'Demon Armor Incursio' Evolves Again

Regardless of Captain America and his parachute training, what Fanny knew was that he needed to work hard for the little time he had for his own training.

He still needed quite a bit of experience to attempt the sixth extraction. He couldn't just rely on the large amount of experience that Hulk gave him, especially when he wanted to do at least the seventh draw before the official debut of the Avengers.

Fanny went to Kamar-Taj that evening. He hadn't had any chance to go there during the last few days due to the problem with Hulk.

A group of mages immediately surrounded him due to his recent absence.

It wasn't due to respect or veneration: it was mainly for his fried chicken. After being deprived for three days, these mages were almost feral.

The situation gave Fanny some ideas. He couldn't guarantee that he would be able to go to Kamar-Taj every day, after all.

The next day, Fanny went to buy a few refrigerators and installed them across Kamar-Taj.

He filled them with 'Sumire Karaage Rolls' at the speed of three per second, taking a few hours to fill them all. In any case, the Kamar-Taj mage would still have food even if he couldn't personally come.

Although the taste would be a little worse, it was better than nothing.

The mages of Kamar-Taj unanimously praised this action. This also solved the problem that they could only eat in the morning.

Fanny had undeniably become a necessary existence for Kamar-Taj.

Ignoring the rest of the world, his influence on Kamar-Taj was clear. If he someday abandoned Kamar-Taj, many mages might even suffer anorexia.

Fanny met Banner again after two days of rest, but the scientist greeted him with a weird look.

"What's wrong? Am I wearing something strange?"

Fanny looked down at himself. He had a grayish-white short-sleeved shirt and blue jeans. He had washed up in the morning, so there should be no difference from usual.

"What did you do with Hulk during those three days?"

Banner had gone over his memories repeatedly for the last few days, and he even went through the trash in the room. All of them pointed to the memory being the truth, but he still couldn't believe that the Hulk had such a side to him.

His impression of Hulk was a brutal and crazy monster, but the Hulk in his memory was simply like a child. He could not reconcile these images.

"What did I do with Hulk?" Fanny had some doubts in his eyes. "We eat, sleep, and fight!"

"You gave him hamburgers and coke?"

The weird feeling in Banner's eyes remained. He couldn't understand how Fanny could happily get along with Hulk.

"Yes, what's wrong?" Fanny then thought that maybe Hulk had eaten too much, causing some trouble for Banner. He hadn't seen Hulk ever using the toilet during the three days he was with the green giant, after all. He asked with concern in his voice, "Is there something wrong with your body?"

"No!" Banner shook his head, not knowing what to say. Fanny's existence made him realize the other side of Hulk. "Is it really useful for you to do this?"

Banner was not easy to fool, although he was not as stubborn as Nick Fury. He was a professor with rich knowledge and a good temper.

He would accept the hope that Fanny gave him, but he would also doubt its efficacy along the way. This attitude was completely normal.

"I have to give it a shot."

Fanny did not give a definite answer. Banner didn't seem to be backing out of the deal; he was just confused about the future. Perhaps he was beginning to accept the life of coexistence with Hulk.

The two of them then proceeded to a remote location so Banner could let Hulk out. Hulk no longer roared in rage, as he was already used to it. He instead ran over happily when he saw Fanny.

"Come, let's fight. Whoever loses this time will have good food!"

Fanny used sinister trickery to confuse and weaken Hulk.

Sure enough, a hint of hesitation flashed on Hulk's face, but his obsession for victory ultimately exceeded his desire for food. He replied resolutely, "Hulk, win!"

"The winner has nothing to eat!"

Had Fanny ever cared about his image? In front of a stranger, perhaps he would maintain a polite image. But with people he was familiar with, his true nature appeared.

If he ever cared about his image, he wouldn't have forced mages to admit defeat by avoiding them with 'Sky Dance' like he had done.

Despite Ancient One's warning to not let power control him, Fanny still held a shameless desire to win in his heart.

Even if he had to bully the child-like Hulk to achieve it.

"Do you see this?" Fanny summoned a 'Sumire Karaage Rolls' and waved it in front of Hulk. He said with a mischievous grin, "If you lose, you can eat whatever you want!"

"Hulk, win!" Hulk's eyes followed the 'Sumire Karaage Rolls,' but his mouth still declared victory. He even said with contempt, "Mage, bad!"


Fanny sneered in his heart. Forget being 'bad,' he wanted to show Hulk how cruel the world of adults was.

"Those who win the battle are not allowed to watch TV."

Hulk's rage was ignited. He looked straight at Fanny before sulking and declaring angrily, "Hulk, with mage, no fight!"

"Eh?!" Fanny's provocation seemed to have worked a little too well. He quickly backtracked, "Alright, alright, let's forget about that."

Hulk turned to face Fanny again, anger still in his eyes. "Mage, shameless. Not worthy, victory!"

It was Fanny's turn to get provoked. He abandoned any dirty tricks and challenged again, "Come on then, show me how unworthy I am!"

Unfortunately, it was the reality that Fanny could not win. Without some way to defeat Hulk with the first attack, Hulk would just become stronger and stronger like an immortal cockroach.

On the other hand, Fanny didn't lose either—or at least in his opinion.

Their battle left the location a huge mess. The battle was worse than a drunken demolition team; Fanny's 'Explosion Magic' aside, each of Hulk's punches and kicks was equally explosive.

Fanny was a little worried when he looked at the sullen Hulk who had just beaten him again. Hulk's obsession with battle was so strong that it overcame the temptation of food, yet it was so hard for Fanny to beat the green giant normally.

Fanny did not really stop Hulk from eating. He still brought food and drinks for the green giant.

This time, Banner didn't deliberately extend Hulk's appearance. Banner reappeared right when they finished eating and were about to turn the TV on.

In the following period of time, Fanny tried his best to fight Hulk three times every time the green giant emerged.

Other than gaining a huge amount of experience, the intense battle also caused the 'Demon Armor Incursio' to evolve again.

Fanny wasn't the only one who improved through the battle. Hulk also improved—and he improved quickly. Fanny could no longer evade all of his attacks and even took direct hits several times. The power of each punch was simply terrifying.

The extreme situation had caused 'Demon Armor Incursio' to evolve an ability to absorb physical impacts. Fanny called it 'physical resistance'—it was somewhat similar to the ability of Captain America's shield.

With that ability, while Hulk's fist wasn't rendered harmless per se, its threat was very much reduced. Fanny began to see hope for defeating Hulk again.