My Name Is Fanny Helsed

Red Skull went on a tirade about how wonderful it would be to become a Hydra leader, but Fanny wasn't swayed in the slightest.

Although, after calming down, the young mage realized that the current Hydra was not the same one that Red Skull had once led. As the organization grew stronger and larger, despite sharing the same slogan, it was divided into clear factions with its many leaders.

If Red Skull suddenly returned and tried to assert his leadership, the other factions would band together to suppress him.

After eating and drinking his fill, Fanny got up and stretched. He then walked to the edge of the cliff, peering down.

He had spent time chatting to Red Skull in order to see if the Soul Stone would appear, but there wasn't any movement after so long.

He decided to switch strategy and grasp the initiative.

"Soul Stone, get the hell out here!" Fanny ignored Red Skull's stunned expression and continued shouting, "If you don't come out, I will smash this damned altar and destroy your fucking planet!"

"Fanny, obtaining the Soul Stone requires a price," Red Skull reminded him, fulfilling his duty as a guide.

"I know, but I have to make it understand that there was a price for provoking me."

Fanny was full of anger. He equipped 'Demon Armor Incursio' and flew high up to the sky with Sky Dance. Aiming towards two distant boulders, he proclaimed, "My name is Fanny Helsed, the only user of Explosion Magic on Earth! Soul Stone, take a good look at my power!"

"Darker than black, darker than darkness, fuse with my true crimson!"

A massive magic array of unprecedented size appeared in front of Fanny. He was determined to show the power of Explosion Magic to the Soul Stone.

"The time of awakening has arrived! Descend within these forbidden boundaries and become an intangible distortion!"

"Dance, dance, dance! Forces of ruin shall flood my torrent of power to become unmatched annihilation! Descend from your abyss and return all of creation to its source!"

His emotion flooded into the chant that Fanny had not noticed he had extended. This Explosion Magic might be his strongest yet.

"Humanity knows not of a more powerful offensive spell; this is the ultimate attack magic!"

Crimson light pulsed within the complex, layered magic array. Fanny needed only to call its name to release it.


"Stop!" A soft voice suddenly spoke into Fanny's mind, causing him to almost accidentally lose control of the magic.

Fanny tried his best to re-contain the unprecedented power within his Explosion Magic. He sneered, "Why did you summon me here?"

"Your soul is very special, so much so that Time could not predict your future. Space was curious, so it sent you to me so I could look into your soul!"

Fanny's rage was only exacerbated by this explanation. His magic was barely contained at this point.

"Just because of that stupid reason, I got sent to this bullshit place?!"

"That is Space's decision; I had no say!" Soul Stone threw Space under the bus without hesitation. "You must not destroy this place; dispel your ability."

"Send me back!" Fanny demanded.

"I can't!"

"Then wait for your sacrifice in the next world!" Fanny pretended to unleash his magic.

"You can't do this!" Soul Stone said angrily, "I don't have the ability to teleport you. Only Space can do it."

"Then make it send me back!"

Fanny would definitely make the Space Stone pay the price when he returns.

"But we're too far away from it!"

Soul Stone's reply almost made Fanny explode with anger.

"Who do you think caused all this?"

The magic array flickered, growing unstable along with Fanny's emotions. It wouldn't be able to hold on for long.

An orange light suddenly flashed from the bottom of the cliff, enveloping Fanny and Explosion Magic's array and calming them down.

"I can tell it to take you back the next time it's activated," Soul Stone offered a compromise.

Fanny frowned. He then drained most of the energy from the magic array and released the explosive force at a distant mountain.

Soul Stone was only one of the Infinity Stones. Fanny could try and test its limit, but he was worried that it had some trump card to use against him.


Even though Fanny had drained its power, the Explosion Magic he unleashed this time was still exceptionally powerful; though, Fanny wasn't paying attention to it.

"Could it not activate the teleportation ability now?" Fanny asked, still floating in the air. He felt a little awkward not having a direction to point his voice.

"It had consumed a lot of energy to send you here, so it cannot immediately attempt it again."

Fanny was left speechless. He asked sarcastically, "How high is your IQ?"

"Do not try and judge us with the standards of mortals." Despite Soul Stone's immature tone, the sentence somehow carried the weight of old age. "Time, Space, Mind, Power, Reality, Soul. We know everything that could be known about this universe."

"Heh, but you don't know me!" Fanny sneered.

"That was why Space was curious about you. Now, so am I."

Somewhere else, the Soul Stone glowed quietly. It was the stone with the most self-defense ability among the six Infinity Stones, but at the end of the day, it was only a stone. It could only exert its full power when it was wielded by someone.

It really could not see through Fanny's soul, which was why it chose to speak to Fanny. If it was anyone else, the Soul Stone wouldn't have budged, even if Vormir was actually destroyed.

Of course, if it was anyone else, the more likely scenario was they would be taught a lesson about not picking a fight with just any Stone.


Fanny didn't know why, but he easily accepted the compromise offered by the Soul Stone and stopped his interrogation. Though, he guessed the main reason was that he believed Ancient One would find him and bring him back sooner or later.

"How much has the Earth changed?" Red Skull asked absentmindedly as Fanny descended from the sky.

"Quite a bit." Fanny nodded as he thought about the things that would happen in the future.

The way 'Demon Armor Incursio' appeared and disappeared was pretty magical, but there were many equally strange technology in the universe. That's why Red Skull didn't notice how strong and bizarre Fanny was.

But the 'Explosion Magic' that Fanny unleashed opened Red Skull's eyes. This harmless-looking boy was nothing short of a walking and breathing nuclear arsenal.

Red Skull had no idea that even the powerful explosion just now was just a fraction of the true power of 'Explosion Magic.'

Fanny, however, noticed a discrepancy. The 'Explosion Magic' that he just unleashed was way too powerful; he almost lost control of it several times. But he didn't actually do anything special other than extending the chant and feeling a little angry.