scratched his head, looking a little embarrassed.

Fanny was not in a hurry to find Samuel Sterns. He turned to look at the laboratory not far away and prepared to continue destroying the blood samples.

Fanny brought Hulk back to the laboratory and then gathered all the remaining blood samples before obliterating them with an 'Explosion Magic.'

However, this wasn't enough to fully assuage Fanny's worry. He looked around at the smashed campus and decided to make himself absolutely certain.

"Since the campus had been destroyed anyway, you might as well build a new laboratory."

Fanny silently whispered to Samuel Sterns. He led Hulk out of the laboratory and took one last inspection around the building, making sure that there were no survivors trapped or remaining within. He then flew up high to the sky, using the last of his strength to shout 'Explosion!' with all his might, erasing the laboratory building off the face of the Earth.

As the dancing flames devoured the laboratory, Fanny descended and brought Hulk to look for Sterns. Unfortunately, they couldn't find him even after looking for a long time. Ultimately, he could only open a portal dejectedly and left the campus with Hulk.

Not long after Fanny left, a team from SHIELD arrived to investigate the scene. The team's leader was someone Fanny knew well, the Black Widow, Natasha.

"What happened here? Did someone fire a missile at the school?"

A SHIELD agent asked in shock when he saw the deep pit caused by Fanny's 'Explosion Magic.'

"No, I think it was Silver Knight's handiwork,"

A person beside him replied while taking photographs of the scene, equally surprised. "I had no idea how he got here. I heard not even Stark knew about his identity."

"Do you think he is an alien?"

Although they were agents of SHIELD, they were also normal people. This wasn't the first time they had discussed Fanny's mysterious identity.

"Who knows? Anyway, that armor was obviously different from the Iron Man and War Machine."

Natasha inspected the perimeter not far from them, taking a similar interest in the deep pit carved out by 'Explosion Magic.' She then reported to Nick Fury, "They're no longer here."

"From the battle damages, it doesn't look like he was fighting with the big man."

Nick Fury calmly replied to Natasha's report, "I knew that. It was a rogue operation by a soldier in the military."

"See if you can find the reason why they came here."

"I'm sorry, sir. Why don't you ask him directly?"

Natasha was a little confused. Nick Fury already had Fanny's contact information, so she couldn't see why he did such a roundabout thing.

Nick Fury went silent for a moment, considering whether to tell Natasha. He finally explained, "He doesn't trust us, much less SHIELD."

"Contacting him too much would make him doubt us even more!"

From Fanny's attitude the last time Nick Furry contacted him, Nick could tell that Fanny didn't like to be constrained or disturbed. Therefore, Nick didn't want to contact Fanny unless absolutely necessary for the foreseeable future.

SHIELD's thorough investigation quickly found Samuel Sterns, who had escaped from Hulk, sleeping under a table in a classroom.

Confusion filled his face when he opened his eyes, having no idea what had transpired.

"Hello, Dr. Samuel Sterns."

Natasha looked at Sterns' dazed eyes in the interrogation room. She walked closer to him with a sweet smile and asked, "Can you tell me what happened?"


Meanwhile, Fanny was worried that Hulk would scare Skye, so he opened a portal to the Himalayas instead of back home.

However, after they reached the mountain range, Fanny's worries only increased. If Hulk didn't return to Banner, he had to arrange for Hulk's accommodation tonight.

Hulk stared at Fanny while only wearing a pair of pants in the middle of the ice and snow of the mountain range. After a while, he spat out two words, "Hulk, hungry…."